X. Renard, M. Rifqi, W. Erray, M. Detyniecki : “Random-shapelet: an algorithm for fast shapelet discovery”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA'2015), Paris, France, pp. 1-10, (IEEE) (2015)
A. Laurent, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Extraction de motifs graduels emergents”, Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, Poitiers, France, (CEPADUES) (2015)
A. Laurent, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Mining Emerging Gradual Patterns”, Joint 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Gijon, Spain (2015)
A. Oudni, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Accelerating Effect of Attribute Variations: Accelerated Gradual Itemsets Extraction”, International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, IPMU 2014, vol. 443, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Montpellier, France, pp. 395-404, (Springer) (2014)
F. Dzogang, Ch. Marsala, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “An Ellipsoidal K-Means for Document Clustering”, IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2012), Bruxelles, Belgium, pp. 221-230, (IEEE) (2012)
Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Characterizing Forest of Fuzzy Decision Trees Errors”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM'11), London, United Kingdom (2011)
M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Double-linear fuzzy interpolation method”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZIEEE'2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 455-462 (2011)
M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Order-based Equivalence Degrees for Similarity and Distance Measures”, International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, IPMU 2010, vol. 6178, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dortmund, Germany, pp. 19-28, (Springer) (2010)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Towards a conscious choice of a fuzzy similarity measure: a qualitative point of view”, International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, IPMU 2010, vol. 6178, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dortmund, Germany, pp. 1-10, (Springer) (2010)
A. Laurent, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “GRAANK: Exploiting Rank Correlations for Extracting Gradual Itemsets”, 8th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS), vol. 5822, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 382-393, (Springer-Verlag) (2009)
E. Hullermeier, M. Rifqi : “A Fuzzy Variant of the Rand Index for Comparing Clustering Structures”, Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1294-1298 (2009)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Towards a conscious choice of a similarity measure: a qualitative point of view”, 10th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2009), vol. 5590, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Verona, Italy, pp. 542-553, (Springer) (2009)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “Similarities in fuzzy data mining: from a cognitive view to real-world applications”, Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2008, vol. 5050, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Hong Kong, China, pp. 349-367, (Springer) (2008)
M. Rifqi, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Detyniecki : “Fuzzy order-equivalence for similarity measures”, 27th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Meeting, NAFIPS 2008, New York, United States, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2008)
J. Diaz, M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, S. Jhean‑Larose, G. Denhière : “Imperfect answers in multiple choice questionnaires”, EC-TEL 2008 - 3rd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, vol. 5192, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Maastricht, Netherlands, pp. 144-154, (Springer) (2008)
S. Sandri, J. Diaz, M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Fuzzy hypothesis management for disorder diagnosis”, Fuzz-IEEE 2007 - IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, London, United Kingdom, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2007)
J. Diaz, M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Evidential Multiple Choice Questions”, Workshop on Personalisation in E-Learning Environments at Individual and Groupe Level (PING) in conjunction with User Modeling Conference (UM 2007), Corfu, Greece, pp. 61-64, (springer) (2007)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Detyniecki, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Real world fuzzy logic applications in data mining and information retrieval”, chapter in Fuzzy Logic - A Spectrum of Theoretical and Practical Issues, vol. 215, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 219-247, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3540712572) (2007)
F. Esteva, M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Detyniecki : “Similarity-based fuzzy interpolation method”, International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, IPMU 2004, Perugia, Italy, pp. 1443-1449 (2004)
J.‑Y. Delort, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Rifqi : “Enhanced Web Document Summarization Using Hyperlinks”, Hypertext 2003 - 14th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Nottingham, United Kingdom, pp. 208-215 (2003)
M. Rifqi, M. Detyniecki, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Discrimination power of measures of resemblance”, 10th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, IFSA 2003, Istanbul, TĂĽrkiye (2003)
J.‑Y. Delort, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Rifqi : “Web Document Summarization by Context”, Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2003, Budapest, Hungary (2003)
M. Rifqi, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Set-theoretic similarity measures”, KES'2002 - International Conference on knowledge-based information engineering systems and allied technologies, Crema, Italy, pp. 879-884 (2002)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, E. Di Crescenzo, Ch. Marsala, N. Mellouli, M. Rifqi : “Uncertainty management in the recognition of a new odor”, IPMU 2000 - 8th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1924-1927 (2000)
A. Ramer, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Do Carmo Nicoletti, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Interpolative model for fuzzy arithmetic”, FUZZ IEEE 2000 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Antonio, United States, pp. 633-635, (IEEE) (2000)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Rifqi, Ch. Marsala : “Interpolative reasoning based on graduality”, Fuzz-IEEE 2000 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Antonio, United States, pp. 483-487, (IEEE) (2000)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Analogy as a Basis of Various Forms of Approximate Reasoning”, chapter in Uncertainty in Intelligent and Information Systems, vol. 20, Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Applications and Theory, pp. 70-79, (World scientific publishing) (2000)
A. Rick, S. Bothorel, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, S. Muller, M. Rifqi : “Fuzzy Techniques in Mammographic Image Processing”, chapter in Fuzzy Techniques in Image Processing, vol. 52, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 308-336, (Springer Verlag) (2000)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, R. Mesiar, M. Rifqi : “Fuzzy deductive reasoning and analogical scheme”, EUSFLAT-ESTYL Joint Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 139-142 (1999)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, N. Mellouli, M. Rifqi, L. Zerrouki : “Analogy and Fuzzy Interpolation in the case of Sparse Rules”, Second International Conference on Soft and Intelligent Computing, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 132-136 (1999)
Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Inductive views of generalization”, EUFIT'97 - 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, pp. 939-941 (1997)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Several Forms of Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzz'IEEE'97, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 45-50, (IEEE) (1997)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Rifqi : “OWA operators and an extension of the contrast model”, chapter in The Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory, Methodology, and Applications, pp. 29-35, (Kluwer Academic Publishers) (1997)
B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Rifqi : “RESEMBLANCE IN DATABASE UTILIZATION”, IFSA 1995, 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress - IFSA 1995, 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil (1995)