2021-2024 Publications
Journal articles
Other publications
H. Dourdent, A. Abbott, I. Šupić, C. Branciard : “Network-Device-Independent Certification of Causal Nonseparability ”, Quantum, vol. 8, pp. 1-24, (Verein) (2024)
L. Dos Santos Martins, N. Laurent‑Puig, I. Šupić, D. Markham, E. Diamanti : “Experimental Sample-Efficient and Device-Independent GHZ State Certification ”, (2024)
U. Meyer, I. Šupić, D. Markham, F. Grosshans : “Bell Nonlocality from Wigner Negativity in Qudit Systems ”, (2024)
U. Meyer, I. Šupić, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Self-Testing Graph States Permitting Bounded Classical Communication ”, (2024)
M. Baroni, Q.‑H. Vu, B. Bourdoncle, E. Diamanti, D. Markham, I. Šupić : “Quantum bounds for compiled XOR games and $d$-outcome CHSH games ”, (2024)
I. Šupić, J.‑D. Bancal, N. Brunner : “Quantum nonlocality in presence of strong measurement dependence ”, Physical Review A, vol. 108 (4), pp. 042207, (American Physical Society) (2023)
S. Neves, L. Dos Santos Martins, V. Yacoub, P. Lefebvre, I. Šupić, D. Markham, E. Diamanti : “Experimental Certification of Quantum Transmission via Bell’s Theorem ”, (2023)
I. Šupić, N. Brunner : “Self-testing nonlocality without entanglement ”, Physical Review A, vol. 107 (6), pp. 062220, (American Physical Society) (2023)
H. Dourdent, A. Abbott, N. Brunner, I. Šupić, C. Branciard : “Semi-device-independent Certification of Causal Nonseparability with Trusted Quantum Inputs ”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 129 (9), pp. 090402, (American Physical Society) (2022)
I. Šupić, J.‑D. Bancal, Y. Cai, N. Brunner : “Genuine network quantum nonlocality and self-testing ”, Physical Review A, vol. 105, pp. 022206, (American Physical Society) (2022)
A. Gočanin, I. Šupić, B. Dakić : “Sample-efficient device-independent quantum state verification and certification ”, PRX Quantum, vol. 3 (1), pp. 010317 (2022)
Benjamin D.M. Jones, I. Šupić, R. Uola, N. Brunner, P. Skrzypczyk : “Network Quantum Steering ”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 127 (17), pp. 170405, (American Physical Society) (2021)
A. Abbott, N. Brunner, I. Šupić, R. Uola : “Device-Independent Quantification of Quantum Resources ”, Vienna Quantum Foundations Conference, Vienna, Austria (2021)