Photo Responsable

Thème de recherche OASIS - Objects and Agents for Simulation and Information Systems

Team leader :

Jacques Malenfant

Short presentation

Dessin Bulles HAL 1 project

The research team "Objects and Agents for Simulation and Information Systems (OASIS)" is an interdisciplinary team at the crossing of artificial intelligence, software engineering and distributed computing. Its basic concepts are object and agent. It is structured in two main themes: distributed data bases and adaptive cooperative agents. This latter one may be further decomposed into: adaptative and evolutive agents (animats), situated agents (robots and communicating objects), multi-agent simulation of complex phenomena, and software principles and tools for constructing agents (meta-modeling, components and protocols). Examples of applications are: electronic commerce, cooperative information retrieval, eco-systems simulation, virtual worlds, and collective robotics.

Object, Actor, Agent, Animat, Component, Data bases, Distribution, Adaptation, Evolution, Coordination, Simulation, Modelisation, Framework, Robotics

ATTENTION : L'organisation en thèmes n'existe plus depuis 2006, voir maintenant dans les équipes.

1997 January → 2003 December