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LIP6 2005/007

  • Reports
    Actes des Brevia and Demonstrations associé à la 5ème Conférence Internationale et
    Interdisciplinaire sur la Modélisation et l'Utilisation du Contexte (CONTEXT-05)
  • A. Dey, B. Kokinov, D. Leake, R. Turner, P. Brézillon
  • 103 pages - 06/15/2005- document en - http://www.lip6.fr/lip6/reports/2005/lip6-2005-007.pdf - 6,961 Ko
  • Contact : Patrick.Brezillon (at) nulllip6.fr
  • Ancien Thème : SYSDEF
  • Context is of crucial importance for research and applications in many disciplines, as evidenced by many workshops, symposia, seminars, and conferences on specific aspects of context. The International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT), the oldest conference series focusing on context, provides a unique interdisciplinary emphasis, bringing together participants from a wide range of disciplines, including artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, linguistics, organizational science, philosophy, psychology, ubiquitous computing, and application areas such as medicine and law, to discuss and report on context-related research and projects.
    This proceedings contains the accepted Brevia and Demonstration submissions.
    Special thanks are due to Isabel Urdapilleta for her preparation of these proceedings and to Jean-Marc Meunier for his assistance in making sure that the technical needs of the demonstrations were met. The contributions reported here will illustrate the rich range of current contributions to context, and will provide a foundation for drawing on the best work from many areas in the next generation of research on context.
  • Keywords : context, groupware, formal language, Medicine, Linguistics, Diagnosis, Contextual Categorization, Speech Recognition, Music, Contextualism, Olfaction, Perception, Odor, Contextual Graphs, Virtual world, Marine community, Recognition
  • Publisher : Thierry.Lanfroy (at) nulllip6.fr
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