- M. Akli, N. Boukerras, N. Derradji, D. Laga, M. Syed : “BLEPal: Bluetooth Trace Synchronization and Merging Python Tool”, [Akli 2022]
- G. Amaral Costa, A. Baffa, J.‑P. Briot, B. Feijó, A. Furtado : “An adaptive music generation architecture for games based on the deep learning Transformer model”, [Amaral Costa 2022]
- P. Ananth, A. Bredariol Grilo : “Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge with Space-Bounded Simulation”, [Ananth 2022]
- A. Angrisani, B. Coyle, E. Kashefi : “Probably approximately correct quantum source coding”, [Angrisani 2022a]
- A. Angrisani, E. Kashefi : “Quantum Local Differential Privacy and Quantum Statistical Query Model”, [Angrisani 2022b]
- A. Angrisani, M. Doosti, E. Kashefi : “Differential Privacy Amplification in Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms”, [Angrisani 2022c]
- N. Bencherif, M. Chabane, L. Mehidi, L. PAREDES, M. Syed : “Impact of TP-Link WN 722N and Sniffer placement on trace completeness”, [Bencherif 2022]
- P. Bendotti, L. Brunod‑Indrigo, Ph. Chrétienne, B. Escoffier : “Anchor-robust project scheduling with time-dependent job durations”, [Bendotti 2022a]
- J. Berthomieu, A. Ferguson, M. Safey El Din : “Computing the set of asymptotic critical values of polynomial mappings from smooth algebraic sets”, [Berthomieu 2022b]
- Th. Beuzeville, A. Buttari, S. Gratton, Th. Mary, E. Ulker : “Adversarial attacks via Sequential Quadratic Programming”, [Beuzeville 2022]
- E. Blanchard, S. Bouchard, T. Selker : “Visual Secrets : A recognition-based security primitive and its use for boardroom voting”, [Blanchard 2022]
- N. Blin, E. Carlinet, F. Lemaitre, L. Lacassagne, Th. Géraud : “Max-tree Computation on GPUs”, [Blin 2022]
- R. Botreau, I. Veissier, P. Perny : “Evaluation of animal welfare at farm level: a combination of different methods”, [Botreau 2022]
- Ch. Bouillaguet : “Cryptanalysis of an Outsourced Modular Inversion Protocol”, [Bouillaguet 2022a]
- K. Chakraborty, M. Doosti, Y. Ma, Ch. Wadhwa, M. Arapinis, E. Kashefi : “Quantum Lock: A Provable Quantum Communication Advantage”, [Chakraborty 2022]
- M. Danisch, I. Panagiotas, L. Tabourier : “Compressing bipartite graphs with a dual reordering scheme”, [Danisch 2022]
- C. Doerr, H. Wang, D. Vermetten, Th. Bäck, J. De Nobel, F. Ye : “Benchmarking and analyzing iterative optimization heuristics with IOHprofiler (GECCO'22 tutorial slides)”, [Doerr 2022]
- J.‑Ch. Faugère, J. Patarin, L. Perret, G. Macario‑Rat : “A New Perturbation for Multivariate Public Key Schemes such as HFE and UOV”, [Faugère 2022]
- S. Fdida, N. Makris, Th. Korakis, R. Bruno, A. Passarella, P. Andreou, B. Belter, C. Crettaz, W. Dabbous, Y. Demchenko, R. Knopp : “SLICES, a scientific instrument for the networking community”, 189-203 pages [Fdida 2022]
- A. Giovanidis : “SlateFree: a Model-Free Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning with Slate Actions”, [Giovanidis 2022]
- C. Hanen, Z. Hanzalek : “Periodic Scheduling and Packing Problems”, [Hanen 2022b]
- Th. Kapourniotis, E. Kashefi, D. Leichtle, L. Music, H. Ollivier : “Unifying Quantum Verification and Error-Detection: Theory and Tools for Optimisations”, [Kapourniotis 2022]
- J. Landman, S. Thabet, C. Dalyac, H. Mhiri, E. Kashefi : “Classically Approximating Variational Quantum Machine Learning with Random Fourier Features”, [Landman 2022]
- H. Le : “Faster algorithms for computing real isolated points of an algebraic hypersurface”, [Le 2022a]
- L. LYS, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “Distributed Blockchain Price Oracle”, [LYS 2022]
- M. Mallem, C. Hanen, A. Munier‑Kordon : “Scheduling coupled tasks with time windows: a parameterized complexity analysis”, [Mallem 2022c]
- S. Neves, V. Yacoub, U. Chabaud, M. Bozzio, I. Kerenidis, E. Diamanti : “Experimental cheat-sensitive quantum weak coin flipping”, [Neves 2022]
- A. Pandey, A. Bieniusa, M. Shapiro : “Persisting the AntidoteDB Cache: Design and Implementation of a Cache for a CRDT Datastore”, [Pandey 2022]
- F. Parolini, A. Miné : “Sound Static Analysis of Regular Expressions for Vulnerabilities to Denial of Service Attacks”, [Parolini 2022]
- F. Roumestan, A. Ghazisaeidi, J. Renaudier, L. Trigo Vidarte, A. Leverrier, E. Diamanti, Ph. Grangier : “Experimental Demonstration of Discrete Modulation Formats for Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution”, [Roumestan 2022]
- C. Sarmiento, G. Bourgne, D. Cavalli, K. Inoue, J.‑G. Ganascia : “ACTION LANGUAGES BASED ACTUAL CAUSALITY IN ETHICAL DECISION MAKING CONTEXTS”, [Sarmiento 2022a]
- N. Shettell, M. Hassani, D. Markham : “Private network parameter estimation with quantum sensors”, [Shettell 2022c]
- E. Simon, B. Amann, R. Liu, S. Gançarski : “Controlling the Correctness of Aggregation Operations During Sessions of Interactive Analytic Queries”, [Simon 2022]
- M. Syed, A. Fladenmuller, M. Dias De Amorim : “PyPal: Wi-Fi Trace Synchronization and Merging Python Tool”, [Syed 2022d]
- R. Yehia, S. Neves, E. Diamanti, I. Kerenidis : “Quantum City: simulation of a practical near-term metropolitan quantum network”, [Yehia 2022]