Associate Professor [HDR]
Team : ComplexNetworks
Tel: +33 1 44 27 87 92, Lionel.Tabourier (at)
Team : ComplexNetworks
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 26-00, Étage 3, Bureau 312
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 87 92, Lionel.Tabourier (at)
Two PhD students (Supervision / Co-supervision)
- ARHACHOUI Nouamane : Mitigation strategies against Fake News diffusion in online social platforms.
- CASSELLS Duncan : Polarization in large socio-informational networks: models and measures.
Four past PhD students (2018 - 2023) at Sorbonne University
- 2023
- BAUDIN Alexis : Cliques statiques et temporelles : algorithmes d'énumération et de détection de communautés.
- LÉCUYER Fabrice : Ordonner les nœuds pour passer à l'échelle sur les grands graphes réels.
- 2018
- PAYEN Aurore : Importance de la temporalité dans les phénomènes de propagation. Une illustration sur des échanges d’animaux d’élevage.
- ARNOUX Thibaud : Prédiction d'interactions dans les flots de liens - Combiner les caractéristiques structurelles et temporelles.
2011-2024 Publications
- D. Cassells, L. Tabourier, P. Ramaciotti : “Modeling both pairwise interactions and group effects in polarization on interaction networks”, International Conference on Complex Networks, Exetrer, United Kingdom (2024)
- L. Tabourier, J. Karadayi : “Probabilistic k-swap method for uniform graph generation beyond the configuration model”, Journal of Complex Networks, vol. 12 (1), (Oxford University Press) (2024)
- A. Baudin, C. Magnien, L. Tabourier : “Faster maximal clique enumeration in large real-world link streams”, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, vol. 28 (1), pp. 149-178, (Brown University) (2024)
- N. Arhachoui, E. Bautista, M. Danisch, A. Giovanidis, L. Tabourier : “Scalable Algorithms to Measure User Influence in Social Networks”, (2023)
- A. Baudin, L. Tabourier, C. Magnien : “LSCPM: communities in massive real-world Link Streams by Clique Percolation Method”, 30th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2023), vol. 278, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Athens, Greece (2023)
- F. LĂ©cuyer, L. Jachiet, C. Magnien, L. Tabourier : “Tailored vertex ordering for faster triangle listing in large graphs”, Proceedings of the SIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), Florence, Italy (2023)
- A. Baudin, C. Magnien, L. Tabourier : “ÉnumĂ©ration efficace des cliques maximales dans les flots de liens rĂ©els massifs”, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2023), vol. RNTI-E-39, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Lyon, France, pp. 139-150 (2023)
- M. Danisch, I. Panagiotas, L. Tabourier : “Compressing bipartite graphs with a dual reordering scheme”, (2022)
- F. LĂ©cuyer, M. Danisch, L. Tabourier : “[Re] Speedup Graph Processing by Graph Ordering”, The ReScience journal, vol. 7 (1), pp. #3, (GitHub) (2021)
- P. Ramaciotti Morales, R. Lamarche‑Perrin, R. Fournier‑S'niehotta, R. Poulain, L. Tabourier, F. Tarissan : “Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 859, pp. 80-115, (Elsevier) (2021)
- P. Ramaciotti Morales, L. Tabourier, R. Fournier‑S'niehotta : “Testing the Impact of Semantics and Structure on Recommendation Accuracy and Diversity”, ASONAM 2020. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, La Hague (virtual), Netherlands (2020)
- F. Tarissan, L. Tabourier : “A random model that relies on maximal bicliques to preserve the overlaps in bipartite networks”, 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Lisbonne, Portugal (2019)
- L. Tabourier, D. Bernardes, A.‑S. Libert, R. Lambiotte : “RankMerging: A supervised learning-to-rank framework to predict links in large social networks”, Machine Learning, vol. 108 (10), pp. 1729-1756, (Springer Verlag) (2019)
- P. Ramaciotti Morales, L. Tabourier, S. Ung, Ch. Prieur : “Role of the Website Structure in the Diversity of Browsing Behaviors”, Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Hof, Germany, pp. 133-142, (ACM) (2019)
- Th. Arnoux, L. Tabourier, M. Latapy : “Predicting interactions between individuals with structural and dynamical information”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science, vol. Analysis of networks and graphs, Graph and network analysis, pp. 3, (Éditions universitaires d’Avignon) (2019)
- S. Secci, I. Chrisment, M. Fiore, L. Tabourier, K.‑W. Lim : “TMA 2019 - Proceedings of the 3rd Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference”, Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference, TMA 2019, Paris, France, (IEEE), (ISBN: 978-3-903176-17-1) (2019)
- Th. Arnoux, L. Tabourier, M. Latapy : “Interaction Prediction Problems in Link Streams”, Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks III, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Indianapolis, United States, pp. 135-150, (Springer) (2019)
- A. Payen, L. Tabourier, M. Latapy : “Spreading dynamics in a cattle trade network: Size, speed, typical profile and consequences on epidemic control strategies”, PLoS ONE, vol. 14 (6), pp. e0217972, (Public Library of Science) (2019)
- L. Tabourier : “D’une analyse statique Ă une analyse dynamique des rĂ©seaux complexes”, habilitation, phd defence 09/24/2018 (2018)
- L. Tabourier : “CaractĂ©riser l’analogie entre automates cellulaires dĂ©terministes et systèmes physiques”, Lato Sensu, revue de la SociĂ©tĂ© de philosophie des sciences, vol. 5 (2), pp. 13-31, (SociĂ©tĂ© de philosophie des sciences) (2018)
- Th. Arnoux, L. Tabourier, M. Latapy : “Combining structural and dynamic information to predict activity in link streams”, FAB 2017 Conference Proceedings, Sydney, Australia (2017)
- M. Ghanem, F. Coriat, L. Tabourier : “Ego-betweenness centrality in link streams”, The 7th Workshop on Social Network Analysis in Applications (workshop ASONAM 2017), Sydney, Australia (2017)
- A. Payen, L. Tabourier, M. Latapy : “Impact of Temporal Features of Cattle Exchanges on the Size and Speed of Epidemic Outbreaks”, Conference Publishing Services (CPS)., Trieste, Italy (2017)
- K.‑W. Lim, S. Secci, L. Tabourier, B. Tebbani : “Characterizing and predicting mobile application usage”, Computer Communications, vol. 95, pp. 82-94, (Elsevier) (2016)
- L. Tabourier, A.‑S. Libert, R. Lambiotte : “Predicting links in ego-networks using temporal information”, EPJ Data Science, vol. 5 (1), pp. 1-16, (EDP Sciences) (2016)
- L. Tabourier, A.‑S. Libert, R. Lambiotte : “RankMerging: Apprentissage supervisĂ© de classements pour la prĂ©diction de liens dans les grands rĂ©seaux sociaux”, Actes d'EGC 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2015)
- L. Tabourier, A.‑S. Libert, R. Lambiotte : “RankMerging: Learning to rank in large-scale social networks”, Proceedings of DyNakII, 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Networks and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD 2014 workshop), Nancy, France (2014)
- O. Allali, L. Tabourier, C. Magnien, M. Latapy : “Internal links and pairs as a new tool for the analysis of bipartite complex networks”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. 3 (1), pp. 85-91, (Springer) (2013)
- B. Mitra, L. Tabourier, C. Roth : “Intrinsically Dynamic Network Communities”, Computer Networks, vol. 56 (3), pp. 1041-1053, (Elsevier) (2012)
- L. Tabourier, A. Stoica, F. Peruani : “How to detect causality effects on large dynamical communication networks: A case study”, Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, pp. 1-7, (IEEE) (2012)
- F. Peruani, L. Tabourier : “Directedness of Information Flow in Mobile Phone Communication Networks”, PLoS ONE, vol. 6 (12), pp. e28860, (Public Library of Science) (2011)
- A. Salah Brahim, B. Le Grand, L. Tabourier, M. Latapy : “Citations among blogs in a hierarchy of communities: method and case study”, Journal of computational science, vol. 2 (3), pp. 247-252, (Elsevier) (2011)