International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and other Models of Concurrency
Submission deadline 01/05/2009Monday, June 22, 2009 to 06/26/2009
Joseph Sifakis, Grzegorz Rozenberg & Gabriel Juha, Bernard Courtois & Bill Tonti
Collocated with RAPID SYSTEM PROTOTYPING 2009 (RSP'09)
The aim of the "International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency" is to create a forum for discussing progress in the application and theory of Petri nets. This conference is the major event for the Petri nets community and a major event in formal methods field. Typically, the conference have 100-150 participants. Some of these coming from industry, the rest from universities and research institutions. The conference takes place in the last week of June. The 30th edition of this international Petri Net conference takes place under the auspices of EATCS and GI SIG "Petri Nets and Related System Models" and will be organized by the MeFoSyLoMa group that involves: The conference takes place from Wednesday to Friday. The days before the conference also offer a large variety of Petri net activities. Tutorials are offered to participants who have little or no prior experience with Petri nets. The talks give an overview of the area, and they will help new-comers to understand the basic ideas in many of the conference contributions. The Workshops and Advanced Tutorials are offered to those who already have some knowledge of Petri nets. They are divided into several strands covering different subjects. A detailed description of the tutorials and workshops will be available via the conference web pages. It will be also possible to arrange meetings for different groups, e.g., participants in international Petri net projects. It will also be possible to arrange small educational courses, e.g., with respect to some of the Petri net tools. An exhibition of Petri net tools is also planned. It consists of informal demonstrations for small groups/individuals, and there are no scheduled talks.
The conference will feature the following keynote speeches: - Joseph Sifakis (Turing Award 2007) - Grzegorz Rozenberg & Gabriel Juhas from the Petri Net community - Bernard Courtois & Bill Tonti from the RSP community
And 4 workshops as satellite events: - APNOC : Workshop on Abstractions for Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (Natalia Sidorova and Alexander Serebrenik) - PNSE : Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (Daniel Moldt) - ORGMOD : Workshop on Organizational Modeling (Daniel Moldt, Olivier Boissier and Michael Köhler-Bußmeier) - TSPNOC : International Workshop on Timing and Stochasticity in Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (Andras Horvath and Olivier Roux)
More details here …
Jean-Baptiste.Voron (at)