Séminaire MoVe


A High-level Perspective on Formal Validation and Verification

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pr. Shing, (Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA)

In spite of three decades of software formal verification and validation (FV&V) research, there exists no ideal FV&V technique that works well for all FV&V concerns. That is, there is no one technique that enables (i) easy and correct construction of requirement specification of complex real-life properties, and (ii) complete verification coverage of complete real-life complex software with respect to those requirements. Moreover, many of the FV&V techniques are ineffective in handling temporal behavior of reactive systems. In this talk, we present a visual tradeoff space we developed for the US NASA IV&V Facility, called the FV&V tradeoff cuboid, for software engineers to discuss the various tradeoffs (e.g. cost, coverage, etc.) between different FV&V approaches in order to select the appropriate techniques for V&V.

Fabrice.Kordon (at) nulllip6.fr