GdT programmation / séminaire IRILL


Representation and simulation of dynamical systems with a high degree of combinatorial explosion

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Jean Krivine (PPS - Univeristé Paris-Diderot)

In this talk I will present a graph rewriting language (Kappa) designed to represent dynamical systems, such as protein-protein interaction networks. A model in this formalism is composed of a graph, whose nodes denote agents of the dynamical system and edges denote their interactions, and a set of rewriting rules that are used by the simulator (KaSim) to generate the stochastic dynamics of the model. We will discuss the various issues that have been addressed (or that still need to be addressed) in order to cope with the explosion of the number of variables of typical biological systems.

More details here …
Emmanuel.Chailloux (at)