UGON Adrien

وحـدة : ACASA
تاريـخ المـغادرة : 30/09/2013

رئاسـة البـحث : Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA

تأطـير مـشـترك : LEVY Pierre

Fusion symbolique et données polysomnographiques

In recent decades, medical examinations required to diagnose and guide to treatment became more and more complex. It is even a current practice to use several examinations in different medical specialties to study a disease through multiple approaches so as to describe it more deeply. The interpretation is difficult because the data is both heterogeneous and also very specific, with skilled domain of knowledge required to analyse it.
In this context, symbolic fusion appears to be a possible solution. Indeed, it was proved to be very effective in treating problems with low or high levels of abstraction of information to develop a high level knowledge.
This thesis demonstrates the effectiveness of symbolic fusion applied to the treatment of polysomnographic data for the development of an assisted diagnosis tool of Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Proper diagnosis of this sleep disorder requires a polysomnography. This medical examination consists of simultaneously recording of various physiological parameters during a night. Visual interpretation is tedious and time consuming and there commonly is some disagreement between scorers. The use of a reliable support-to-diagnosis tool increases the consensus. This thesis develops stages of the development of such a tool.

مناقـشـة مـذكـرة : 14/01/2013

أعـضاء لجنة المناقـشة :

Jean-Yves BOIRE, Professeur des Universités, Praticien Hospitalier, ISIT (Clermont-Ferrand) [Rapporteur]
Marie-Christine JAULENT, Directrice de Recherche, INSERM [Rapporteur]
Stéfan DARMONI, Professeur des Universités, Praticien Hospitalier, Faculté de Médecine de Rouen
Vincent RIALLE, Maître de Conférence, Praticien Hospitalier à l'université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble)
Carole PHILIPPE, Praticien Hospitalier, AP-HP
Patrick GARDA, Professeur, LIP6
Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA, Professeur, LIP6
Pierre LEVY, Praticien Hospitalier, AP-HP & INSERM

تاريـخ المـغادرة : 30/09/2013

إصدارات 2008-2022

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