PhD graduated
Equipe : QI
Data de partida : 31/08/2022

Direção de pesquisa : Eleni DIAMANTI

Design and optimization tools for the quantum internet

In this thesis, we explore different aspects of quantum networks to help the international community build the Quantum Internet. We define the Quantum Internet, show the main challenges and some applications. We study the state of the art of metropolitan quantum networking, by simulating bipartite and multipartite protocols in a realistic context. We also study the composable security of a verification protocol that is used as a building block by other protocols. Finally, we analyse the possibility of long-distance quantum communication, first by studying a series of quantum repeater protocols, then by simulating satellite communication.
This thesis was written in the context of quantum Internet development. We try here to contribute to the community by discussing some security concerns and by providing detailed models and simulation studies of quantum internet architectures and protocols. We also try to give a comprehensive introduction to the quantum Internet that encompasses some of its most important aspects. It hopefully highlights important parameters and issues to resolve, while showing what could be realizable as of today.

Defesas : 24/10/2022

Data de partida : 31/08/2022

Publicações 2021-2024