Méthodes Formelles pour les Systèmes Logiciels et Matériels
Friday, October 12, 2012Giuseppe Lipari, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy ; Ala Eddine Ben Salem, LIP6/LRDE
14h00-15h00: Giuseppe Lipari, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy "Component-based analysis of real-time systems"
Abstract:The complexity of modern embedded real-time systems is constantly increasing, as new and more complex functionality is added to existing software. At the same time, due to the increasing computational power of the hardware platforms and to the pressure to reduce the costs, software that in the past was run on different computational nodes, is now being integrated onto a single node.
An appealing way to reduce complexity is to apply a component-based real-time design methodology. A real-time system can be seen as a set of interacting components, each one providing a well-defined subset of functionalities, whose integration produces the final system behavior. A component-based methodology is successful only if it can effectively reduce the complexity. To achieve this goal, the system designer must be able to 1) analyze and validate each component in isolation from the rest of the system, 2) summarize its properties and requirements into simpler interfaces, 3) perform the final integration analysis and validation on the component interfaces.
In this talk, the author will give an overview of current techniques for component-based analysis of real-time systems, with a look at their possible use in avionics and automotive systems. Then, a possible research agenda will be discussed, highlighting the shortcomings of current analysis and how to improve on it.
15h00-15h30: Ala Eddine Ben Salem, LIP6/LRDE Model Checking using Generalized Testing Automata
Abstract: Geldenhuys and Hansen showed that a kind of omega-automata known as Testing Automata (TA) can, in the case of stuttering-insensitive properties, out- perform the Büchi automata traditionally used in the automata-theoretic approach to model checking.
In previous work, we compared TA against Transition-based Generalized Büchi Automata (TGBA), and concluded that TA were more interesting when counterexamples were expected, otherwise TGBA were more efficient.
In this work we introduce a new kind of automata, dubbed Transition-based Gen- eralized Testing Automata (TGTA), that combine ideas from TA and TGBA. Implementation and experimentation of TGTA show that they outperform other ap- proaches in most of the cases.
15h30-16h00: pause café
16h00-16h30: vie du groupe
More details here …
Fabrice.Kordon (at)