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- N. Absi, S. Dauzère‑Pérès, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum, B. Penz, Ch. Rapine : “Lot-sizing with carbon emission constraints”, 12ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2011), Saint-Etienne, France [Absi 2011b]
- A. Achour, B. Kervella, G. Pujolle : “SHIM6-Based Mobility Management for Multi-homed Terminals in Heterogeneous Environment”, The Eight IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2011), Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Achour 2011]
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- N. Alon, H. Attiya, Sh. Dolev, S. Dubois, M. Gradinariu Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Pragmatic Self-Stabilization of Atomic Memory in Message-Passing Systems”, SSS 2011 - 13th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 6976, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Grenoble, France, pp. 19-31, (Springer) [Alon 2011]
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- E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Differential pair routing to balance dual signals of WDDL designs in cluster-based Mesh FPGA”, 6th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, ReCoSoC 2011, Montpellier, France, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) [Amouri 2011]
- E. Angel, E. Bampis, F. Kacem : “Algorithme approché probabiliste pour le problème Q||sum wi Ci en tenant compte de l'énergie consommée”, 12ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2011), Saint-Étienne, France [Angel 2011a]
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- Ah. Ashry, H. Aboushady : “A 4th Order Subsampled RF ΣΔ ADC Centered at 2.4GHz with a Sine-Shaped Feedback DAC”, European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC'11), Helsinki, Finland, pp. 263-266, (IEEE) [Ashry 2011b]
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- J. Ayoub, B. Granado, O. Romain, Y. Mohanna : “A new approach to 3D form recognition within video capsule endoscopic”, Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), Tampere, Finland, pp. 1-7, (IEEE) [Ayoub 2011a]
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- P. Bendotti, P. Fouilhoux, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum : “Permutation Problem using a unit-Capacity Robot for the nuclear Fuel Renewal in a Pressurized Water Reactor”, Septièmes Journées Franco-Chiliennes d'Optimisation, Perpignan, France [Bendotti 2011b]
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- A. Blogowski, O. Klopfenstein, Ph. Chrétienne, F. Pascual : “Modèle de dimensionnement de liens dans les réseaux mobiles LTE”, 13es Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications (AlgoTel), Cap Estérel, France [Blogowski 2011a]
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- Ch. Bouillaguet, J.‑Ch. Faugère, P.‑A. Fouque, L. Perret : “Practical Cryptanalysis of the Identification Scheme Based on the Isomorphism of Polynomial With One Secret Problem”, 14th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2011, vol. 6571, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Taormina, Italy, pp. 473-493, (Springer) [Bouillaguet 2011]
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- Z. Bouzid, P. Sutra, C. Travers : “Anonymous Agreement: The Janus Algorithm”, OPODIS'11 - 15th International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems, vol. 7109, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toulouse, France, pp. 175-190, (Springer) [Bouzid 2011c]
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- J.‑P. Briot, M. Irving, G. Melo, E. Vasconcelos, I. Alvarez, S. Martin, W. Wei : “A Serious Game and Artificial Agents to support Intercultural Participatory Management of Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation and Social Inclusion”, The Second International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing 2011), Culture and Computing, 2011 Second International Conference, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 15-20, (IEEE), (ISBN: : 978-1-4577-1593-8) [Briot 2011b]
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- E. BUYUKKAYA, M. ABDALLAH : “A Flexible Connectivity Architecture for Avatar Management in P2P-based Virtual Environments”, ACM/IEEE Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-2, (ACM/IEEE) [BUYUKKAYA 2011]
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- R. Cavagna, M. ABDALLAH : “Finding the Best Tradeoff Between Multi Resolution Content Reproduction Quality and Multi Resolution Content Reproduction Efficiency”, International Workshop on Massively Multiuser Virtual Environment (MMVE), Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China [Cavagna 2011b]
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- J. Creus, B. Amann, N. Travers, D. Vodislav : “RoSeS: a continuous query processor for large-scale RSS filtering and aggregation”, CIKM '11 - 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp. 2549-2552, (ACM) [Creus 2011b]
- J. Creus, B. Amann, V. Christophides, N. Travers, D. Vodislav : “Optimizing large collections of continuous content-based RSS aggregation queries”, 27èmes journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA 2011), Rabat, Morocco, pp. 1-21 [Creus 2011c]
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- H. Fargier, G. Jeantet, O. Spanjaard : “Optimisation de l'utilité espérée pessimiste dans les arbres de décision avec a priori multiples”, 12ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2011), Saint-Etienne, France [Fargier 2011a]
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- M. Rosière, J.‑L. Desbarbieux, N. Drach, F. Wajsbürt : “MORPHEO: a high-performance processor generator for a FPGA implementation”, DASIP IEEE International Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Tampere, Finland, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) [Rosière 2011]
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