PhD graduated
Team : SYEL
Departure date : 07/08/2011

Supervision : Patrick GARDA

Contribution of multitones to ultrawide band software defined radar

This thesis emerged from the technical evolutions in telecommunications on digital architetures and multitones. Building on these evolutions, new advances in radar applications are possible. The contribution of multitones to ultrawideband software defined radar is studied through 3 aspects: an experimental radar test bench, the impact of RF components on performances and the comparison of multitones with respect to chirp. Based on the state of the art, a theoretical study and implementation of a radar system are realized.The signal performances and the impact of components (amplifier, converters) are studied in simulations and experimentally validated. The results démonstrate the interest of multitones for ultrawide band software defined radar.

Defence : 07/08/2011

Jury members :

DAVID Jacques, Professeur à l'ENSEEIHT, Toulouse [Rapporteur]
MERIGOT Alain, Professeur à l'IEF, Orsay [Rapporteur]
CHEVALIER Pascal, Thales Comm, Colombes & Professeur au CNAM, Paris
KLEPAL Martin, Chercheur au CIT, Cork, Irlande
DREUILLET Philippe, Adjoint au Directeur du DEMR Onera, Palaiseau
FOUAD HANNA Victor, Professeur a l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, L2E, Paris
GARDA Patrick, Professeur a l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, LIP6, Paris
DENOULET Julien , Maitre de Conférence a l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, LIP6, Paris

Departure date : 07/08/2011

2009-2012 Publications