Publications PEQUAN | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Journal articles | 9 | 5 | 2 | 16 |
Book chapters | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference papers | 9 | 13 | 0 | 22 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 |
- L.A. Abbas‑Turki, S. Graillat : “Resolution of a large number of small random symmetric linear systems in single precision arithmetic on GPUs”, International conference on Monte-Carlo techniques, Paris, France, pp. 25 [Abbas-Turki 2016]
- J.‑C. Bajard, J. Eynard, A. Hasan, V. Zucca : “A Full RNS Variant of FV like Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Schemes”, Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC LNCS, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada [Bajard 2016a]
- J.‑C. Bajard, J. Eynard, N. Merkiche : “Multi-fault Attack Detection for RNS Cryptographic Architecture”, 2016 IEEE 23rd Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Santa Clara, CA, United States, (IEEE) [Bajard 2016b]
- P. Eberhart, J. Brajard, P. Fortin, F. Jézéquel : “Estimation of Round-off Errors in OpenMP Codes”, IWOMP 2016 - 12th International Workshop on OpenMP, vol. 9903, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nara, Japan, pp. 3-16, (Springer International Publishing) [Eberhart 2016]
- G. Favelier, Ch. Gueunet, J. Tierny : “Visualizing Ensembles of Viscous Fingers”, IEEE Scientific Visualization Contest, Baltimore, United States [Favelier 2016]
- S. Graillat, C. Jeangoudoux, Ch. Lauter : “A Decimal Multiple-Precision Interval Arithmetic Library”, book of abstracts : 17th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetics and Verified Numerics., Uppsala, Sweden [Graillat 2016a]
- S. Graillat, F. Jézéquel, R. Picot, F. Févotte, B. Lathuilière : “PROMISE: floating-point precision tuning with stochastic arithmetic”, 17th international symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Verified Numerics (SCAN 2016), UPPSALA, Sweden, pp. 98-99 [Graillat 2016c]
- Ch. Gueunet, P. Fortin, J. Jomier, J. Tierny : “Contour Forests: Fast Multi-threaded Augmented Contour Trees”, IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, Baltimore, United States [Gueunet 2016]
- Th. Hilaire, A. Volkova, M. Ravoson : “Reliable fixed-point implementation of linear data-flows”, IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), Dallas, United States [Hilaire 2016]
- R. Iakymchuk, D. Defour, C. Collange, S. Graillat : “Reproducible and Accurate Algorithms for Numerical Linear Algebra”, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP16), Paris, France, (SIAM) [Iakymchuk 2016a]
- R. Iakymchuk, D. Defour, C. Collange, S. Graillat : “Reproducible and Accurate Matrix Multiplication”, 16th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics n°9553, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Wurzburg, Germany, pp. 126-137 [Iakymchuk 2016b]
- R. Iakymchuk, D. Defour, S. Graillat : “Towards Fast, Accurate and Reproducible LU Factorization”, SCAN 2016, 17th international symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 59-60 [Iakymchuk 2016c]
- R. Iakymchuk, I. Toshiyuki, S. Graillat, S. Markidis, E. Laure : “A Case Study of the Reproducibility Issues in EigenExa”, EASC2016, Exascale Applications and Software Conference, Stockholm, Sweden [Iakymchuk 2016d]
- R. Iakymchuk, S. Graillat, D. Defour, E. Quintana‑Ortí : “Hierarchical Approach for Deriving a Reproducible LU factorization on GPUs”, The Numerical Reproducibility at Exascale (NRE16) workshop held as part of the Supercomputing Conference (SC16), Salt Lake City, UT, United States [Iakymchuk 2016e]
- F. Jézéquel, J.‑L. Lamotte, I. Said : “Estimation de la reproductibilité numérique dans les environnements hybrides CPU-GPU”, CANUM, mini-symposium ``Recherche reproductible'', Obernai, France [Jézéquel 2016]
- Ch. Lauter : “A new open-source SIMD vector libm fully implemented with high-level scalar C”, 2016 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, United States, pp. 407-411 [Lauter 2016]
- M. Mezzarobba : “Rigorous Multiple-Precision Evaluation of D-Finite Functions in SageMath”, 5th International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS~2016), Berlin, Germany [Mezzarobba 2016]
- I. Said, P. Fortin, J.‑L. Lamotte, H. Calandra : “Efficient Reverse Time Migration on APU clusters”, 2016 Rice Oil & Gas HPC Conference, Houston, United States [Said 2016a]
- I. Said, P. Fortin, J.‑L. Lamotte, H. Calandra : “hiCL: an OpenCL abstraction layer for scientific computing, application to depth imaging on GPU and APU”, The ACM International Conference Series (ACM ICPS)., Vienne, Austria [Said 2016b]
- I. Said, P. Fortin, J.‑L. Lamotte, R. Dolbeau, H. Calandra : “On the efficiency of the Accelerated Processing Unit for scientific computing”, Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SPRINGSIM)., Pasadena, United States, pp. 349-356, (Society for Computer Simulation International) [Said 2016c]
- A. Volkova, Ch. Lauter, Th. Hilaire : “Computing the Worst-Case Peak Gain of Digital Filter in Interval Arithmetic”, 17th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetics and Verified Numerics., Uppsala, Sweden [Volkova 2016]