Doutor em PhD
Equipe : MoVe
Data de partida : 21/09/2013

Direção de pesquisa : Fabrice KORDON

Co-supervisão£o : ABOUTAJDINE Driss, THIERRY-MIEG Yann, MOULINE Salma

Contribution to the modeling and verification of wireless sensor networks

The goal of the PhD thesis is to provide a way for modeling a wireless sensor networks using a semi-formal language, while ensuring that properties of interest are verified on the model. In order to this, the semi-formal model will be transformed automatically into a formal one, for verification. The verification result will be provided to the user. If a property of interest is not verified, the system designers will modify their specification and reapply the verification process until all properties are satisfied.

Defesas : 21/09/2013

Membros da banca :

Laure Petrucci, Professeur à l'Université Paris 13 [Rapporteur]
Prof. Youssef FAKHRI, Université Ibn Tofail, Kénitra, Maroc [Rapporteur]
Salma Mouline, Université Mohammed V Agdal
Driss Aboutajdinne, Université Mohammed V Agdal
Fabrice Kordon, Professeur à l'Université Paris 6 - UPMC - LIP6
Yann THIERRY-MIEG, MC Université Paris 6 - UPMC - LIP6

Data de partida : 21/09/2013

Publicações 2010-2013

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