Former team : | ACASA |
Publications QI | 2023 | 2024 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Journal articles | 19 | 14 | 33 |
Book chapters | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference papers | 6 | 5 | 11 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 4 | 2 | 6 |
- V. Acosta, D. Dequal, M. Schiavon, A. Montmerle‑Bonnefois, C. Lim, J.‑M. Conan, E. Diamanti : “Increasing the secret key rate of satellite-to-ground entanglement-based QKD assisted by adaptive optics”, [Acosta 2024]
- M. Baroni, Q.‑H. Vu, B. Bourdoncle, E. Diamanti, D. Markham, I. Šupić : “Quantum bounds for compiled XOR games and $d$-outcome CHSH games”, [Baroni 2024]
- J. Bavaresco, S. Yoshida, T. Odake, H. Kristjánsson, Ph. Taranto, M. Murao, M. Quintino : “Can the quantum switch be deterministically simulated?”, [Bavaresco 2024]
- A. Bredariol Grilo, E. Kashefi, D. Markham, M. De Oliveira : “The power of shallow-depth Toffoli and qudit quantum circuits”, [Bredariol Grilo 2024a]
- A. Bredariol Grilo, Ph. Lamontagne : “The Round Complexity of Proofs in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model”, [Bredariol Grilo 2024b]
- A. Broadbent, Alex B. Grilo, S. Podder, J. Sikora : “The Role of piracy in quantum proofs”, [Broadbent 2024]
- L. Bugalho, M. Hassani, Y. Omar, D. Markham : “Private and Robust States for Distributed Quantum Sensing”, [Bugalho 2024]
- L. Colisson, D. Markham, R. Yehia : “All graph state verification protocols are composably secure”, [Colisson 2024]
- G. De Gliniasty, P. Hilaire, P.‑E. Emériau, Stephen C. Wein, A. Salavrakos, Sh. Mansfield : “A Spin-Optical Quantum Computing Architecture”, [de Gliniasty 2024]
- É. Descamps, D. Markham : “Noisy certification of continuous variables graph states”, [Descamps 2024]
- E. Diamanti, Alex B. Grilo, A. Innocenzi, P. Lefebvre, V. Yacoub, Á. Yángüez : “A Practical Protocol for Quantum Oblivious Transfer from One-Way Functions”, [Diamanti 2024]
- C. Donne, M. Iuliano, B. Van der Vecht, G. Ferreira, H. Jirovská, Th. Van der Steenhoven, A. Dahlberg, M. Skrzypczyk, D. Fioretto, M. Teller, P. Filippov, A.‑P. Montblanch, J. Fischer, B. Van Ommen, N. Demetriou, D. Leichtle, L. Music, H. Ollivier, I. Raa, W. Kozlowski, T. Taminiau, P. Pawełczak, T. Northup, R. Hanson, S. Wehner : “Design and demonstration of an operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes”, [Donne 2024]
- L. Dos Santos Martins, N. Laurent‑Puig, I. Šupić, D. Markham, E. Diamanti : “Experimental Sample-Efficient and Device-Independent GHZ State Certification”, [dos Santos Martins 2024a]
- L. Dos Santos Martins, N. Laurent‑Puig, P. Lefebvre, S. Neves, E. Diamanti : “Realizing a Compact, High-Fidelity, Telecom-Wavelength Source of Multipartite Entangled Photons”, [dos Santos Martins 2024b]
- S. Egelhaaf, J. Pauwels, M. Quintino, R. Uola : “Certifying measurement incompatibility in prepare-and-measure and Bell scenarios”, [Egelhaaf 2024]
- J. Frank, E. Kashefi, D. Leichtle, M. De Oliveira : “Heuristic-free Verification-inspired Quantum Benchmarking”, [Frank 2024]
- F. Grosshans, M. Horodecki, M. Murao, T. Młynik, M. Quintino, M. Studziński, S. Yoshida : “Multicopy quantum state teleportation with application to storage and retrieval of quantum programs”, [Grosshans 2024]
- C. Gustiani, D. Leichtle, J. Miller, R. Grassie, D. Mills, E. Kashefi : “On-Chip Verified Quantum Computation with an Ion-Trap Quantum Processing Unit”, [Gustiani 2024]
- M. Hassani, S. Scheiner, Matteo G. A. Paris, D. Markham : “Privacy in networks of quantum sensors”, [Hassani 2024]
- H. Kristjánsson, T. Odake, S. Yoshida, Ph. Taranto, J. Bavaresco, M. Quintino, M. Murao : “Exponential separation in quantum query complexity of the quantum switch with respect to simulations with standard quantum circuits”, [Kristjánsson 2024]
- M. Mehrani, K. Masoudi, R. Mezher, E. Kashefi, D. Sadhukhan : “Restricted Randomized Benchmarking with Universal Gates of Fixed Sequence Length”, [Mehrani 2024]
- U. Meyer, I. Šupić, D. Markham, F. Grosshans : “Bell Nonlocality from Wigner Negativity in Qudit Systems”, [Meyer 2024a]
- U. Meyer, I. Šupić, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Self-Testing Graph States Permitting Bounded Classical Communication”, [Meyer 2024b]
- H. Mhiri, L. Monbroussou, M. Herrero‑Gonzalez, S. Thabet, E. Kashefi, J. Landman : “Constrained and Vanishing Expressivity of Quantum Fourier Models”, [Mhiri 2024]
- L. Monbroussou, Eliott Z. Mamon, H. Thomas, V. Yacoub, U. Chabaud, E. Kashefi : “Towards quantum advantage with photonic state injection”, [Monbroussou 2024a]
- L. Monbroussou, J. Landman, L. Wang, Alex B. Grilo, E. Kashefi : “Subspace Preserving Quantum Convolutional Neural Network Architectures”, [Monbroussou 2024b]
- Y. Piétri, M. Schiavon, V. Marulanda Acosta, B. Gouraud, L. Vidarte, Ph. Grangier, A. Rhouni, E. Diamanti : “QOSST: A Highly-Modular Open Source Platform for Experimental Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution”, [Piétri 2024]
- M. Plávala, O. Gühne, M. Quintino : “All incompatible measurements on qubits lead to multiparticle Bell nonlocality”, [Plávala 2024]
- B. Polacchi, D. Leichtle, G. Carvacho, G. Milani, N. Spagnolo, M. Kaplan, E. Kashefi, F. Sciarrino : “Experimental verifiable multi-client blind quantum computing on a Qline architecture”, [Polacchi 2024]
- A. Raza, J. Eisert, Alex B. Grilo : “Complexity of geometrically local stoquastic Hamiltonians”, [Raza 2024]
- H. Thomas, P.‑E. Emériau, E. Kashefi, H. Ollivier, U. Chabaud : “On the role of coherence for quantum computational advantage”, [Thomas 2024]
- Ch. Wadhwa, L. Lewis, E. Kashefi, M. Doosti : “Agnostic Process Tomography”, [Wadhwa 2024]
- R. Yehia, Y. Piétri, C. Pascual‑García, P. Lefebvre, F. Centrone : “Energetic Analysis of Emerging Quantum Communication Protocols”, [Yehia 2024b]