- M. Abid, T. Ali Yahiya, G. Pujolle : “A Utility-based Handover Decision Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2012, Las Vegas, United States, pp. 650-654, (IEEE) [Abid 2012b]
- Th. Abreu, N. Nguyen, Th. Begin, I. Guerin‑Lassous, B. Baynat : “Substitution Networks: Performance Collapse due to Overhead in Communication Times”, 4th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS 2012), vol. 111, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Paris, France, pp. 1-16, (Springer) [Abreu 2012]
- N. Absi, S. Dauzère‑Pérès, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum, B. Penz, Ch. Rapine : “Analysis of Green Lot-Sizing Problems”, Roadef 2012, Angers, France, pp. cd-rom [Absi 2012b]
- N. Absi, S. Dauzère‑Pérès, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum, B. Penz, Ch. Rapine : “The Single-Item Green Lot-Sizing Problem with Fixed Carbon Emissions”, IWLS 2012 - International Workshop on Lot Sizing, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. cd [Absi 2012c]
- A. Achour, K. Haddadou, B. Kervella, G. Pujolle : “A SIP-SHIM6 Based Solution for Seamless Intra-Domain Mobility in IMS Networks”, Globecom 2012, Anaheim, California, United States, pp. 2030-2035, (IEEE) [Achour 2012a]
- A. Achour, K. Haddadou, B. Kervella, G. Pujolle : “Inter-Domain Mobility Management Solution for Service Continuity in IMS-based Networks”, The Fourth International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking (FMN 2012), CCNC 2012, Las Vegas, United States, pp. 559-564, (IEEE) [Achour 2012c]
- J. Adamek, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil : “Evaluating Practical Tolerance Properties of Stabilizing Programs through Simulation: The Case of Propagation of Information with Feedback”, International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 7596, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toronto, Canada, pp. 126-132, (Springer) [Adamek 2012]
- H. Adel, M.‑M. Louërat, M. Sabut : “Background calibration for pipelined ADCs”, Colloque du GDR SOC-SIP du CNRS, Paris, France [Adel 2012a]
- A. Albano, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “File Diffusion in a Dynamic Peer-to-peer Network”, WWW 2012 - MSND'12 Workshop, Lyon, France, pp. 1169-1172, (ACM) [Albano 2012]
- M. Albrecht, C. Cid, J.‑Ch. Faugère, R. Fitzpatrick, L. Perret : “On the complexity of the Arora-Ge Algorithm against LWE”, SCC 2012 -- Third international conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography, Castro Urdiales, Spain, pp. 93-99 [Albrecht 2012a]
- Martin R. Albrecht : “The M4RIE library for dense linear algebra over small fields with even characteristic”, ISSAC '12: Proceedings of the 2012 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, Grenoble, France, pp. 28-34 [Albrecht 2012a]
- M. Albrecht, C. Cid, J.‑Ch. Faugère, R. Fitzpatrick, L. Perret : “On the Complexity of the BKW Algorithm on LWE”, SCC 2012 -- Third international conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography, Castro Urdiales, Spain, pp. 100-107 [Albrecht 2012b]
- M. Allam, H. Aboushady, M.‑M. Louërat : “Continuous-Time Sigma Delta Modulators With VCOBased Voltage-to-Phase and Voltage-to-Frequency Quantizers”, Colloque GDR SOC-SIP, Paris, France [Allam 2012]
- G. Almaless, F. Wajsbürt : “Does Shared-Memory, Highly Multi-Threaded, Single-Application Scale on Many-Cores?”, 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism, Berkeley, CA, United States [Almaless 2012a]
- G. Almaless, F. Wajsbürt : “On The Scalability of Image and Signal Processing Parallel Applications on Emerging cc-NUMA Many-cores”, DASIP International Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Karlsruhe, Germany [Almaless 2012c]
- M. Aloulou, A. Ghaffari, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum, A. Oulamara : “Suppliers' Coordination of Production and Delivery Decisions under Batch Size Constraints”, 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, Quebec, Canada [Aloulou 2012]
- Ah. Amamou, M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle : “A dynamic bandwidth allocator for virtual machines in a cloud environment”, CCNC 2012 - IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, United States, pp. 99-104 [Amamou 2012a]
- Ah. Amamou, M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle : “DBA-VM: Dynamic bandwidth allocator for virtual machines”, Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2012 IEEE Symposium on, Capadocia, Türkiye, pp. 713-718, (IEEE) [Amamou 2012b]
- Ah. Amokrane, R. Langar, R. Boutaba, G. Pujolle : “A Green Framework for Energy Efficient Management in TDMA-based Wireless Mesh Networks”, 8th international conference on Network and service management (cnsm), Las Vegas, United States, pp. 322-328 [Amokrane 2012]
- E. Angel, E. Bampis, F. Kacem : “Energy Aware Scheduling for Unrelated Parallel Machines”, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2012), Besançon, France, pp. 533-540 [Angel 2012a]
- E. Angel, E. Bampis, F. Kacem, D. Letsios : “Ordonnancement des tâches avec migration et minimisation de l’énergie consommée”, Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2012), Angers, France [Angel 2012b]
- E. Angel, E. Bampis, F. Kacem, D. Letsios : “Speed Scaling on Parallel Processors with Migration”, 18th International Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 2012), vol. 7484, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Rhodes Island, Greece, pp. 128-140 [Angel 2012c]
- E. Angel, E. Bampis, V. Chau : “Algorithmes d'ordonnancement de faible complexité pour minimiser l'énergie consommée des instances agréables”, Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2012), Angers, France [Angel 2012e]
- E. Angel, E. Bampis, V. Chau : “Low Complexity Scheduling Algorithm Minimizing the Energy for Tasks with Agreeable Deadlines”, Proc. of the 10th Latin American Symposium (LATIN 2012), vol. 7256, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Arequipa, Peru, pp. 13-24 [Angel 2012f]
- M. Anne, K. Attouchi, D. Henry‑De‑Villeneuve, J. Pulou : “Jasmin: An Alternative for Secure Modularity Inside the Digital Home”, CBSE '12 Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Component Based Software Engineering, Bertinoro, Italy, pp. pages145-150 [Anne 2012]
- P. Antoniadis, S. Fdida, Ch. Griffin, Y. Jin, G. Kesidis : “Distributed Medium Access Control with Dynamic Altruism”, ADHOCNETS, vol. 111, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Paris, France, pp. 29-42, (Springer) [Antoniadis 2012b]
- F. Arfi, D. Saidouni, J.‑M. Ilié : “A Model for Job-Shop Problem”, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services (ICITeS 2012), Sousse, Tunisia, pp. 640-645, (IEEE) [Arfi 2012]
- Ch. Artigues, M. Ayala, A. Benabid, C. Hanen : “Bornes inférieures et supérieures pour l’ordonnancement modulo sous contraintes de ressources”, ROADEF 2012, Angers, France [Artigues 2012a]
- Ch. Artigues, M. Ayala, A. Benabid, C. Hanen : “Lower and upper bounds for the resource-constrained modulo scheduling problem”, Project management and Scheduling conference, Louvain, Belgium, pp. 82-85 [Artigues 2012b]
- S. Baarir, F. Kordon : “Modeling and Verifying Distributed Systems with Petri Nets (tutorial)”, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Information Systems for Enterprises (IWAISE), Constantine, Algeria, pp. 92-92, (IEEE Press) [Baarir 2012]
- M. Bachir, A. Cohen, S. Touati : “On the Effectiveness of Register Moves to Minimise Post-Pass Unrolling in Software Pipelined Loops”, HPCS 2012 : International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Madrid, Spain [Bachir 2012]
- V. Baljak, M. Benea, A. El Fallah‑Seghrouchni, C. Herpson, Sh. Honiden, Th. Nguyen, A. Olaru, R. Shimizu, K. Tei, S. Toriumi : “S-CLAIM: An Agent-based Programming Language for AmI, A Smart-Room Case Study”, ANT 2012 and MobiWIS 2012, vol. 10, Procedia Computer Science, Niagara-Falls, Canada, pp. 30-37 [Baljak 2012]
- N. Ballas, B. Labbé, A. Shabou, H. Le Borgne, Ph. Gosselin, M. Redi, B. Merialdo, H. Jégou, J. Delhumeau, R. Vieux, B. Mansencal, J. Benois‑Pineau, S. Ayache, A. Hamadi, B. Safadi, F. Thollard, N. Derbas, G. Quenot, H. Bredin, M. Cord, B. Gao, Ch. Zhu, Y. Tang, E. Dellandrea, Ch. Bichot, L. Chen, A. Benoit, P. Lambert, T. Strat, J. Razik, S. Paris, H. Glotin, T. Trung, D. Petrovska‑Delacrétaz, G. Chollet, A. Stoian, M. Crucianu : “IRIM at TRECVID 2012: Semantic Indexing and Instance Search”, TRECVID - TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, United States, pp. 12p. [Ballas 2012]
- N. Bame, H. Naacke, I. Sarr, S. Ndiaye : “Architecture répartie à large échelle pour le traitement parallèle de requêtes de biodiversité”, 11th African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI'12), Algiers, Algeria, pp. 143-150 [Bame 2012]
- E. Bampis, D. Letsios, G. Lucarelli : “Green scheduling, flows and matchings”, 23rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2012), vol. 7676, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 106-115 [Bampis 2012b]
- E. Bampis, D. Letsios, G. Lucarelli, E. Markakis, Ioannis Z. Milis : “On multiprocessor temperature-aware scheduling problems”, 6th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW 2012) and 8th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects of Information and Management (AAIM 2012), vol. 7285, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Beijing, China, pp. 149-160 [Bampis 2012c]
- E. Bampis, D. Letsios, Ioannis Z. Milis, G. Zois : “Speed scaling for maximum lateness”, 18th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2012), vol. 7434, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 25-36 [Bampis 2012d]
- Y. Ben Maïssa, F. Kordon, S. Mouline, Y. Thierry‑Mieg : “Modeling and Analyzing Wireless Sensor Networks with VeriSensor”, Petri Net and Software Engineering (PNSE), vol. 851, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 60-76 [Ben Maïssa 2012]
- L. Bendaouia, F. YKHLEF, H. Salhi, M. Karabernou, L. Kessal, O. Romain, B. Granado : “FPGA-Based Platform design of a Bio-Inspired Medical Hearing : Prosody modification of speech”, Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Avignon, France [Bendaouia 2012]
- P. Bendotti, P. Fouilhoux : “Problème de Permutation avec un Robot de Capacité unitaire avec temps de setup : réalisabilité et alignement de chaînes”, 13ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2012), Angers, France [Bendotti 2012a]
- P. Bendotti, P. Fouilhoux, K. Podkanski : “Permutation Problem using a Unit-Capacity Robot : Feasibility Recovery and Cutting-plane based Formulation with MTZ strengthening”, International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2012), Athènes, Greece [Bendotti 2012b]
- R. Bendraou, M. Almeida Da Silva, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “Support for deviation detections in the context of multi-viewpoint-based development processes”, CAiSE'12 Forum at the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, vol. 855, Gdansk, Poland, pp. 23-31, (CEUR) [Bendraou 2012b]
- A. Benoit, A. Bostan, J. Van Der Hoeven : “Quasi-optimal multiplication of linear differential operators”, FOCS 2012 - IEEE 53rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, New Brunswick, United States, pp. 524-530, (IEEE) [Benoit 2012]
- B. Bérard, S. Haddad, M. Sassolas, N. Sznajder : “Concurrent Games on VASS with Inhibition”, 23rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'12), vol. 7454, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, pp. 39-52, (Springer) [Bérard 2012b]
- D. Béréziat, I. Herlin : “Non Linear Observation Equation For Motion Estimation”, ICIP - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Orlando, United States, pp. 1521-1524 [Béréziat 2012]
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- S. Bernard, X. Défago, S. Tixeuil : “A Fast and Robust Optimistic Total Order Broadcast for Online Video Games”, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 189-196, (IEEE) [Bernard 2012]
- D. Bernardes, M. Latapy, F. Tarissan : “Examining Key Properties of Diffusion Models for Large-Scale Real-World Networks”, Quatorzièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (Algotel’12), La Grande Motte, France, pp. 1-4 [Bernardes 2012a]
- D. Bernardes, M. Latapy, F. Tarissan : “Relevance of SIR Model for Real-world Spreading Phenomena: Experiments on a Large-scale P2P System”, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 327-334, (IEEE) [Bernardes 2012b]
- P. Berthomé, K. Heydemann, X. Kauffmann‑Tourkestansky, J.‑F. Lalande : “High level model of control flow attacks for smart card functional security”, AReS 2012 - 7th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Prague, Czechia, pp. 224-229, (IEEE Computer Society) [Berthomé 2012]
- L. Bettale, J.‑Ch. Faugère, L. Perret : “Solving Polynomial Systems over Finite Fields: Improved Analysis of the Hybrid Approach”, ISSAC 2012 - 37th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Grenoble, France, pp. 67-74, (ACM) [Bettale 2012]
- A. Bezzina, M. Ayari, R. Langar, F. Kamoun : “An Interference-Aware Routing Metric for Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks”, 8th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2012, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 284-291 [Bezzina 2012]
- A. Bieniusa, M. Zawirski, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, C. Baquero, V. Balegas, S. Duarte : “Brief Announcement: Semantics of Eventually Consistent Replicated Sets”, DISC 2012 - 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, vol. 7611, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, pp. 441-442, (Springer) [Bieniusa 2012b]
- Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, L. Réveillère, Julia L. Lawall, G. Muller : “Diagnosys: Automatic Generation of a Debugging Interface to the Linux Kernel”, 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Essen, Germany, pp. 60-69, (ACM) [Bissyandé 2012]
- A. Blanchardon, R. Chotin‑Avot, H. Mehrez : “Générateur d'Architecture de FPGA”, Colloque GDR SOC-SIP, Paris, France, pp. 1-3 [Blanchardon 2012]
- L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse : “Brief Announcement: Distributed Exclusive and Perpetual Tree Searching”, DISC 2012 - 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, vol. 7611, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Salvador, Brazil, pp. 403-404, (Springer) [Blin 2012a]
- L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse : “Nettoyage perpétuel de réseaux”, 14èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), La Grande Motte, France, pp. 4 [Blin 2012b]
- A. Blogowski, F. Pascual, Ph. Chrétienne, A. Ouorou, M. Bouhtou : “Partage de réseau d'accès avec un autre opérateur mobile”, 13ème conférence ROADEF, Angers, France, pp. 2 [Blogowski 2012a]
- A. Blogowski, M. Bouhtou, Ph. Chrétienne, A. Ouorou, F. Pascual : “Partage de réseau d'accès entre deux opérateurs de réseaux mobiles”, 14èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), La Grande Motte, France, pp. 1-4 [Blogowski 2012b]
- A. Blogowski, O. Klopfenstein, B. Renard : “Dimensioning X2 backhaul link in LTE networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 2768-2773, (IEEE) [Blogowski 2012c]
- E. Blokhina, D. Galayko, Rh. Wade, Ph. Basset, O. Feely : “Bifurcations and chaos in electrostatic vibration energy harvesters”, 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, (IEEE) [Blokhina 2012b]
- B. Bodin, A. Munier‑Kordon, B. Dupont De Dinechin : “K-Periodic schedules for evaluating the maximum throughput of a Synchronous Dataflow graph”, Proceedings 2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), Samos, Greece, pp. 152-159 [Bodin 2012]
- O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, F. Peschanski : “Enumeration and Random Generation of Concurrent Computations”, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. DMTCS Proceedings vol. AQ, 23rd Intern. Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'12), DMTCS Proceedings, Montreal, Canada, pp. 83-96, (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) [Bodini 2012a]
- O. Bodini, J. Lumbroso : “Dirichlet Random Sampling for Multiplicative Combinatorial Structures”, Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO) 2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 92-106, (SIAM) [Bodini 2012b]
- P. Bonami, V. Nguyen, M. Klein, M. Minoux : “On the Solution of a Graph Partitioning Problem under Capacity Constraints”, Proceedings of ISCO 2012, vol. 7422, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Athens, Greece, pp. 285-296 [Bonami 2012]
- F. Bonnet, X. Défago, F. Petit, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Brief Announcement: Discovering and Assessing Fine-Grained Metrics in Robot Networks Protocols”, International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 7596, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toronto, Canada, pp. 282-284, (Springer) [Bonnet 2012]
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Moyse : “Fuzzy Linguistic Summaries: Where Are We, Where Can We Go?”, 2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr), New-York, United States, pp. 317-324 [Bouchon-Meunier 2012]
- M. Boufarguine, N. Thome, V. Guitteny, F. Precioso : “Suivi 3D Monoculaire pour un Système de Vidéosurveillance à l'aide d'un Modèle de Mouvement et un Modèle d'Apparence”, RFIA 2012 (Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle), Lyon, France [Boufarguine 2012]
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- Th. Bourgeau, T. Friedman : “Toward fast and efficient IP-level network topology capture”, Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on CoNEXT student workshop, Nice, France, pp. 5-6, (ACM) [Bourgeau 2012]
- G. Bourgne, H. Soldano, A. El Fallah‑Seghrouchni : “Apprentissage Multi Agent à Mémoire Bornée”, Actes de la Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique - CAp 2012, Nancy, France, pp. 16 p. [Bourgne 2012a]
- G. Bourgne, K. Inoue, N. Maudet : “Finding new consequences of an observation in a system of agents”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), Valencia, Spain, pp. 1223-1224 [Bourgne 2012b]
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- Z. Bouzid, Sh. Das, S. Tixeuil : “Brief Announcement: Wait-Free Gathering of Mobile Robots”, International Symposium on Distributed Computing, vol. 7611, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Salvador, Brazil, pp. 401-402, (Springer) [Bouzid 2012c]
- J.‑P. Briot : “Some Issues, Experiences and Directions for Governance and Public Policies - The Case of Protected Areas - Technique vs/and Participation ?”, Relatório Técnico - Workshop Internacional Governança Ambiental, Biodiversidade e Cultura: Uma Reflexão para a Rio+20, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 42-47, (INCT PPED/CNPq) [Briot 2012]
- H. Calandra, R. Dolbeau, P. Fortin, J.‑L. Lamotte, I. Said : “Assessing the relevance of APU for high performance scientific computing”, AMD Fusion Developer Summit (AFDS), Bellevue, WA, United States [Calandra 2012]
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- Y. Carlinet, Th. Huynh, B. Kauffmann, F. Mathieu, L. Noirie, S. Tixeuil : “Four Months in DailyMotion: Dissecting User Video Requests”, IWCMC 2012 - 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 613-618, (IEEE) [Carlinet 2012]
- E. Caron, F. Chuffart, A. Lamani, F. Petit : “Optimization in a Self-Stabilizing Service Discovery Framework for Large Scale Systems”, 14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), vol. 7596, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toronto, Canada, pp. 239-252, (Springer) [Caron 2012c]
- E. Chailloux, B. Serpette : “Séparation des couleurs dans un lambda-calcul bichrome”, JFLA - Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs - 2012, Carnac, France [Chailloux 2012]
- A. Chapoutot, L.‑S. Didier, F. Villers : “A Statistical Inference Model for the Dynamic Range of LTI Systems”, 15th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetics and Verified Numerics, SCAN, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, pp. 25-26 [Chapoutot 2012a]
- A. Chapoutot, L.‑S. Didier, F. Villers : “Range estimation of floating-point variables in Simulink models”, Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) [Chapoutot 2012b]
- A. Chapoutot, Th. Hilaire, Ph. Chevrel : “Interval-based Robustness of Linear Parametrized Filters”, SCAN'12 - 15th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Verified Numerical Computations, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, pp. cf. cdrom [Chapoutot 2012c]
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- F. Chenevotot, B. Grugeon, J. Pilet, E. Delozanne : “De la conception à l’usage d’un diagnostic dans une base d’exercices en ligne”, Actes du Colloque Espace Mathématique Francophone, EMF2012, Genève, Switzerland, pp. 808-823 [Chenevotot 2012]
- P. Cincilla, S. Monnet, M. Shapiro : “Gargamel: boosting DBMS performance by parallelising write transactions”, ICPADS 2012 - IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Singapour, Singapore, pp. 572-579, (IEEE Computer Society) [Cincilla 2012]
- M. Cisse, Th. Artières, P. Gallinari : “Learning compact class codes for fast inference in large multi class classification”, European Conference on Machine Learning, vol. 7523, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. 506-520, (Springer) [Cisse 2012]
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- M. Colange, F. Kordon, Y. Thierry‑Mieg, S. Baarir : “State Space Analysis using Symmetries on Decision Diagrams”, 12th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD'2012), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 164-172, (IEEE Computer Society) [Colange 2012a]
- M. Colange, L. Hillah, F. Kordon, P. Parutto : “Extreme Symmetries in Complex Distributed Systems: the Bag-Oriented Approach”, Development, Operation and Management of Large-Scale Complex IT Systems, 17th Monterey Workshop, Revised Selected Papers, vol. 7539, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 330-352, (Springer) [Colange 2012b]
- Daniel G. Cole, D. Letsios, M. Nugent, Kirk R. Pruhs : “Optimal energy trade-off schedules”, 3rd IEEE International Green Computing Conference (IGCC 2012), San José, CA., United States, pp. (elec. proc) [Cole 2012]
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- C. Constantin, C. Du Mouza, Ph. Rigaux, V. Thion, N. Travers : “Browse Your Content-Based Distributed Repository!”, BDA'12, Bases de Données Avancées, Clermont-Ferrand, France, pp. 1-5 [Constantin 2012b]
- D. Cornaz, L. Galand, O. Spanjaard : “Bounded Single-Peaked Width and Proportional Representation”, 4th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2012), Kraków, Poland [Cornaz 2012a]
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- P. COUCHENEY, E. Hyon, C. Touati : “Admission and Allocation Policies in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Handover”, IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [COUCHENEY 2012]
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- Sh. Dolev, S. Dubois, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Crash Resilient and Pseudo-Stabilizing Atomic Registers”, OPODIS 2012 - 16th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems, vol. 7702, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Rome, Italy, pp. 135-150, (Springer) [Dolev 2012]
- D. Doligez, M. Jaume, R. Rioboo : “Development of secured systems by mixing programs, specifications and proofs in an object-oriented programming environment. A case study within the FoCaLiZe environment”, PLAS - Seventh Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security, Beijing, China, (ACM) [Doligez 2012]
- S. Dubois, S. Tixeuil, N. Zhu : “Mariages et Trahisons”, 14èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), La Grande Motte, France, pp. 1-4 [Dubois 2012b]
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- F. Javid, R. Iskander, F. Durbin, M.‑M. Louërat : “Analog Circuits Sizing Using the Fixed Point Iteration Algorithm with Transistor Compact Models”, 19th IEEE International Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Conference (MIXDES), Warsaw, Poland, pp. 45-50 [Javid 2012b]
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- S. Kamei, A. Lamani, F. Ooshita, S. Tixeuil : “Gathering an Even Number of Robots in an Odd Ring without Global Multiplicity Detection”, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 7464, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 542-553, (Springer) [Kamei 2012b]
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- M. Seifi, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, I. Junier, J.‑B. Rouquier, S. Iskrov : “Stable community cores in complex networks”, 3rd Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2012), vol. 424, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Melbourne, Florida, United States, pp. 87-98 [Seifi 2012b]
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