PhD graduated
Team : Whisper
Departure date : 12/31/2020

Supervision : Julia LAWALL

Automatic Inference of Software transformation rules for automatically back and forward portiing legacy infrastructure sofware

The Linux kernel is present today in all kinds of computing environments, from smartphones to supercomputers, including both the latest hardware and "ancient" systems. This multiplicity of environments has come at the expense of a large code size, of approximately ten million lines of code, dedicated to device drivers. However, to add new functionalities, or for performance or security reasons, some internal Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) can be redesigned, triggering the need for changes of potentially thousands of drivers using them.
This thesis proposes a novel approach, Spinfer, that can automatically perform these API usage updates. This new approach, based on pattern assembly constrained by control-flow relationships, can learn transformation rules from even imperfect examples. Learned rules are suitable for the challenges found in Linux kernel API usage updates.

Defence : 11/25/2020

Jury members :

Tegawendé F. BISSYANDÉ, Senior Research Scientist, Université du Luxembourg [Rapporteur]
Martin MONPERRUS, Full Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology [Rapporteur]
Antoine MINÉ, Professeur, Sorbonne Université
Valérie ISSARNY, Directrice de recherche, Inria
Jean-Rémi FALLERI, Maître de conférences, Université de Bordeaux
Julia LAWALL, Directrice de recherche, Inria

Departure date : 12/31/2020

2020 Publications