Picture of Marc Shapiro
Marc Shapiro's profile on LinkedIn Publications. DBLP. ACM Digital Library. Google Scholar. Microsoft Academic. ORCID.

Marc Shapiro


I am a researcher in Computer Science; my research topic is distributed systems (i.e., interconnected computers working together). My two current projects are:

I am Distinguished Research Scholar (Emeritus) of Inria, the French National Institute for Computer Science and Control Science. I am part of Delys, a joint group between Inria and LIP6 (the Computer Science laboratory of Sorbonne Université, previously UPMC, previously Paris-6) in Paris.

I previously led the Cambridge Distributed Systems Group (Camdis) at Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC), from October 1998 to March 2005. For several years before that I was the leader of Inria's SOR (Systèmes d'objets répartis, Distributed Object Systems) group.

I am a member of the Program Committee of EuroSys 2020 and previously of EuroSys 2019 and PODC 2019. I served from 2012 to 2018 on the “Informatics and Computer Science” panel of the European Research Council (ERC).

I am VP for Research of Société Informatique de France, the French learned society in Informatics. I am past member of the ACM Europe Council. I am the past chair of EuroSys, the European professional society in Computer Systems, which I was instrumental in creating. (EuroSys is is the European chapter of SIGOPS.)

Short biography

Marc Shapiro is a Distinguished Research Scholar (DR0, Emeritus) in the Delys group of Sorbonne-Université-LIP6 and Inria. His research topics concern distributed computer systems, data replication and consistency algorithms, and multicore algorithms. He leads the SyncFree European project for highly-available cloud computing and storage, developing the Antidote planet-scale hybrid-consistency database. He is the co-inventor of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) designed to reconcile availability and correctness. He invented the proxy concept, which is now universal on the Internet. Dr Shapiro's career started with a PhD in Toulouse (U. Paul Sabatier and LAAS), followed by a post-doc at MIT, research positions at CMIRH and Inria, and a sabbatical at Cornell. He is an author of 100 international publications, some in the most prestigious venues, 18 recognised software systems, and six patents. He led the Cambridge Distributed Systems group at Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK) for six years. Dr. Shapiro, a Senior Member of the ACM, is known for his dedication to organising the Informatics community and making its voice heard in Europe:

He has been a member of several Program Commitees in operating systems, distributed systems, persistent systems, and garbage collection. Recent examples include:

Projects and Research Grants

Ongoing research grants and collaborative projects: Recent grants: (ANR stands for Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the research funding agency of the French government.)

PhD students

If you are interested in a PhD, send me a note. You will need to demonstrate a strong academic record, real scientific curiosity to explore the leading edge of technology and algorithms, and interest in research topics such as distributed systems, distributed algorithms, replication and consistency, databases, concurrent programming, etc.

Ayush Pandey. Topic: Optimising Coordination in Concurrent and Geo-Distributed Systems . Started March 2022. Co-advisor: Mesaac Makpangou. Co-advisors: Marc Shapiro, Julien Sopena, Swan Dubois.

Laurent Prosperi. Topic: Varda: a language for programming distributed systems by composition. Defended September 2023. Funded by a competitive Inria PhD grant CORDI-S. Co-advisors: Mesaac Makpangou and Ahmed Bouajjani.
Saalik Hatia. Leveraging formal specification to implement a database backend . Defended June 2023.
Benoît Martin. TTCC: Transactional-Turn Causal Consistency . Defended April 2023. Co-advisor: Mesaac Makpangou.
Ilyas Toumlilt (Defended Dec. 2021). Colony: A Hybrid Consistency System for Highly-Available Collaborative Edge Computing. Funded by LightKone and RainbowFS. Currently at Critéo.
Jonathan Sid-Otmane. A study of data consistency constraints in 5G, applied to >limiting resource usage in network slices. Co-advised with Sofiane Imadali and Frédéric Martelli, Orange Labs. CIFRE industrial PhD, defended Nov. 2021. Currently R&D Software Engineer at Lumen Technologies.
Sreeja Nair. Thesis: Designing safe and highly available distributed applications. Defended June 2021. Winner of Séphora Berrebi Scholarship for Women in Advanced Mathematics & Computer Science 2020. Funded by LightKone and RainbowFS. Currently Senior Replication Engineer at Ditto.
Dimitrios Vasilas. Thesis: A flexible and decentralised approach to query processing for geo-distributed data systems. CIFRE industrial PhD, co-advised with Brad King, Scality. Defended February 2021. Now Research Engineer at Scality, Paris, France.
Francis Laniel defended Nov. 2020. Thesis: MemOpLight : Vers une consolidation mémoire pour les conteneurs grâce à un retour applicatif. Funded by a competitive grant from EDITE/Sorbonne-Université. Now Embedded System Developer at Amarula Solutions (Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
Alejandro Z. Tomsic (defended April 2018) Thesis: Exploring the design space of highly-available distributed transactions. Prize for Best French PhD in systems and networking 2019, awarded by ASF and RSD. Currently Founder of Sick Tom Toms Music.
Tao Thanh Vinh, co-advised with Vianney Rancurel, defended Dec. 2017. Thesis: Ensuring Availability and Managing Consistency in Geo-Replicated File Systems. Currently Engagement Backend Engineer at SmartNews, Inc.
Mahsa Najafzadeh (April 2016). Thesis: The Analysis and Co-design of weakly-consistent applications. Now Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft.
Lokesh Gidra, co-advised with Gaël Thomas and Julien Sopena. Thesis: Garbage Collector for memory intensive applications on NUMA architectures, September 2015. Now Senior Software Engineer at Google.
Marek Zawirski. Thesis: Dependable Eventual Consistency with Replicated Data Types, Jan. 2015. Now Staff Software Engineer at Google, Zurichr.
Masoud Saeida Ardekani, co-advised with Pierre Sutra. Thesis: Ensuring Consistency in Partially Replicated Data Stores, 2014. Senior Software Engineer for Google Cloud, Silicon Valley, California, USA.
Pierpaolo Cincilla, co-advised with Sébastien Monnet. Thesis: Gargamel : accroître les performances des DBMS en parallélisant les transactions en écriture, 2014. Cybersecurity Expert, Process & Compliance at Ampere.
Pierre Sutra. Thesis: Efficient Protocols for Generalized Consensus and Partial Replication, 2010. Assistant Professor at Télécom Paris-Sud.
Nicolas Richer. Stratégies de gestion mémoire dans les mémoires d'objets persistantes automatiques partitionnées, 2002.
Fabrice le Fessant, co-advised with Jean-Jacques Lévy. “JoCaml : conception et implémentation d'un langage à agents mobiles”, 2001. Researcher at Inria Paris.
Xavier Blondel. “Gestion mémoire dans PERDIS, un environnement réparti persistant à grande échelle”, 2000. Head of R&D Department, Senior Software Architect at ACA.
Aline Baggio. “Objets distribués adaptables pour environnements mobiles”, 1999. Technical Product Consultant at TOPdesk and free-lance photographer.
Georges Brun-Cottan, 1998. “Cohérence de données repliquées partagées par un groupe de processus coopérant à distance”. Software Engineer at Dell EMC.
Julien Maisonneuve. “Hobbes : un modèle de liaison de références réparties", 1996. Standardisation Manager at Nokia.
Paulo Ferreira. “Larchant: Persistence by Reachability in Distributed Shared Memory through Garbage Collection”, 1996. Senior researcher at INESC, and Associate Professor at IST Lisbon.
Hervé Soulard. “Adaptation des systèmes de stockage aux besoins des utilisateurs : l'approche micro-systèmes de stockage et sa mise en œuvre dans BOSS”, 1995. Self-employed web developer and translator.
David Plainfossé. “Ramasse-miettes réparti et gestion de références dans le système à objets SOUL”, 1994. Product Manager Orchestration at Airbus DS Government Solutions, Inc.
Daniel Edelson, co-advised with Ira Pohl. “Type-Specific Storage Management”, 1993. Sr Director Software Systems Engineering at Broadcom.
Michel Ruffin. “Kitlog : un service de journalisation générique”, 1992. Technical director for standardisation at Alcatel-Lucent France. Deceased, 2017.
Yvon Gourhant. “Outils pour la programmation d'objets fragmentés”, 1991. R&D Program Leader at Orange Labs.
Sabine Habert. “Gestion d'objets et migration dans les systèmes répartis”, 1989.
Mesaac Mounchili Makpangou. “Protocoles de communication et programmation par objets : l'exemple de SOS”, 1989. Chargé de Recherche at Inria.


Work-related links: Personal links

Postal address and location:

Marc Shapiro
Bureau 26-00/211, Laboratoire LIP6, Sorbonne-Université.
Boîte Courrier 169
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Getting there:
Tel.: +33 1 4427 7093
Home page: http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/.
E-mail: <MARC dot SHAPIRO atsign ACM dot ORG>
(plain-text please; attachments in plain text or PDF only).

(Refer to 3D perspective view of campus, below.) Immediately after entering campus, turn left towards door marked "26". On Floor 2, leaving the street to your right, take door marked "26-00". My office is 211, on the left-hand side. If any of the doors is locked, dial 7-7093 from the phone at 2nd floor entrance, or call +33 1 4427 7093 from your mobile phone.
3D perspective
of Jussieu

Other contacts:

Last modified: Tue Dec 1 11:52:00 CET 2015