Publications DECISION | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Journal articles | 2 | 7 | 1 | 10 |
Book chapters | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference papers | 13 | 8 | 0 | 21 |
Habilitations | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Thesis | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
- N. Benabbou, C. Leroy, Th. Lust : “An Interactive Regret-Based Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems”, Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'20), New York, United States [Benabbou 2020a]
- N. Benabbou, C. Leroy, Th. Lust : “Élicitation Incrémentale combinée à la Recherche Heuristique pour l'Optimisation Combinatoire Multi-objectifs”, 21ème congrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Montpellier, France [Benabbou 2020b]
- N. Benabbou, C. Leroy, Th. Lust : “Regret-Based Elicitation for Solving Multi-Objective Knapsack Problems with Rank-Dependent Aggregators”, The 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'20), Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Spain [Benabbou 2020c]
- N. Benabbou, M. Chakraborty, A. Igarashi, Y. Zick : “Finding Fair and Efficient Allocations When Valuations Don't Add Up”, The 13th Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2020), vol. 12283, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Augsburg (Virtual Conference), Germany, pp. 32-46, (Springer) [Benabbou 2020d]
- N. Benabbou, M. Chakraborty, E. Elkind, Y. Zick : “Fairness Towards Groups of Agents in the Allocation of Indivisible Items”, The Fair Allocation in Multiagent Systems, Montréal, Canada [Benabbou 2020e]
- N. Benabbou, M. Chakraborty, E. Elkind, Y. Zick : “Partage Équitable de Ressources à des Groupes d'Agents”, ROADEF 2020 - 21ème congrès annuel de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, Montpellier, France [Benabbou 2020f]
- N. Bourdache, P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “Bayesian preference elicitation for multiobjective combinatorial optimization”, DA2PL 2020 - From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Trento, Italy [Bourdache 2020a]
- N. Bourdache, P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “Élicitation incrémentale de préférences par mise à jour Bayésienne sur des zones d'optimalité”, ROADEF 2020 - 21ème congrès annuel de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Montpellier, France [Bourdache 2020b]
- M. Caillat, N. Darcel, C. Manfredotti, P. Viappiani : “Bayesian Vote Elicitation for Group Recommendations”, From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning (DA2PL 2020), Trento, Italy [Caillat 2020]
- G. Ducamp, Ch. Gonzales, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “aGrUM/pyAgrum : a toolbox to build models and algorithms for Probabilistic Graphical Models in Python”, 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, vol. 138, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Skørping, Denmark, pp. 609-612 [Ducamp 2020a]
- G. Ducamp, Ph. Bonnard, A. Nouy, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “An Efficient Low-Rank Tensors Representation for Algorithms in Complex Probabilistic Graphical Models”, 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, vol. 138, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Skørping, Denmark, pp. 173-184 [Ducamp 2020b]
- G. Ducamp, Ph. Bonnard, Ch. De Sainte Marie, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Advanced Syntax and Compilation for Probabilistic Production Rules with PRM”, 14th International Rule Challenge, 4th Doctoral Consortium, and 6th Industry Track, vol. 2644, Proceedings of the 14th International Rule Challenge, 4th Doctoral Consortium, and 6th Industry Track, Oslo, Norway, pp. 103-110 [Ducamp 2020c]
- G. Ducamp, Ph. Bonnard, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Uncertain Reasoning in Rule-Based Systems Using PRM”, FLAIRS 33 - 33rd Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Miami, United States, pp. 617-620, (AAAI) [Ducamp 2020d]
- B. Escoffier, O. Spanjaard, M. Tydrichová : “Recognizing Single-Peaked Preferences on an Arbitrary Graph: Complexity and Algorithms”, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, SAGT 2020, vol. 12283, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Augsburg, Germany, pp. 291-306, (Springer) [Escoffier 2020c]
- H. Gilbert, T. Portoleau, O. Spanjaard : “Beyond Pairwise Comparisons in Social Choice: A Setwise Kemeny Aggregation Problem”, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 34 (02), Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, United States, pp. 1982-1989 [Gilbert 2020]
- A. Khannoussi, N. Benabbou, A. Olteanu, P. MEYER : “Incremental elicitation of the criteria weights of SRMP using a regret-based query selection strategy”, DA2PL 2020: From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Trento (virtual), Italy [Khannoussi 2020]
- M. Lasserre, R. Lebrun, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Constraint-Based Learning for Non-Parametric Continuous Bayesian Networks”, FLAIRS 33 - 33rd Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Miami, United States, pp. 581-586, (AAAI) [Lasserre 2020]
- H. Martin, P. Perny : “New Computational Models for the Choquet Integral”, 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ECAI 2020, Santiago, Spain [Martin 2020]
- O. Nefla, I. Brigui, P. Viappiani, O. Raboun : “Agent-based ordinal classification for group decision making”, The 2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'20), Melbourne (en virtuel), Australia [Nefla 2020a]
- O. Nefla, M. Öztürk, P. Viappiani, I. Brigui‑Chtioui, O. Raboun : “Group-based Ordinal Classification based on a Negotiation Process”, Rencontre des Jeunes Chercheur·ses en Intelligence Artificielle, Angers, France, pp. 50-52, (Association française pour l'intelligence artificielle) [Nefla 2020b]
- A. Rico, P. Viappiani : “Incremental Elicitation of Capacities for the Sugeno Integral with a Maximin Approach”, 14th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2020), Bolzano, Italy [Rico 2020]
- F. Toffano, N. Wilson, P. Viappiani : “Efficient Exact Computation of Setwise Minimax Regret”, The 19th workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef 2020), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium [Toffano 2020]