Research engineer - LIP6
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 14, Manuel.Bouyer (at)
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 24-25, Étage 4, Bureau 414
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 14, Manuel.Bouyer (at)
1997-2023 Publications
- Th. Romera, A. Petreto, F. Lemaitre, M. Bouyer, Quentin L. Meunier, L. Lacassagne, D. Etiemble : “Optical flow algorithms optimized for speed, energy and accuracy on embedded GPUs”, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 20 (2), pp. 32, (Springer Verlag) (2023)
- M. Kandeepan, C. Ciocan, M. Millet, M. Bouyer, A. Cassagne, L. Lacassagne : “Fast Meteor Detection Toolbox”, Workshop AFF3CT, Bordeaux, France (2022)
- M. Millet, N. Rambaux, A. Cassagne, M. Bouyer, A. Petreto, L. Lacassagne : “Meteorix: High performance computer vision application for Meteor detection from a CubeSat”, 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Athens, Greece (2022)
- Th. Romera, A. Petreto, F. Lemaitre, M. Bouyer, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne : “Implementations Impact on Iterative Image Processing for Embedded GPU”, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Dublin, Ireland (2021)
- A. Petreto, Th. Romera, F. Lemaitre, M. Bouyer, B. Gaillard, P. Menard, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne : “Real-time embedded video denoiser prototype”, 9th International Symposium - Optronics in Defense and Security (Optro), Paris, France (2020)
- A. Petreto, Th. Romera, F. Lemaitre, I. Masliah, B. Gaillard, M. Bouyer, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne : “DĂ©bruitage temps rĂ©el embarquĂ© pour vidĂ©os fortement bruitĂ©es”, COMPAS 2019, Anglet, France (2019)
- A. Petreto, Th. Romera, I. Masliah, B. Gaillard, M. Bouyer, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne, F. Lemaitre : “A New Real-Time Embedded Video Denoising Algorithm”, DASIP 2019 - The Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, MontrĂ©al, Canada (2019)
- A. Petreto, A. Hennequin, Th. Koehler, Th. Romera, Y. Fargeix, B. Gaillard, M. Bouyer, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne : “Energy and Execution Time Comparison of Optical Flow Algorithms on SIMD and GPU Architectures”, Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (Dasip 2018), Porto, Portugal (2018)
- A. Petreto, A. Hennequin, Th. Koehler, Th. Romera, Y. Fargeix, B. Gaillard, M. Bouyer, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne : “Comparaison de la consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique et du temps d’exĂ©cution d’un algorithme de traitement d’images optimisĂ© sur des architectures SIMD et GPU”, ConfĂ©rence d’informatique en ParallĂ©lisme, Architecture et Système (COMPAS 2018), Toulouse, France (2018)
- A. Petreto, A. Hennequin, Th. Koehler, Th. Romera, Y. Fargeix, B. Gaillard, M. Bouyer, Q. Meunier, L. Lacassagne : “Comparaison de la consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique et du temps d’exĂ©cution d’un algorithme de traitement d’images optimisĂ© sur des architectures SIMD et GPU”, GdR SOC2, Paris, France (2018)
- M. Azeem, A. Brière, M. Bouyer, J. Denoulet, F. PĂŞcheux, A. Pinna, B. Granado : “Interfacing SoCLib CABA models with NoCBench for NoC perfomance evaluation”, DASIP 2015 - The 2015 Conference on Design and Architecturesfor Signal and Image Processing, Cracow, Poland (2015)
- É. Horlait, M. Bouyer : “CLEP (Controlled Load Ethernet Protocol): Bandwidth Management and Reservation Protocol for Shared Media”, (1999)
- F. Picard, J. Ferreira De Rezende, P. Anelli, M. Bouyer, J.‑P. Gautier, S. Fdida : “ExpĂ©rimentations IP et ATM dans le projet MIRIHADE”, JRES (JournĂ©es rĂ©seaux de l'enseignement et de la recherche ) 1997, La Rochelle, France (1997)
- É. Horlait, M. Bouyer : “Bandwidth Management and Reservation over Shared Media”, SĂ©minaire Franco-BrĂ©silien sur les Systèmes Informatiques DistribuĂ©s - SFBSID'97, Fortaleza, Brazil, pp. 16 (1997)