Séminaire REGAL
Joan Manuel Marquès - Treedoc: a commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing
Thursday, September 11, 2008Speaker(s) : Joan Manuel Marquès
Treedoc: a commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing
Cooperative editing systems enable distributed users to collaborate by concurrently editing a shared document. Marc Shapiro and Nuno Preguiça proposed a Commutative Replicated Data Type (CRDT), treedoc, for managing replicated data in cooperative editing systems. In a CRDT, all concurrent editing operations commute. Along with causal ordering, this suffices to guarantee convergence and preserve correctness. Background consensus is used to clean up redundant data.
We implemented treedoc and tested it by taking several real documents edited cooperatively (versions of documents from a CVS repository) and re-executing all versions (serialized) of each document. From this analysis we defined and tested some heuristics that improves the performance of treedoc.
Replication and consensus are managed using Telex (http://regal.lip6.fr/spip.php?rubrique85), a systems designed for sharing mutable data in a distributed environment.