- H. Badis, A. Munaretto, Kh. Al Agha, G. Pujolle : “Optimal Path Selection in a Link State QoS Routing”, IEEE VTC-2004 Spring, Milan, Italy, pp. 2570-2574, (IEEE) [Badis 2004]
- N. Bouabdallah, A.‑L. Beylot, G. Pujolle : “Collision Avoidance and Fairness Issues in Metropolitan Bus-Based Optical Access Networks”, Network Control and Engineering for QOS, Security and Mobility, III: IFIP TC6 / WG6.2, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8. Third International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, NetCon 2004 on November 2-5, 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, vol. 165, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing book series (IFIPAICT), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 249-261, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-0-387-23197-6) [Bouabdallah 2004a]
- N. Bouabdallah, A.‑L. Beylot, G. Pujolle : “Fair Access in WDM Ring Networks”, 2nd International Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET'NET 2004), Ilkley, United Kingdom, pp. 66.1-66.10 [Bouabdallah 2004b]
- N. Bouabdallah, A.‑L. Beylot, G. Pujolle : “Fairness Issue in Bus-Based Optical Access Networks”, NETWORKING 2004: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Third International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference Athens, Greece, May 9–14, 2004, Proceedings, vol. 3042, Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), Athène, Greece, pp. 914-925, (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), (ISBN: 978-3-540-21959-0) [Bouabdallah 2004c]
- L. Caeiro, A. Munaretto, R. Rocha : “A cross-layer QoS support for Wireless Local Area Network”, 4th ANWIRE International Workshop on Wireless Internet and Reconfigurability, Athens, Greece [Caeiro 2004]
- B. Daheb, G. Pujolle : “Policy Usage in GMPLS Optical Networks”, NetCon 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, vol. 165, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 327-336, (Springer) [Daheb 2004a]
- B. Daheb, W. Fawaz, O. Audouin, B. Barde, K. Chen, G. Pujolle : “Policy-based Hybrid Hierarchical Optical Networks”, IEEE First International Conference on Broadband Networks, IEEE Broadnets'2004, San Jose, California, United States, pp. 325-327, (IEEE) [Daheb 2004b]
- J. Elias, D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle : “Optimisation du Protocole MPLS par l'utilisation des Systèmes Multiagents”, JDIR, Lannion, Novembre 2004, Lannion, France [Elias 2004]
- E. Ermel, A. Fladenmuller, G. Pujolle, A. Cotton : “Improved position estimation in wireless heterogeneous networks”, IFIP-TC6 Networking 2004, vol. 3042, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Athens, Greece, pp. 1306-1311, (Springer) [Ermel 2004a]
- E. Ermel, A. Fladenmuller, G. Pujolle, A. Cotton : “On selecting nodes to improve estimated positions”, MWCN 2004 - IFIP TC6/WG6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks, vol. 162, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Paris, France, pp. 449-460, (Springer) [Ermel 2004b]
- W. Fawaz, B. Daheb, O. Audouin, B. Barde, K. Chen, G. Pujolle : “Policy-based Provisioning in Hybrid Photonic Networks”, ONCM 2004 - 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Optical Networks Control and Management, Montreal, Canada, pp. 407-414, (IEEE) [Fawaz 2004a]
- I. Fodil : “User Service Management in Hot Spot Networks Using Policies”, European Wireless Conference 2004, Barcelona, Spain [Fodil 2004c]
- S. Ghamri Doudane, N. Agoulmine : “Hierarchical Policy Based Management Architecture to Support the Deployment and the Discovery of Services in Ubiquitous Networks”, LCN 2004 - 29th Annual IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks, Tampa, FL, United States, pp. 126-133, (IEEE) [Ghamri Doudane 2004]
- K. Haddadou, Y. Ghamri‑Doudane : “User and Application Profiling for Efficient QoS Management in Policy-enabled wireless Access networks”, 11th Workshop of the HPOVUA, Paris, France [Haddadou 2004]
- Y. Khene, M. Fonseca, N. Agoulmine, G. Pujolle : “A Profile Approach for Internet Service Pricing”, 1st International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications. ICTTA'2004, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, pp. 87-88, (IEEE) [Khene 2004a]
- Y. Khene, M. Fonseca, N. Agoulmine, G. Pujolle : “Internet Service Pricing Based on User and Service Profiles”, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications - ICT'2004, vol. 3124, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Fortaleza, Brazil, pp. 1359-1368, (Springer) [Khene 2004b]
- S. Lohier, Y. Ghamri‑Doudane, G. Pujolle : “The Benefits of a Cross-Layer Approach for TCP Performance Improvements in WLANs”, IEEE International Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN'04), Boston, United States, pp. 8pp., (IEEE Digital Library) [Lohier 2004]
- A. Munaretto, M. Fonseca, Kh. Al Agha, G. Pujolle : “Fair Time Sharing Protocol: A Solution for IEEE 802.11b Hot Spots”, IEEE ICT 2004, vol. 3124, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Fortaleza, Brazil, pp. 1261-1266, (Springer) [Munaretto 2004a]
- A. Munaretto, M. Fonseca, Kh. Al Agha, G. Pujolle : “Virtual Time Synchronization for Multimedia Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE VTC-Fall 2004, Los Angeles, CA, United States, pp. 2587-2590, (IEEE) [Munaretto 2004b]
- Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, G. Pujolle : “Analysis of Protocol Operations and Scalability of COPS-SLS Negotiation System”, IFIP conference on Networking, vol. 3042, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Athens, Greece, pp. 1420-1425, (Springer) [Nguyen 2004]
- T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle, F. Krief : “Archises - nouvelle architecture pour la création de services à valeur ajoutée”, Journées Doctorales Informatique et Réseaux, Lannion, France, pp. 93-102 [Nguyen 2004]
- G. Pujolle, H. Chaouchi, D. Gaïti : “Beyond TCP/IP: A Context-Aware Architecture”, IFIP TC6 / WG6.2, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 Third International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, NetCon 2004, vol. 165, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 337-346, (Springer) [Pujolle 2004a]
- S.‑M. Senouci, G. Pujolle : “Energy efficient consumption in wireless ad hoc networks”, ICC 2004 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, pp. 4057-4061, (IEEE) [Senouci 2004b]