Séminaire Phare


Towards Finer-grained Graph-based Interference Models for Wireless Network Optimization

Friday, September 4, 2015
Yan-Chao Zhao (Nanjing University, China)

Abstract: Conflict graph has been widely used for wireless network optimization in dealing with the issues of channel assignment, spectrum allocation, links scheduling and etc. De- spite its simplicity, the traditional conflict graph suffers from two drawbacks. On one hand, it is a rough representation of the interference condition, which is inaccurate and will cause sub- optimal results for wireless network optimization. On the other hand, it only defines the interference between two entities, which neglects the accumulative effect of small amount interference. In this paper, we propose the model of quantized conflict graph (QCG) to tackle the above issues. The properties, usage and construction methods of QCG are explored. We show that in its matrix form, a QCG owns the properties of low-rank and high-similarity. These properties give birth to three complementary QCG estimation strategies, namely low-rank approximation approach, similarity based approach, and comprehensive approach, to construct the QCG efficiently and accurately from partial interference measurement results. The efficient measurement collection for QCG is also studied. We further explore the potential of QCG for wireless network optimization by applying QCG in minimizing the total network interference.

Biography: Dr. Yanchao Zhao received his B.S. degree, Master degree and Ph.D Degree all in Computer Science from Nanjing University. He is currently a Post Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. In 2011 he was a visiting student in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. His research interests include wireless network optimization, mobile computing, and data-center networks. He has served as the TPC member of FiCloud 2015. He also served as the reviewer for IEEE INFOCOM, ICC, WCNC, GlobeCom, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TMC and etc..

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stefano.secci (at) nulllip6.fr