Publications DELYS | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Journal articles | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Book chapters | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Conference papers | 9 | 4 | 0 | 13 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 6 | 2 | 0 | 8 |
- K. Altisen, S. Devismes, A. Durand, C. Johnen, F. Petit : “Brief Announcement: Self-stabilizing Systems in Spite of High Dynamics”, PODC 2020 - ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing n°227-229, Salerne / Virtual, Italy, (ACM) [Altisen 2020a]
- K. Altisen, S. Devismes, A. Durand, C. Johnen, F. Petit : “Élection Autostabilisante dans les Réseaux à Haute Dynamicité”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Lyon, France [Altisen 2020b]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Edge-enabled Optimized Network Slicing in Large Scale Networks”, NoF 2020 - 11th International Conference on Network of the Future, Bordeaux / Virtual, France [Alves Esteves 2020a]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Heuristic for Edge-enabled Network Slicing Optimization using the "Power of Two Choices"”, CNSM 2020 - 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management, Izmir / Virtual, Türkiye [Alves Esteves 2020b]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Location-based Data Model for Optimized Network Slice Placement”, NetSoft 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization, Ghent / Virtual, Belgium, pp. 404-412, (IEEE) [Alves Esteves 2020c]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Optimized Network Slicing Proof-of-Concept with Interactive Gaming Use Case”, ICIN 2020 - 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops, Paris, France, pp. 150-152, (IEEE) [Alves Esteves 2020d]
- L. Blin, S. Dubois, L. Feuilloley : “Silent MST Approximation for Tiny Memory”, SSS 2020 : The 22th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 12514, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Austin, TX / Virtual, United States, pp. 118-132, (Springer, Cham.) [Blin 2020c]
- S. Bouchard, Y. Dieudonné, A. Pelc : “Want to Gather? No Need to Chatter!”, PODC '20 - 39th Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Salerno / Virtual, Italy, pp. 253-262, (ACM) [Bouchard 2020b]
- S. Bouchard, Y. Dieudonné, A. Pelc, F. Petit : “Almost Universal Anonymous Rendezvous in the Plane”, SPAA '20: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, Virtual Event, United States, pp. 117-127, (ACM) [Bouchard 2020d]
- G. Bu, M. Potop‑Butucaru, M. Rabie : “Diffusion dans les réseaux sans fil en utilisant des filtres à mémoire constante”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Lyon, France [Bu 2020a]
- L. Corrêa, L. Arantes, P. Sens, M. Inostroza‑Ponta, M. Dorn : “A dynamic evolutionary multi-agent system to predict the 3D structure of proteins”, WCCI 2020 - IEEE World Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC Sessions, Glasgow / Virtual, United Kingdom, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) [Corrêa 2020]
- A. Favier, N. Guittonneau, J. Lejeune, A. Fladenmuller, L. Arantes, P. Sens : “Topology Aware Leader Election Algorithm for MANET”, COMPAS 2020 - Conférence francophone d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Lyon, France [Favier 2020a]
- A. Favier, N. Guittonneau, L. Arantes, A. Fladenmuller, J. Lejeune, P. Sens : “Topology Aware Leader Election Algorithm for Dynamic Networks”, PRDC 2020 - 25th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, 2020 IEEE 25th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), Perth, Australia, pp. 1-10 [Favier 2020b]
- G. Fraysse, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “A resource usage efficient distributed allocation algorithm for 5G Service Function Chains”, DAIS 2020 - 20th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, vol. 12135, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Valetta, Malta, pp. 169-185, (Springer) [Fraysse 2020]
- R. Gouicem, D. Carver, J.‑P. Lozi, J. Sopena, B. Lepers, W. Zwaenepoel, N. Palix, J. Lawall, G. Muller : “Fewer Cores, More Hertz: Leveraging High-Frequency Cores in the OS Scheduler for Improved Application Performance”, 2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston / Virtual, United States [Gouicem 2020]
- F. Laniel, D. Carver, J. Sopena, F. Wajsbürt, J. Lejeune, M. Shapiro : “MemOpLight: Leveraging application feedback to improve container memory consolidation”, NCA 2020 - 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge / Virtual, United States, pp. 1-10 [Laniel 2020a]
- F. Laniel, D. Carver, J. Sopena, F. Wajsbürt, J. Lejeune, M. Shapiro : “MemOpLight: Leveraging application feedback to improve container memory consolidation”, NCA 2020 - 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge / Virtual, United States, pp. 1-10 [Laniel 2020b]
- B. Lepers, R. Gouicem, D. Carver, J.‑P. Lozi, N. Palix, M.‑V. Aponte, W. Zwaenepoel, J. Sopena, J. Lawall, G. Muller : “Provable Multicore Schedulers with Ipanema: Application to Work Conservation”, Eurosys 2020 - European Conference on Computer Systems, Heraklion / Virtual, Greece [Lepers 2020]
- B. Martin, L. Prosperi, M. Shapiro : “An environment for composable distributed computing”, EuroDW 2020 - 14th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, Heraklion / Virtual, Greece [Martin 2020]
- S. Nair, G. Petri, M. Shapiro : “Proving the safety of highly-available distributed objects”, ESOP 2020 - 29th European Symposium on Programming, Dublin, Ireland [Nair 2020a]
- J. Sid‑Otmane, S. Imadali, F. Martelli, M. Shapiro : “Data Consistency in the 5G Specification”, ICIN 2020 - 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops, Paris, France, pp. 110-117, (IEEE) [Sid-Otmane 2020]
- V. Vallade, L. Le Frioux, S. Baarir, J. Sopena, F. Kordon : “On the Usefulness of Clause Strengthening in Parallel SAT Solving”, NFM 2020 - 12th NASA Formal Methods Symposium, Moffett Field / Virtual, United States [vallade 2020a]
- V. Vallade, L. Le Frioux, S. Baarir, J. Sopena, V. Ganesh, F. Kordon : “Community and LBD-Based Clause Sharing Policy for Parallel SAT Solving”, SAT 2020 - 23rd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, vol. 12178, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Alghero / Virtual, Italy, pp. 11-27 [vallade 2020b]
- D. Vasilas, M. Shapiro, B. King, S. Hamouda : “Towards application-specific query processing systems”, BDA 2020 - 36ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications, Paris / Virtual, France [Vasilas 2020]