- G. Adda, Ph. Askenazy, P. Debré, J.‑G. Ganascia, C. Jeandel, D. Gourier, M. Leduc, L. Letellier, A. Molinié, R. Mosseri, J.‑P. Poussin : “COMETS Avis 2021-42 - Communication scientifique en situation de crise sanitaire : profusion, richesse et dérives”, [Adda 2021]
- M. Amoussou, Kh. Belahcene, N. Maudet, V. Mousseau, W. Ouerdane : “Step-wise Explanations for the Additive Model”, [Amoussou 2021]
- S. Angelopoulos, D. Arsenio, Sh. Kamali : “Competitive Sequencing with Noisy Advice”, [Angelopoulos 2021c]
- S. Angelopoulos, Sh. Kamali, K. Shadkami : “Online Bin Packing with Predictions”, [Angelopoulos 2021g]
- Ph. Askenazy, P. Debré, J.‑G. Ganascia, D. Gourier, C. Jeandel, M. Leduc, F. Leichter‑Flack, L. Letellier, A. Molinié, R. Mosseri, N. Nevejans, J.‑P. Poussin : “COMETS Avis 2021-41 - Science, risques et principe de précaution”, [Askenazy 2021]
- Th. Balabonski, P. Courtieu, R. Pelle, L. Rieg, S. Tixeuil, X. Urbain : “Computer Aided Formal Design of Swarm Robotics Algorithms”, [Balabonski 2021b]
- E. Belilovsky, L. Leconte, L. Caccia, M. Eickenberg, E. Oyallon : “Decoupled Greedy Learning of CNNs for Synchronous and Asynchronous Distributed Learning”, [Belilovsky 2021]
- J. Berthomieu, A. Ferguson, M. Safey El Din : “On the computation of asymptotic critical values of polynomial maps and applications”, [Berthomieu 2021a]
- Th. Beuzeville, P. Boudier, A. Buttari, S. Gratton, Th. Mary, S. Pralet : “Adversarial attacks via backward error analysis”, [Beuzeville 2021]
- R. Botreau, I. Veissier, P. Perny : “Evaluation of animal welfare at farm level: a combination of different methods”, [Botreau 2021]
- Ch. Bouillaguet, C. Delaplace, A. Joux : “Algorithms for Sparse Random 3XOR: The Low-Density Case”, [Bouillaguet 2021]
- Q. Bramas, A. Lamani, S. Tixeuil : “The agreement power of disagreement”, [Bramas 2021b]
- I. Čepaitė, B. Coyle, E. Kashefi : “A Continuous Variable Born Machine”, [Čepaitė 2021]
- M. Ciampi, A. Cojocaru, E. Kashefi, A. Mantri : “Secure Quantum Two-Party Computation: Impossibility and Constructions”, [Ciampi 2021]
- L. Colisson, F. Grosshans, E. Kashefi : “Non-Destructive Zero-Knowledge Proofs on Quantum States, and Multi-Party Generation of Authorized Hidden GHZ States”, [Colisson 2021]
- H. Comon, S. Perdrix, P. Aboulker, P. Arrighi, S. Blazy, A. Braud, P. Clairambault, P. Dayre, R. Dernat, C. Dhaenens, L. Duchien, A. Gheerbrant, N. Gilles, J.‑M. Larre, D. Lavenier, L. Liberti, Ph. Owezarski, C. Scornavacca, S. Sené, P. Senellart, P. Sens, G. Villard, I. Walukiewicz, L. Weinhard. : “Section 06Sciences de l’information : fondements de l’informatique, calculs, algorithmes, représentations, exploitations”, CNRS Editions [Comon 2021]
- B. Coyle, M. Doosti, E. Kashefi, N. Kumar : “Variational Quantum Cloning: Improving Practicality for Quantum Cryptanalysis”, [Coyle 2021]
- J. Czajkowski, A. Grilo : “On-State Commutativity of Measurements and Joint Distributions of Their Outcomes”, [Czajkowski 2021]
- C. Dalyac, L. Henriet, E. Jeandel, W. Lechner, S. Perdrix, M. Porcheron, M. Veshchezerova : “Qualifying quantum approaches for hard industrial optimization problems. A case study in the field of smart-charging of electric vehicles”, [Dalyac 2021]
- E. Derbyshire, R. Mezher, Th. Kapourniotis, E. Kashefi : “Randomized Benchmarking with Stabilizer Verification and Gate Synthesis”, [Derbyshire 2021]
- M. Doosti, M. Delavar, E. Kashefi, M. Arapinis : “A Unified Framework For Quantum Unforgeability”, [Doosti 2021a]
- M. Doosti, N. Kumar, M. Delavar, E. Kashefi : “Client-Server Identification Protocols with Quantum PUF”, [Doosti 2021b]
- A. Douillard, A. Rame, G. Couairon, M. Cord : “DyTox: Transformers for Continual Learning with DYnamic TOken eXpansion”, [Douillard 2021a]
- A. Douillard, Y. Chen, A. Dapogny, M. Cord : “Tackling Catastrophic Forgetting and Background Shift in Continual Semantic Segmentation”, [Douillard 2021e]
- C. Douwes, Ph. Esling, J.‑P. Briot : “A multi-objective approach for sustainable generative audio models”, [Douwes 2021]
- M. Gouel, K. Vermeulen, O. Fourmaux, T. Friedman, R. Beverly : “Longitudinal Study of an IP Geolocation Database”, [Gouel 2021b]
- N. Grinsztajn, L. Leconte, Ph. Preux, E. Oyallon : “Interferometric Graph Transform for Community Labeling”, [Grinsztajn 2021a]
- C. Hanen, A. Munier Kordon, Th. Pedersen : “Two Deadline Reduction Algorithms for Scheduling Dependent Tasks on Parallel Processors (extended version)”, [Hanen 2021b]
- A. Heriban, S. Tixeuil : “Unreliable Sensors for Reliable Efficient Robots”, [Heriban 2021b]
- I. Hull, O. Sattath, E. Diamanti, G. Wendin : “Quantum Technology for Economists”, [Hull 2021]
- R. Iakymchuk, D. Mukunoki, T. Ogita, K. Ozaki, S. Graillat : “Accurate and Reproducible Conjugate Gradient in Hybrid Parallel Environments”, [Iakymchuk 2021a]
- R. Iakymchuk, S. Graillat, J. Aliaga : “General framework for deriving reproducible Krylov subspace algorithms: A BiCGStab case study”, [Iakymchuk 2021b]
- C. Johnen, M. Haddad : “Efficient self-stabilizing construction of disjoint MDSs in distance-2 model”, [Johnen 2021b]
- S. Kamei, A. Lamani, F. Ooshita, S. Tixeuil, K. Wada : “Asynchronous Gathering in a Torus”, [Kamei 2021]
- Th. Kapourniotis, E. Kashefi, L. Music, H. Ollivier : “Delegating Multi-Party Quantum Computations vs. Dishonest Majority in Two Quantum Rounds”, [Kapourniotis 2021]
- E. Kashefi, L. Music, P. Wallden : “The Quantum Cut-and-Choose Technique and Quantum Two-Party Computation”, [Kashefi 2021]
- N. Kumar, R. Mezher, E. Kashefi : “Efficient Construction of Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions with Unitary t-designs”, [Kumar 2021a]
- D. Lazard : “Degree of a polynomial ideal and Bézout inequalities”, [Lazard 2021]
- F. Lemaitre, L. Lacassagne : “A new run-based Connected Component Labeling for efficiently analyzing and processing holes”, [Lemaitre 2021c]
- L. LYS, A. Micoulet, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “R-SWAP: Relay based atomic cross-chain swap protocol”, [LYS 2021a]
- C. Meignant, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Classical-quantum network coding: a story about tensor”, [Meignant 2021]
- R. Mezher, J. Mills, E. Kashefi : “Mitigating errors by quantum verification and post-selection”, [Mezher 2021]
- S. Nair, F. Meirim, M. Pereira, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “A coordination-free, convergent, and safe replicated tree”, 36 pages [Nair 2021]
- M. Soares De Oliveira De Souza, P. Nuno de Souza Moura, J.‑P. Briot : “Music Tempo Estimation via Neural Networks -A Comparative Analysis”, [Soares De Oliveira De Souza 2021b]
- A. Unnikrishnan, D. Markham : “Verification of graph states in an untrusted network”, [Unnikrishnan 2021]
- C. Urban, A. Miné : “A Review of Formal Methods applied to Machine Learning”, [Urban 2021]