Projects MOCAH [Archives]

Team : MOCAH

  • MacCoy Critical - Learning Critical situations with enriched Virtual Environment

    Ce projet vise à étudier et à améliorer les dispositifs de formation utilisant la simulation et les environnements virtuels dans deux domaines à forts enjeux en termes de santé publique et de sécurité (médecine et conduite automobile). Il vise plus particulièrement à approfondir (a) les connaissances sur les compétences non techniques de gestion des situations critiques et (b) les connaissances et les outils pour concevoir des environnements de simulation et de réalité virtuelle favorisant l’apprentissage. Afin de promouvoir des outils plus génériques, ce projet a choisi comme approche de travailler sur deux domaines d’apprentissage (médecine, conduite automobile).

    Project leader : Vanda LUENGO
    01/01/2015 to 12/2018
    More details here …
  • NeoPraEval - New tools for new practices in evaluating and teaching mathematics

    NeoPraEval is an ANR-funded research project which aims at providing tools for teachers to deal with heterogeneity in learning through automatic diagnostic and evaluation systems that they can use in their classes, as well as appropriated resources to answer the needs identified in students.

    Project leader : François BOUCHET
    02/01/2014 to 01/2018
    More details here …

    The "COMBIEN?" software (meaning "HOW MANY?" in French) is a pedagogical system to help students learn combinatorics. The student learns to solve combinatorics problems using mathematical language and concepts. The system offers several interfaces, each corresponding to a class of problems and a solving method. Each interface offers a set of exercises. For each exercise, the student builds a solution, guided by an interface with appropriate tools and an incremental detection of errors. You can find the details on our site (only in French, sorry).

    Project leader : HĂ©lène GIROIRE
    01/01/1992 to 12/2016
    More details here …