Publications PEQUAN | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Journal articles | 9 | 5 | 2 | 16 |
Book chapters | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference papers | 9 | 13 | 0 | 22 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 |
- R. Alt : “A simple and efficient algorithm for eigenvalues computation”, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Numerical methods and applications, vol. 4310, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 271-278, (Springer) [Alt 2007a]
- R. Alt, J.‑L. Lamotte, S. Markov : “Numerical Study of Algebraic Problems using stochastic arithmetic”, Large Scale Scientific Computing (LSSC'07),, vol. 4818, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 123-130, (Springer) [Alt 2007b]
- R. Alt, J.‑L. Lamotte, S. Markov : “Testing stochastic arithmetic and CESTAC method via polynomial computation”, IFSA 2007 - 12th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, vol. 4529, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 13-22, (Springer) [Alt 2007c]
- Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel, N. Scott : “High Performance Computation: numerical music or numerical noise?”, Proceedings of the 8th HERCMA (Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications) conference, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-8 [Denis 2007]
- S. Dubuisson, J. Fabrizio : “Utilisation des distances tangentes pour la compensation de mouvement”, 12èmes journées d'étude et d'échange COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA'07), Montpellier, France, pp. 95-99 [Dubuisson 2007]
- A. El Abed, S. Dubuisson, D. Béréziat : “Association spatio-temporelle avec données manquantes par minimisation d'énergie”, GRETSI, Groupe d'Etudes du Traitement du Signal et des Images, Troyes, France, pp. 65-68 [El Abed 2007a]
- A. El Abed, S. Dubuisson, D. Béréziat : “Energetic Particle Filter for Online Multiple Target Tracking”, ICIP 2007 - 14th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 1, San Antonio, Texas, United States, pp. 493-496 [El Abed 2007b]
- A. El Abed, S. Dubuisson, D. Béréziat : “Energy minimization approach for online data association with missing data”, VISAPP 2007 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Barcelone, Spain, pp. 371-378, (Springer Verlag) [El Abed 2007c]
- A. El Abed, S. Dubuisson, D. Béréziat : “ENMIM: Energetic Normalized Mutual Information Model for Online Multiple Object Tracking with Unlearned Motions”, ACIVS 2007 - 9th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, vol. 4678, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Delft, Netherlands, pp. 955-967, (Springer Verlag) [El Abed 2007d]
- A. El Abed, S. Dubuisson, D. Béréziat : “Multimodal Data Fusion for Tracking Unlearned Motions”, International Workshop on New Directions in Monte Carlo Methods, Fleurance, France, pp. 1-10 [El Abed 2007e]
- J. Fabrizio, S. Dubuisson : “Motion estimation using tangent distances”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, Texas, United States, pp. 489-492, (IEEE) [Fabrizio 2007]
- S. Graillat, V. Ménissier‑Morain : “Error-Free Transformations in Real and Complex Floating Point Arithmetic”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'07), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 341-344 [Graillat 2007c]
- W. Rekik, D. Béréziat, S. Dubuisson : “3D+t Reconstruction in the Context of Locally Spheric Shaped Data Observation”, CAIP 2007 - 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, vol. 4673, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vienna, Austria, pp. 482-489, (Springer Verlag) [Rekik 2007]
- N. Scott, M. Penny Scott, Liviu Gr. Ixaru, Ch. Denis : “2DRMP: fast computation of the Slater integrals”, Mathematical and Computational Methods in R-matrix theory, CCP2 workshop proceedings, London, United Kingdom, pp. 70-75 [Scott 2007b]
- R. Teina, D. Béréziat, B. Stoll : “Etude de la cocoteraie de Tikehau sur des images Ikonos”, MajecSTIC - MAnifestation des JEunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Caen, France, pp. 265-269 [Teina 2007]