- M. ABDALLAH, E. BUYUKKAYA : “Efficient Routing in Non-Uniform DHTs for Range Query Support”, IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), Dallas, TX, United States, pp. 239-246, (Acta Press) [ABDALLAH 2006]
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- S. Aknine, O. Shehory : “A Feasible and Practical Coalition Formation Mechanism: Leveraging Compromise and Task Relationships”, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, pp. 436-439, (IEEE) [Aknine 2006c]
- S. Aknine, O. Shehory : “Reaching Agreements for Coalition Formation through Derivation of Agents' Intentions”, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI, vol. 141, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Riva del Garda, Italy, pp. 180-184, (IOS Press) [Aknine 2006d]
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- Th. Bärecke, Ch. Mansilla, S. Avril, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Detyniecki, F. Werkoff : “On the use of genetic algorithms and fuzzy logics for the assessment of the cost of the hydrogen to be produced by advanced processes”, Fuel Cell Seminar, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States [Bärecke 2006a]
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- P. Brézillon, A. Gonzalez : “A tale of two context-based formalisms for representing human knowledge”, 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, vol. 4031, Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Annecy, France, pp. 137-145, (Springer-Verlag) [Brézillon 2006b]
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- J.‑P. Briot, Th. Meurisse : “A component-based model of agent behaviors for multi-agent-based simulations (short paper)”, 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'2006) 7th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS'06), L. Antunes, K. Takadama (Eds.), Hakodate, Japan, pp. 183-190 [Briot 2006b]
- J.‑P. Briot, Th. Meurisse, F. Peschanski : “Architectural Design of Component-based Agents: A Behavior-based Approach”, 4th International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS'06), Hakodate, Japan, pp. 35-49 [Briot 2006c]
- J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum, S. Aknine, A. De Luna Almeida, J. Malenfant, O. Marin, P. Sens, N. Faci, M. Gatti, C. Lucena : “Experience and Prospects for Various Control Strategies for Self-Replicating Multi-Agent Systems”, SEAMS 2006 - 1st International Workshop on Software Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, Shanghai, China, pp. 37-43, (ACM) [Briot 2006e]
- J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum, S. Aknine, A. De Luna Almeida, J. Malenfant, O. Marin, P. Sens, N. Faci, M. Gatti, C. Lucena : “Experience and Prospects for Various Control Strategies for Self-Replicating Multi-Agent Systems”, SEAMS 2006 - 1st International Workshop on Software Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, Shanghai, China, pp. 37-43, (ACM) [Briot 2006f]
- J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum, S. Aknine, A. De Luna Almeida, J. Malenfant, O. Marin, P. Sens, N. Faci, M. Gatti, C. Lucena : “Experience and Prospects for Various Control Strategies for Self-Replicating Multi-Agent Systems”, SEAMS 2006 - 1st International Workshop on Software Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, Shanghai, China, pp. 37-43, (ACM Press), (ISBN: 1-59593-403-0) [Briot 2006g]
- J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum, S. Aknine, A. De Luna Almeida, N. Faci, J. Malenfant, O. Marin, P. Sens : “Engineering Control Strategies for Replication-Based Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems”, International Workshop on Engineering of Fault-Tolerant Systems (EFTS'2006), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 80-93 [Briot 2006h]
- J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum, S. Aknine, A. De Luna Almeida, N. Faci, J. Malenfant, O. Marin, P. Sens : “Engineering Control Strategies for Replication-Based Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems”, International Workshop on Engineering of Fault-Tolerant Systems (EFTS'2006), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 80-93 [Briot 2006i]
- J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum, S. Aknine, A. De Luna Almeida, N. Faci, J. Malenfant, O. Marin, P. Sens : “Engineering Control Strategies for Replication-Based Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems”, International Workshop on Engineering of Fault-Tolerant Systems (EFTS'2006), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 80-93 [Briot 2006j]
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- G. Carvalho, C. Lucena, R. Paes, J.‑P. Briot, R. Choren : “A Governance Framework Implementation for Supply Chain Management Applications as Open Multi-Agent Systems”, 7th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE'2006), Hakodate, Japan, (ACM Press) [Carvalho 2006b]
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- H. Chang, Ph. Collet, A. Ozanne, N. Rivierre : “Some Autonomic Features of Hierarchical Components with Negotiable Contracts”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC '06), Dublin, Ireland, pp. 285-286, (IEEE) [Chang 2006b]
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- X. Chen, D. Wang : “Towards an Electronic Geometry Textbook (Extended Abstract)”, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, vol. 4869, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pontevedra, Spain, pp. 1-23, (Springer) [Chen 2006]
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- Ph. Collet, A. Ozanne, N. Rivierre : “Enforcing Different Contracts in Hierarchical Component-Based Systems”, ETAPS 2006, 5th International Symposium on Software Composition (SC '06), vol. 4089, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vienna, Austria, pp. 50-65, (Springer) [Collet 2006a]
- Ph. Collet, A. Ozanne, N. Rivierre : “On contracting different behavioral properties in component-based systems”, The 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC'06, Dijon, France, pp. 1798-1799, (ACM) [Collet 2006b]
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- M. De C. Gatti, R. Paes, G. Carvalho, L. Rodrigues, C. Lucena, N. Faci, J.‑P. Briot, Z. Guessoum : “Governing Agent Interaction in Open Multi-Agent Systems with Fault Tolerant Strategies”, International Workshop Agents and Multiagent Systems - from Theory to Application (AMTA'06), Québec, PQ, Canada [de C. Gatti 2006]
- L. De Lamarre, M.‑M. Louërat, A. Kaiser : “Optimisation des éléments passifs d'un convertisseur sigma-delta temps continu”, TAISA Colloque sur le Traitement Analogique de l'Information du Signal et ses Applications, Strasbourg, France, pp. 101-104 [De Lamarre 2006a]
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- Th. Degris, O. Sigaud, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Chi-square Tests Driven Method for Learning the Structure of Factored MDPs”, Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, pp. 122-129, (AUAI Press) [Degris 2006b]
- Th. Degris, O. Sigaud, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Learning the Structure of Factored Markov Decision Processes in Reinforcement Learning Problems”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, pp. 257-264, (ACM) [Degris 2006c]
- Th. Delavallade, Ch. Marsala, Ph. Capet, C. Michel : “Crisis Risk Assessment and Early Warning”, IPMU 2006, industrial track, Paris, France, pp. 33-36 [Delavallade 2006]
- B. Devèze, C. Chopinaud, P. Taillibert : “ALBA: a Generic Library for Programming Mobile Agents with Prolog.”, Workshop Programming Multi-Agent systems, Hakodate, Japan, pp. 41-51 [Devèze 2006]
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- C. Ditzel Kropiwiec, E. Jamhour, M. Fonseca, F. Enembreck, G. Pujolle : “Uma Abordagem Baseada em Programação Declarativa para Configuração de Firewalls em Ambientes Heterogêneos”, SBRC 2006 - 24. Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, Curitiba, Brazil, pp. 407-421 [Ditzel Kropiwiec 2006]
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- S. Doncieux, J.‑B. Mouret, A. Angeli, R. Barate, J.‑A. Meyer, E. De Margerie : “Building an artificial bird: Goals and accomplishments of the ROBUR project”, European Micro Aerial Vehicles Conference (EMAV), Braunschweig, Germany [Doncieux 2006]
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- R. Driouche, Z. Boufaïda, F. Kordon : “An Ontology Based Architecture for Integrating Enterprise Applications”, International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems - MSVVEIS 2006, Paphos, Cyprus, pp. 26-37, (INSTICC Press) [Driouche 2006b]
- R. Driouche, Z. Boufaïda, F. Kordon : “Towards Integrating Collaborative Business Process based onProcess Ontology and EbXML Collaboration Scenario”, 6th International Workshop On Web Based Collaboration (WBC '2006), Krakow, Poland, pp. 299-303, (IEEE Computer Society) [Driouche 2006c]
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- A. El Fallah‑Seghrouchni, G. Vauvert, C. Pira : “Formal specification of opinions applied to the consensus problem”, International Symposium on COGnitive systems with Interactive Sensors, Paris, France, pp. 1-6 [El Fallah-Seghrouchni 2006b]
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- D. Elkaïm, J.‑G. Ganascia : “CYBERNARD: Computational Modeling of Claude Bernard's Experimental Method & Physiological Theories”, North-American Computing and Philosophy Conference (NA-CAP), Troy, United States [Elkaïm 2006]
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- J.‑Ch. Faugère : “An efficient algorithm for computing Gröbner bases without reduction to zero. Applications in Cryptology.”, Special Semester on Groebner Bases D1, Linz, Austria [Faugère 2006a]
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- J.‑Ch. Faugère : “Solving Polynomial Systems with Grobner bases: application in Cryptology”, Computational Algebraic Geometry and Applications, Nice, France [Faugère 2006d]
- J.‑Ch. Faugère, L. Perret : “Cryptanalysis of 2R-- schemes”, Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO 2006, vol. 4117, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Santa Barbara, California, United States, pp. 357-372, (Springer-Verlag) [Faugère 2006e]
- J.‑Ch. Faugère, L. Perret : “Polynomial Equivalence Problems: Algorithmic and Theoretical Aspects”, International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography 2006, Louvain, Belgium, pp. 67-84 [Faugère 2006f]
- J.‑Ch. Faugère, L. Perret : “Polynomial Equivalence Problems: Algorithmic and Theoretical Aspects”, EuroCrypt 2006 Advances in Cryptology, vol. 4004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, pp. 30-47, (Springer-Verlag) [Faugère 2006g]
- E. Faure, A. Greiner, D. Genius : “A generic hardware/software communication mechanism for Multi-Processor System on Chip, Targeting Telecommunication Applications”, ReCoSoC Reconfigurable Communication-centric SoCs, Montpellier, France, pp. 237-242 [Faure 2006]
- C. Felicissimo, C. Lucena, J.‑P. Briot, R. Choren : “An approach for contextual regulations in open MAS”, 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'2006) International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS'06), A. Garcia, A. Ghose, M. Kolp (Eds.), Hakodate, Japan, pp. 25-32 [Felicissimo 2006a]
- C. Felicissimo, C. Lucena, J.‑P. Briot, R. Choren : “Regulating open multi-agent systems with DynaCROM”, 20th Brazilian Conference on Software Engineering (SBES'2006) 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS'06), Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, pp. 95-106, (Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), Brazil), (ISBN: 85-7669-085-3) [Felicissimo 2006b]
- C. Felicissimo, R. Choren, J.‑P. Briot, C. Lucena : “Supporting Regulatory Dynamics in Open MAS”, International Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems (COIN'2006), Hakodate, Japan, (ACM Press) [Felicissimo 2006c]
- G. Fombelle, X. Blanc, L. Rioux, M.‑P. Gervais : “Finding a Path to Model Consistency”, 2nd European Conference on MDA (ECDMA '06), vol. 4066, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bilbao, Spain, pp. 101-112, (Springer-Verlag) [Fombelle 2006]
- J. Forest, M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Class Segmentation to Improve Fuzzy Prototype Construction: Visualization and Characterization of Non Homogeneous Classes”, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 555-559 [Forest 2006a]
- J. Forest, M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Segmentation de classes pour l'amélioration de la construction de prototypes flous : visualisation et caractérisation de classes non homogènes”, Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA 2006), Toulouse, France, pp. 29-36 [Forest 2006b]
- P. Fouilhoux, J. Damay : “Un algorithme de BCP pour le RCPSP preemptif”, 7ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2006), Lille, France [Fouilhoux 2006b]
- P. Fouilhoux, N. Faure, E. GOURDIN : “Le problème d'agrégation de sessions multicast”, Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire, Avignon, France, pp. 29-31 [Fouilhoux 2006c]
- L. Gacôgne : “Methods to apply operators in a steady state evolutionary algorithm”, IPMU 2006 Conference, vol. 3, Paris, France, pp. 2690-2697, (Editions E.D.K.) [Gacôgne 2006]
- L. Galand : “Interactive search for compromise solutions in multicriteria graph problems”, 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill And Knowledge , 22-25 mai, vol. 39 (4), IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Nancy, France, pp. 129-134, (Elsevier Ltd) [Galand 2006a]
- L. Galand : “Recherche d'un chemin de meilleur compromis dans un graphe multicritère”, 7ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2006), Lille, France, pp. 121-136, (Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes) [Galand 2006b]
- L. Galand, P. Perny : “Search for Compromise Solutions in Multiobjective State Space Graphs”, 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 141, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Riva del Garda, Italy, pp. 93-97, (IOS Press) [Galand 2006c]
- D. Galayko, R. Iskander, M.‑M. Louërat, A. Greiner : “Réutilisation et migration d'amplificateurs avec CAIRO+”, JP CNFM Journées pédagogiques du CNFM, Saint Malo, France, pp. 35-39 [Galayko 2006b]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Automatic Cartography of Cultural Contents”, Visual Information Expert Workshop (VIEW), Paris, France [Ganascia 2006a]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Bureaucracy is going to its end. Up to Electrocracy!”, 6th European Conference on e-Government, Marburg, Germany [Ganascia 2006b]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Induction with Machine Learning Revisited”, Computer & Philosophy, an International Conference (i-C&P), Laval, France [Ganascia 2006f]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Modeling Ethical Rules with ASP”, European Computing and Philosophy Conference (E-CAP), Trondheim, Norway [Ganascia 2006j]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Reconstructing True Wrong Inductions”, AAAI Spring Symposium "What Went Wrong and Why Workshop", Stanford, United States, pp. 26-33, (AAAI) [Ganascia 2006k]
- J.‑G. Ganascia, D. Elkaïm, C. Debru : “CYBERNARD: Scientific Reconstruction of Claude Bernard's Scientifc Discoveries”, Model Based Reasoning in Science and Medicine (MBR), Guangzhou, China [Ganascia 2006l]
- J.‑G. Ganascia, J. Bourdaillet : “Alignements unilingues avec MEDITE”, Huitièmes Journées Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT 2006), Besançon, France, pp. 427-437 [Ganascia 2006m]
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- M. Gatti, C. Lucena, J.‑P. Briot : “On Fault Tolerance in Law-Governed Multi-Agent Systems”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS'2006), Shanghai, China, pp. 21-27, (ACM Press), (ISBN: 1-59593-395-6) [Gatti 2006a]
- M. Gatti, G. Carvalho, R. Paes, A. Von Staa, C. Lucena, J.‑P. Briot : “O rationale da fidedignidade em sistemas multiagentes abertos governados por leis”, 20th Brazilian Conference on Software Engineering (SBES'2006) 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS'06), Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, pp. 1-12, (Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), Brazil), (ISBN: 85-7669-085-3) [Gatti 2006b]
- N. Geoffray, G. Thomas, B. Folliot : “Distribution transparente et dynamique de code pour applications Java”, Conférence Française sur les Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE), Perpignan, France, pp. 85-96 [Geoffray 2006a]
- N. Geoffray, G. Thomas, B. Folliot : “Live and Heterogeneous Migration of Execution Environments”, Pervasive Systems Workshop (PerSys), vol. 4278, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montpellier, France, pp. 1254-1263, (Springer-Verlag) [Geoffray 2006b]
- N. Geoffray, G. Thomas, B. Folliot : “Transparent and Dynamic Code Offloading for Java Applications”, Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), vol. 4276, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montpellier, France, pp. 1790-1806, (Springer-Verlag) [Geoffray 2006c]
- H. Giroire, F. Le Calvez, G. Tisseau : “Benefits of knowledge-based interactive learning environments: A case in combinatorics”, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kerkrad, Netherlands, pp. 285-289, (IEEE Computer Society) [Giroire 2006]
- Ch. Gonzales, J.‑Y. Jaffray, N. Jouve : “Les réseaux bayésiens : un modèle probabiliste pour l'explication et la prédiction des coûts immobiliers”, Premières rencontres du logement de l'Institut d'économie publique, Marseille, France [Gonzales 2006a]
- Ch. Gonzales, N. Jouve : “Apprentissage de structure de réseaux bayésiens à partir de réseaux markoviens”, Actes du 15ème congrès francophone de reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificielle, Tours, France, (Presses Universitaires François Rabelais) [Gonzales 2006b]
- Ch. Gonzales, N. Jouve : “Exploration de différents espaces graphiques pour l'apprentissage de structure des réseaux bayésiens”, 7ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2006), Lille, France [Gonzales 2006c]
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- G. Nogueira, B. Baynat, P. Eisenmann, Ah. Ziram : “Measurement based Validation of GPRS/EDGE Analytical Models”, Student Workshop INFOCOM 2006, Barcelona, Spain [Nogueira 2006b]
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