Supervision : Elham KASHEFI
Co-supervision : HENRIET Loïc (Pasqal)
Analogue randomized benchmarking of Pasqal quantum processors
Phd defence : 10/20/2023 Departure date : 12/31/2023
2021-2023 Publications
- J. Landman, S. Thabet, C. Dalyac, H. Mhiri, E. Kashefi : “Classically Approximating Variational Quantum Machine Learning with Random Fourier Features”, (2022)
- C. Dalyac, L. Henriet, E. Jeandel, W. Lechner, S. Perdrix, M. Porcheron, M. Veshchezerova : “Qualifying quantum approaches for hard industrial optimization problems. A case study in the field of smart-charging of electric vehicles”, ROADEF 2022 - 23e congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Villeurbanne - Lyon, France (2022)