Associate Professor [HDR]
Team : ComplexNetworks
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 37, Jean-Loup.Guillaume (at)
Team : ComplexNetworks
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 26-00, Étage 3, Bureau 303
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 37, Jean-Loup.Guillaume (at)
One PhD student (Supervision / Co-supervision)
- TALEB Imane : No title.
Four past PhD students (2011 - 2015) at Sorbonne University
- 2015
- DANISCH Maximilien : Mesures de proximité appliquées à la détection de communautés dans les grands graphes de terrain.
- 2014
- ALBANO Alice : Dynamique des graphes de terrain : analyse en temps intrinsèque.
- 2012
- SEIFI Massoud : Cœurs stables de communautés dans les graphes de terrain.
- 2011
- AYNAUD Thomas : Détection de communautés dans les réseaux dynamiques.
One past Postdoc (2011) at Sorbonne University
- 2011
- CAMPIGOTTO Romain : No title.
2008-2020 Publications
- A. Bhowmick, K. Meneni, M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “LouvainNE: Hierarchical Louvain Method for High Quality and Scalable Network Embedding *”, 13th ACM International WSDM Conference, WSDM '20: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Houston, Texas, United States, pp. 43-51 (2020)
- S. Pramanik, M. Sharma, M. Danisch, Q. Wang, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “Easy-Mention: a model-driven mention recommendation heuristic to boost your tweet popularity”, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, vol. 7 (2), pp. 131-147, (Springer Verlag) (2019)
- M. Danisch, N. Gaumont, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “A Modular Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm: Investigating the ``From Local to Global’’ Approach”, 16th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France, pp. 167-170 (2018)
- R. Tackx, F. Tarissan, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “ComSim : A bipartite community detection algorithm using cycle and node’s similarity”, Proceedings of Complex Networks 2017 (The Sixth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications), vol. 689, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Lyon, France, pp. 278-289, (Springer) (2018)
- S. Pramanik, Q. Wang, M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “Modeling cascade formation in Twitter amidst mentions and retweets”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. 7 (1), (Springer) (2017)
- S. Pramanik, R. Tackx, A. Navelkar, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “Discovering Community Structure in Multilayer Networks”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 611-620, (IEEE) (2017)
- S. Pramanik, R. Tackx, A. Navelar, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “Structure communautaire des rĂ©seaux multicouches”, Modèles et Analyses RĂ©seau : Approches MathĂ©matiques et Informatique (MARAMI), La Rochelle, France (2017)
- S. Pramanik, Q. Wang, M. Danisch, S. Bandi, A. Kumar, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “On the Role of Mentions on Tweet Virality”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Montreal, Canada, pp. 204-213, (IEEE) (2016)
- S. Pramanik, Q. Wang, M. Danisch, M. Sharma, S. Bandi, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, S. Raux, B. Mitra : “Augmenter les retweets sur Twitter : comment tirer parti des mentions ?”, Actes de MARAMI 2015, NĂ®mes, France (2015)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “DĂ©plier la structure communautaire d’un rĂ©seau en mesurant la proximitĂ© aux reprĂ©sentants de communautĂ©”, Actes de MARAMI 2015, NĂ®mes, France (2015)
- R. Tackx, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, F. Tarissan : “Revealing intricate properties of communities in the bipartite structure of online social networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Athènes, Greece, pp. 321-326, (IEEE) (2015)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “Multi-ego-centered communities in practice”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. 4 (1), pp. 180, (Springer) (2014)
- R. CAMPIGOTTO, P. CONDE CÉSPEDES, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “La mĂ©thode de Louvain gĂ©nĂ©rique : un algorithme adaptatif pour la dĂ©tection de communautĂ©s sur de très grands graphes”, ROADEF - 15e congrès annuel de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de recherche opĂ©rationnelle et d'aide Ă la dĂ©cision, Bordeaux, France (2014)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “Learning a proximity measure to complete a community”, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA2014), Shanghai, China, pp. 90-96, (IEEE) (2014)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “ComplĂ©tion de communautĂ©s par l’apprentissage d’une mesure de proximitĂ©”, ALGOTEL 2014 -- 16es Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Le Bois-Plage-en-RĂ©, France, pp. 1-4 (2014)
- A. Albano, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “On the use of intrinsic time scale for dynamic community detection and visualization in social networks”, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014), Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 1-11 (2014)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “Multi-ego-centered communities”, chapter in Complex Networks, pp. 76-111, (Cambridge Scholars Publishing) (2014)
- A. Albano, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, S. Heymann, B. Le Grand : “Studying Graph Dynamics Through Intrinsic Time Based Diffusion Analysis”, Applications of Social Media and Social Network Analysis (2014)
- J.‑L. GUILLAUME, R. CAMPIGOTTO, M. Seifi : “The Power of Consensus: Random Graphs Have No Communities”, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2013, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, pp. 272-276, (IEEE) (2013)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “Une approche Ă base de proximitĂ© pour la dĂ©tection de communautĂ©s egocentrĂ©es”, 15es Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications (AlgoTel), Portnic, France, pp. 1-4 (2013)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “Unfolding ego-centered community structures with "a similarity approach"”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet 2013, vol. 476, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Berlin, Germany, pp. 145-153, (Springer) (2013)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “DĂ©plier les structures communautaires egocentrĂ©es - une approche Ă base de similaritĂ©”, Actes de l'atelier Fouille de Grands Graphes - EGC, Toulouse, France (2013)
- A. Albano, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, S. Heymann, B. Le Grand : “A Matter of Time - Intrinsic or Extrinsic - for Diffusion in Evolving Complex Networks”, Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Niagara Falls, Canada, pp. 202-206 (2013)
- Th. Aynaud, E. Fleury, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, Q. Wang : “Communities in evolving networks: definitions, detection and analysis techniques”, chapter in Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, vol. 2, pp. 159-200, (Springer) (2013)
- M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “Towards multi-ego-centered communities: a node similarity approach”, International Journal of Web Based Communities, vol. 9 (3), pp. 299-322, (Inderscience) (2013)
- J.‑L. Guillaume : “DĂ©terminisme et non-dĂ©terminisme au service de la dĂ©tection de communautĂ©s dynamiques”, habilitation, phd defence 11/19/2012 (2012)
- J. Whitbeck, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Temporal Reachability Graphs”, ACM Mobicom, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 377-388, (ACM) (2012)
- M. Seifi, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Community Cores in Evolving Networks”, Mining Social Network Dynamic 2012 Workshop (MSND), In conjunction with the international conference World Wide Web WWW 2012, Lyon, France, pp. 1173-1180 (2012)
- A. Albano, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Le Grand : “File Diffusion in a Dynamic Peer-to-peer Network”, WWW 2012 - MSND'12 Workshop, Lyon, France, pp. 1169-1172, (ACM) (2012)
- M. Seifi, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, I. Junier, J.‑B. Rouquier, S. Iskrov : “Stable community cores in complex networks”, 3rd Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2012), vol. 424, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Melbourne, Florida, United States, pp. 87-98 (2012)
- J. Whitbeck, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Graphes d’accessibilitĂ© dynamiques”, 14es Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications (AlgoTel), La Grande Motte, France (2012)
- Th. Aynaud, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Extraction hiĂ©rarchique de fenĂŞtres de temps basĂ©e sur la structure communautaire”, MARAMI 2011, Grenoble, France (2011)
- Th. Aynaud, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Multi-Step Community Detection and Hierarchical Time Segmentation in Evolving Networks”, Fifth SNA-KDD Workshop Social Network Mining and Analysis, in conjunction with the 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2011), San Diego, CA, United States (2011)
- C. Magnien, M. Latapy, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Impact of Random Failures and Attacks on Poisson and Power-Law Random Networks”, ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 43 (3), pp. 13, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2011)
- Th. Aynaud, Vincent D. Blondel, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, R. Lambiotte : “Optimisation locale multi-niveaux de la modularitĂ©”, chapitre de Partitionnement de graphe : optimisation et applications, TraitĂ© IC2, pp. 14, (Hermes-Lavoisier) (2011)
- Th. Aynaud, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Structure multi-Ă©chelle de grands graphes de terrain”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - SĂ©rie TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 30 (2), pp. 137-154, (Lavoisier) (2011)
- Th. Aynaud, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “DĂ©tection de communautĂ©s Ă long terme dans les graphes dynamiques”, JournĂ©e thĂ©matique : Fouille de grands graphes, Toulouse, France (2010)
- P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, C. Robardet : “Characteristics of the Dynamic of Mobile Networks”, 4th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, vol. 39, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Avignon, France, pp. 130-139, (Springer) (2010)
- A. Stoica, Z. Smoreda, Ch. Prieur, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Age, Gender and Communication Networks”, Workshop on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Networks, satellite workshop to NetSci 2010, Cambridge, MA, United States, pp. 11-14 (2010)
- M. Seifi, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, M. Latapy, B. Le Grand : “Interactive multiscale visualization of huge graphs: application to a network of weblogs”, 8th Workshop on Visualization and Knowledge Extraction (EGC 2010), Hammamet, Tunisia (2010)
- Th. Aynaud, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Long range community detection”, LAWDN - Latin-American Workshop on Dynamic Networks, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 4 p. (2010)
- Th. Aynaud, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Static community detection algorithms for evolving networks”, WiOpt'10: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Avignon, France, pp. 508-514 (2010)
- A. Scherrer, P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, C. Robardet : “Description and simulation of dynamic mobility networks”, Computer Networks, vol. 52 (15), pp. 2842-2858, (Elsevier) (2008)
- Vincent D. Blondel, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, R. Lambiotte, E. Lefebvre : “Fast unfolding of communities in large networks”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. P10008, pp. 1-12, (IOP Publishing) (2008)
- Vincent D. Blondel, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, Julien M. Hendrickx, C. De Kerchove, R. Lambiotte : “Local leaders in random networks”, Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 77 (3), pp. 036114, (American Physical Society) (2008)
- A. Scherrer, P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, C. Robardet : “A Methodology to Identify Characteristics of the Dynamic of Mobile Networks”, ACM ASIAN INTERNET ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (AINTEC), Bangkok, Thailand (2008)
- E. Fleury, A. Scherrer, P. Borgnat, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, C. Robardet : “Description and simulation of dynamic mobility networks”, Dynamics on and of Complex Networks – II, Jerusalem, Israel (2008)
- V. Blondel, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, R. Lambiotte, E. Lefebvre : “Identification multi-Ă©chelle de la structure communautaire de très grands graphes”, 10e Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications (AlgoTel'08), Saint-Malo, France, pp. 61-64 (2008)
- P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, C. Magnien, C. Robardet, A. Scherrer : “Evolving networks”, chapter in Mining Massive Data Sets for Security, vol. 19, pp. 198-203, (IOS Press), (ISBN: 978-1-58603-898-4) (2008)