- G. Adda, Ph. Askenazy, J.‑G. Ganascia, M. Leduc, L. Letellier, N. Nevejans, A. Molinié : “COMETS AVIS 2019-40 - les publications à l'heure de la science ouverte”, [Adda 2019]
- B. Amann, Y. Khmelevsky, G. Hains : “State-of-the-Art on Query & Transaction Processing Acceleration.”, [Amann 2019]
- Y. Amoussou‑Guenou, B. Biais, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tucci‑Piergiovanni : “Rationals vs Byzantines in Consensus-based Blockchains”, [Amoussou-Guenou 2019b]
- E. Anceaume, A. Del Pozzo, R. Ludinard, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tucci‑Piergiovanni : “Blockchain abstract data type”, 1-30 pages [Anceaume 2019a]
- E. Anceaume, M. Papatriantafilou, M. Potop‑Butucaru, Ph. Tsigas : “Distributed Ledger Register: From Safe to Atomic”, [Anceaume 2019d]
- Th. Anglade, Ch. Denis, Th. Berthier : “A novel embedding-based framework improving the User and Entity Behav- ior Analysis”, [Anglade 2019]
- M. Arapinis, M. Delavar, M. And, E. Kashefi : “Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions: Possibilities and Impossibilities”, [Arapinis 2019]
- I. Ayed, E. De Bézenac, A. Pajot, J. Brajard, P. Gallinari : “Learning Dynamical Systems from Partial Observations”, [Ayed 2019a]
- M. Barzman, M. Gerphagnon, O. Mora, G. Aubin‑Houzelstein, A. Benard, C. Martin, G.‑L. Baron, F. Bouchet, J. Dibie‑Barthelemy, J.‑F. Gibrat, S. Hodson, E. Lhoste, Y. Moulier Boutang, S. Perrot, F. Phung, Ch. Pichot, M. Siné, Th. Venin : “Transition numérique et pratiques de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur en agronomie, environnement, alimentation et sciences vétérinaires à l’horizon 2040.: Rapport de la prospective”, 161 p. pages [Barzman 2019]
- M. Berman, T. Friedman, A. Gosain, K. Keahey, R. McGeer, I. Moerman, A. Nakao, L. Nussbaum, K. Rauschenbach, V. Syrotiuk, M. VEERARAGHAVAN, N. YAMANAKA : “Report of the Third Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI 2018) Workshop”, [Berman 2019]
- S. Bonomi, G. Farina, S. Tixeuil : “Multi-hop Byzantine Reliable Broadcast with Honest Dealer Made Practical”, [Bonomi 2019c]
- R. Botreau, I. Veissier, P. Perny : “Evaluation of animal welfare at farm level: a combination of different methods”, [Botreau 2019]
- G. Bu, Ö. Gürcan, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “G-IOTA: Fair and confidence aware tangle”, [Bu 2019a]
- G. Bu, Th. NGUYEN, M. Potop‑Butucaru, K. Thai : “HyperPubSub: Blockchain based Publish/Subscribe”, [Bu 2019d]
- G. Bu, W. Hana, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “Metamorphic IOTA”, [Bu 2019e]
- U. Chabaud : “On the permanent of Sylvester-Hadamard matrices”, [Chabaud 2019]
- B. Coyle, D. Mills, V. Danos, E. Kashefi : “The Born Supremacy: Quantum Advantage and Training of an Ising Born Machine”, [Coyle 2019a]
- E. De Bézenac, A. Pajot, P. Gallinari : “Deep Learning for Physical Processes: Incorporating Prior Scientific Knowledge”, [de Bézenac 2019]
- Ch. Denis, J. Nicogossian : “Du gène à l'octet : la communication phygitale pour une utilisation responsable de l'Intelligence Artificielle dans le domaine médical”, [Denis 2019e]
- S. Doutre, N. Maudet : “Value-based argumentation as a framework for shaping and analysing public debates”, [Doutre 2019]
- J.‑Ch. Faugère, K. Horan, D. Kahrobaei, M. Kaplan, E. Kashefi, L. Perret : “Fast Quantum Algorithm for Solving Multivariate Quadratic Equations”, [Faugère 2019a]
- F.‑Z. Hannou, B. Amann, M.‑A. Baazizi : “Explaining Query Answer Completeness and Correctness with Minimal Pattern Covers”, [Hannou 2019a]
- C. Herpson : “Dedale : A Dedicated Testbed for Multi-Agents Problems”, [Herpson 2019]
- H. Kang, F. Thung, J. Lawall, G. Muller, L. Jiang, D. Lo : “Automating Program Transformation for Java Using Semantic Patches”, [Kang 2019a]
- A. Karami, J. Juillard, E. Blokhina, Ph. Basset, D. Galayko : “Electrostatic Near-Limits Kinetic Energy Harvesting from Arbitrary Input Vibrations”, [karami 2019]
- S. Lamprier : “A Variational Topological Neural Model for Cascade-based Diffusion in Networks”, [Lamprier 2019b]
- J. Lang, V. Markakis, N. Maudet, S. Obraztsova, M. Polukarov, Z. Rabinovich : “Stategic Candidacy with Keen Candidates”, [Lang 2019]
- V. Luengo, N. Guin, D. Bouhineau, Ph. Daubias, E. Bruillard, S. Iksal, S. Garlatti, Y. Prié, R. Kuzniak : “HUBBLE, UN OBSERVATOIRE DES ANALYSES DES TRACES”, [Luengo 2019]
- R. Mezher, J. Ghalbouni, J. Dgheim, D. Markham : “Efficient approximate unitary t-designs from partially invertible universal sets and their application to quantum speedup”, [Mezher 2019a]
- R. Mezher, J. Ghalbouni, J. Dgheim, D. Markham : “Unitary $t$-designs from $relaxed$ seeds”, [Mezher 2019b]
- Th. NGUYEN, G. Jourjon, M. Potop‑Butucaru, K. Thai : “Impact of network delays on Hyperledger Fabric”, [NGUYEN 2019a]
- A. Nzekon Nzeko'O, M. Tchuente, M. Latapy : “Link stream graph for temporal recommendations”, [Nzekon Nzeko'O 2019b]
- Y. Ouyang, N. Shettell, D. Markham : “Robust quantum metrology with explicit symmetric states”, [Ouyang 2019]
- J. Proy, K. Heydemann, F. Majeric, A. Cohen, A. Berzati : “Studying EM Pulse Effects on Superscalar Microarchitectures at ISA Level”, [Proy 2019b]
- S. Secci, A. Diamanti, J. Manuel Sanchez Vilchez, M. Bah, P. Vizzarreta, C. Machuca, S. Scott‑Hayward, D. Smith : “Security and Performance Comparison of ONOS and ODL Controllers”, Open Networking Foundation (ONF) [Secci 2019a]