LIP6/SMA - NII/HonidenLab WS

LIP6/SMA - NII/HonidenLab workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Systems
Monday, October 9, 2006 to 10/10/2006This workshop is proposed within the frame of the LIP6-NII collaboration started in july 2004. PhD students from both teams will present their work and discuss current research issues. Two invited speakers from the industry will present current trends in this domain.
Please find the final programme of the LIP6/SMA - NII/HonidenLab workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Systems. It will be held at LIP6, 8 rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France on october the 9th and 10th.
This workshop is proposed within the frame of the LIP6-NII collaboration started in july 2004. PhD students from both teams will present their work and discuss current research issues. Two invited speakers from the industry will present current trends in this domain.
Any audience interested in MAS and DS is welcome.
Monday 06/10/9 --------------
9h15-9h30 : Opening (Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni and Shinichi Honiden)
9h30-10h30 : Invited speaker: Patrick Taillibert (Thales RT) Thales Aerospace Research Effort in MAS
Thales Aerospace is carrying out an important research effort in multi-agent systems in order to improve the design and the development of its "mission systems", software and hardware applications on-board aircrafts or drones (Unmanned Air Vehicles). The talk will present the rationale behind these researches along with a brief description of their content. Applications carried out so far will be demonstrated.
10h30-11h30 : Session 1 (ambiant, mobility) - Kenji Tei (NII): An Adaptive Location-Based Reorganization Scheme for Geographically Bound Mobile Agent in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks - Yuichi Sei (NII): Using ringed bloom filters to reduce the communication traffic on a distributed hash table - Shunichiro Suenaga (NII): Programming Model for Wireless Sensor Network
11h30-11h40 : Pause
11h40-12h20 : Session 2 (negotiation) - Miniar Hemaissia (LIP6): A New Multilateral Multi-issue Negotiation Protocol - Clément Pira (LIP6): Consensus problem in Distributed Systems and Multi-Agent Systems
12h20-14h : french-style Lunch
14h-15h20 : Session 3 (social MAS) - Samuel Thiriot (LIP6): Modelling a population of consumers - Laurent Mazuel (LIP6): Towards a generic algorithm for command interpretation in ontology-based conversational agents - Carolina Felicissimo (LIP6/PUC): Providing Contextual Information in Open MAS - Paul Guyot (NII): agent-based participatory simulation
15h20-15h30 : Pause
15h30-16h30 : Session 4 (AOSE) - Kazutaka Matsuzaki (NII): Spatio-Temporal Scope Model: Ease of Deployment for Multiple Ubiquitous Environments - Takuo Doi (NII): interaction-oriented development of multi-agent systems - Hiroyuki Nakagawa (NII): Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems based on KAOS Modeling
16h30-16h40 : Pause
16h40-17h40 : Session 5 (web services) - Yasmine Charif (LIP6): Dynamic Service Composition and Selection through an Agent Interaction Protocol - Annelie Lenica (LIP6): Agent-based resource allocation for a QoS-compliant grid - Fuyuki Ishikawa (NII): Agreement-based Cooperative Mobility in Service-Oriented Computing
19h30 : Banquet
Tuesday 06/10/10 ----------------
9h30-10h50 : Session 6 (fault tolerance) - Caroline Chopinaud (LIP6): Control of Emergent Behaviors in Cognitive and Autonomous Agent Systems - Nora Faci (LIP6): Control and design of fault tolerant multi-agent systems - Alessandro Luna (LIP6): A Predictive Method for Providing Fault Tolerance in Multi-Agent Systems - Eric Platon (NII): Definition and Space of Agent Exceptions
10h50-11h : Pause
11h-12h : Invited Speaker: David Sadek (France Telecom R&D) Cognitive agents in human-machine dialogue and multi-agent interaction
12h-13h30 : japanese-style Lunch
13h30-14h30 : Discussion groups Group 1: members of sessions 1 and 6 Group 2: members of sessions 3 and 4 Group 3: members of sessions 2 and 5
Each group must prepare a syntesis of the ideas discussed in the sessions and draw research directions that involves participants from both sides.
14h30-15h30 : Presentation (20 mn/group) Each group elects two delegates (one LIP6, one NII) to present in 20 minutes their analysis of the scientific issues.
15h30-16h : Closing
16h-17h : Informal discussion with coffee
Amal.Elfallah (at) ou Nicolas.Sabouret (at)