- M. Ait Aba, L. Zaourar, A. Munier : “Polynomial Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Applications on Hybrid Platforms”, 6th International Symposium, ISCO 2020, vol. 12176, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montreal, Canada, pp. 143-155, (Springer International Publishing) [Ait Aba 2020b]
- G. Alagic, Andrew M. Childs, A. Grilo, Sh. Hung : “Non-interactive classical verification of quantum computation”, Theory of Cryptography - 18th International Conference, TCC 2020, vol. 12552, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Durham, United States, pp. 153-180, (Springer) [Alagic 2020]
- T. Allouche, B. Escoffier, S. Moretti, M. Ă–ztĂĽrk : “Social Ranking Manipulability for the CP-Majority, Banzhaf and Lexicographic Excellence Solutions”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-PRICAI-20}, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 17-23, (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization) [Allouche 2020]
- K. Altisen, S. Devismes, A. Durand, C. Johnen, F. Petit : “Brief Announcement: Self-stabilizing Systems in Spite of High Dynamics”, PODC 2020 - ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing n°227-229, Salerne / Virtual, Italy, (ACM) [Altisen 2020a]
- K. Altisen, S. Devismes, A. Durand, C. Johnen, F. Petit : “Élection Autostabilisante dans les RĂ©seaux Ă Haute DynamicitĂ©”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Lyon, France [Altisen 2020b]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Edge-enabled Optimized Network Slicing in Large Scale Networks”, NoF 2020 - 11th International Conference on Network of the Future, Bordeaux / Virtual, France [Alves Esteves 2020a]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Heuristic for Edge-enabled Network Slicing Optimization using the "Power of Two Choices"”, CNSM 2020 - 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management, Izmir / Virtual, TĂĽrkiye [Alves Esteves 2020b]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Location-based Data Model for Optimized Network Slice Placement”, NetSoft 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization, Ghent / Virtual, Belgium, pp. 404-412, (IEEE) [Alves Esteves 2020c]
- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. Guillemin, P. Sens : “Optimized Network Slicing Proof-of-Concept with Interactive Gaming Use Case”, ICIN 2020 - 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops, Paris, France, pp. 150-152, (IEEE) [Alves Esteves 2020d]
- N. Ammar, L. Noirie, S. Tixeuil : “Autonomous Identification of IoT Device Types based on a Supervised Classification”, ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Virtual conference, Ireland [Ammar 2020]
- M. Amoussou, Kh. Belahcene, Ch. Labreuche, N. Maudet, V. Mousseau, W. Ouerdane : “Explaining Robust Additive Decision Models: Generation of Mixed Preference-Swaps by Using MILP”, From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning (DA2PL 2020), Trento (virtual), Italy [Amoussou 2020]
- Y. Amoussou‑Guenou, B. Biais, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tucci Piergiovanni : “Rational vs Byzantine Players in Consensus-based Blockchains”, 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7518-4) [Amoussou-Guenou 2020a]
- Y. Amoussou‑Guenou, B. Biais, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tucci‑Piergiovanni : “Consensus en PrĂ©sence de Participants Rationnels et Byzantins”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Lyon, France [Amoussou-Guenou 2020b]
- S. Angelopoulos, Ch. DĂĽrr, Sh. Kamali, Sh. Jin, M. Renault : “Online Computation with Untrusted Advice”, 11th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2020), vol. 151, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Seattle, United States, pp. 52:1-52:15, (Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik) [Angelopoulos 2020c]
- K. Antonov, A. Buzdalova, C. Doerr : “Mutation Rate Control in the (1 + λ) Evolutionary Algorithm with a Self-adjusting Lower Bound”, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research 19th International Conference, MOTOR 2020, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 6–10, 2020, Revised Selected Papers, vol. 1275, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, pp. 305-319 [Antonov 2020]
- W. Assunção, M. Acher, T. Ziadi, J. Martinez : “REVE 2020: 8th International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering”, SPLC '20: 24th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (ACM) [Assunção 2020]
- M.‑A. Baazizi, C. Berti, D. Colazzo, G. Ghelli, C. Sartiani : “Human-in-the-Loop Schema Inference for Massive JSON Datasets”, EDBT 2020 - 23nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 635-638, ( [Baazizi 2020a]
- M.‑A. Baazizi, D. Colazzo, G. Ghelli, C. Sartiani, S. Scherzinger : “Not Elimination and Witness Generation for JSON Schema (short version)”, 36ème ConfĂ©rence sur la Gestion de DonnĂ©es – Principes, Technologies et Applications., Paris, France [Baazizi 2020b]
- Ch. Badertscher, A. Cojocaru, L. Colisson, E. Kashefi, D. Leichtle, A. Mantri, P. Wallden : “Security Limitations of Classical-Client Delegated Quantum Computing”, Asiacrypt 2020, Virtual Event, Korea, Republic of [Badertscher 2020]
- Th. Balabonski, P. Courtieu, R. Pelle, L. Rieg, S. Tixeuil, X. Urbain : “Du discrètement continu au continĂ»ment discret”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Lyon, France [Balabonski 2020]
- E. Bampis, K. Dogeas, A. Kononov, G. Lucarelli, F. Pascual : “Scheduling Malleable Jobs Under Topological Constraints”, 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), New Orleans, LA, United States, pp. 316-325, (IEEE) [Bampis 2020]
- S. Belaid, J.‑S. Coron, E. Prouff, M. Rivain, A. Taleb : “Random Probing Security: Verification, Composition, Expansion and New Constructions”, Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO}2020 - 40th Annual International Cryptology Conference, {CRYPTO} 2020, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 17-21, 2020, Proceedings, Part I, vol. 12170, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Santa Barbara, CA / Virtual, United States, pp. 339-368, (Springer) [Belaid 2020a]
- S. Belaid, P.‑E. Dagand, D. Mercadier, M. Rivain, R. Wintersdorff : “Tornado: Automatic Generation of Probing-Secure Masked Bitsliced Implementations”, EUROCRYPT, vol. 12107, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Zagreb / Virtual, Croatia, pp. 311-341, (Springer) [Belaid 2020b]
- E. Belilovsky, M. Eickenberg, E. Oyallon : “Decoupled Greedy Learning of CNNs”, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna (virtual), Austria, pp. 5368-5377 [Belilovsky 2020]
- M. Belotti, S. Moretti, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Secci : “Game Theoretical Analysis of Atomic Cross-Chain Swaps”, 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS2020), Singapore, Singapore [Belotti 2020a]
- M. Belotti, S. Moretti, P. ZappalĂ : “Rewarding miners: bankruptcy situations and pooling strategies”, 17th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS), Tessaloniki, Greece [Belotti 2020b]
- N. Benabbou, C. Leroy, Th. Lust : “An Interactive Regret-Based Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems”, Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'20), New York, United States [Benabbou 2020a]
- N. Benabbou, C. Leroy, Th. Lust : “Élicitation IncrĂ©mentale combinĂ©e Ă la Recherche Heuristique pour l'Optimisation Combinatoire Multi-objectifs”, 21ème congrès annuel de la sociĂ©tĂ© française de recherche opĂ©rationnelle et d'aide Ă la dĂ©cision, Montpellier, France [Benabbou 2020b]
- N. Benabbou, C. Leroy, Th. Lust : “Regret-Based Elicitation for Solving Multi-Objective Knapsack Problems with Rank-Dependent Aggregators”, The 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'20), Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Spain [Benabbou 2020c]
- N. Benabbou, M. Chakraborty, A. Igarashi, Y. Zick : “Finding Fair and Efficient Allocations When Valuations Don't Add Up”, The 13th Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2020), vol. 12283, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Augsburg (Virtual Conference), Germany, pp. 32-46, (Springer) [Benabbou 2020d]
- N. Benabbou, M. Chakraborty, E. Elkind, Y. Zick : “Fairness Towards Groups of Agents in the Allocation of Indivisible Items”, The Fair Allocation in Multiagent Systems, MontrĂ©al, Canada [Benabbou 2020e]
- N. Benabbou, M. Chakraborty, E. Elkind, Y. Zick : “Partage Équitable de Ressources Ă des Groupes d'Agents”, ROADEF 2020 - 21ème congrès annuel de la sociĂ©tĂ© Française de Recherche OpĂ©rationnelle et d’Aide Ă la DĂ©cision, Montpellier, France [Benabbou 2020f]
- N. Benammar, Ph. ChrĂ©tienne, E. Hyon, A. Jean‑Marie : “Approches par horizon roulant pour un problème de planification stochastique”, ROADEF 2020 - 21e Congrès de la SociĂ©tĂ© Française de Recherche OpĂ©rationnelle et d'Aide Ă la DĂ©cision, Montpellier, France [Benammar 2020]
- P. Bendotti, Ph. ChrĂ©tienne, P. Fouilhoux, A. Pass‑Lanneau : “Anchored Rescheduling Problems Under Generalized Precedence Constraints”, Combinatorial Optimization, 6th International Symposium, ISCO 2020, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 4–6, 2020, vol. 12176, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montreal, QC, Canada, pp. 156-166 [Bendotti 2020b]
- P. Bendotti, Ph. ChrĂ©tienne, P. Fouilhoux, A. Pass‑Lanneau : “Outils de rĂ©solution exacte pour l’ancrage de solutions en ordonnancement de projet”, ROADEF - 21ème congrès annuel de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de recherche opĂ©rationnelle et d'aide Ă la dĂ©cision, Montpellier, France [Bendotti 2020c]
- A. Benmerzoug, L. Yessad, T. Ziadi : “Analyzing the Impact of Refactoring Variants on Feature Location”, International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR), Hammamet, Tunisia [Benmerzoug 2020]
- M. Bennai, S. Mazouzi, Z. Guessoum, S. Cormier, M. Mezghiche : “A Cooperative Approach Based on Local detection of Similarities and Discontinuities for Brain MR Images Segmentation”, International Workshop on Healthcare Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems (HIMAS), Auckland, New Zealand [Bennai 2020b]
- B. BĂ©rard, B. Bollig, P. Bouyer, M. FĂĽgger, N. Sznajder : “Synthesis in Presence of Dynamic Links”, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF'20), Brussels (online), Belgium [BĂ©rard 2020]
- G. Berthou, P.‑E. Dagand, D. Demange, R. Oudin, T. Risset : “Intermittent Computing with Peripherals, Formally Verified”, LCTES '20: 21st ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems Proceedings, London / Virtual, United Kingdom, pp. 85-96, (ACM) [Berthou 2020]
- C. Bertier, F. Benbadis, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan : “Calcul du dĂ©bit utile en fonction de la distance dans Google Nearby Connections”, CORES2020, Lyon, France [Bertier 2020]
- V. Besnier, H. Jain, A. Bursuc, M. Cord, P. PĂ©rez : “This dataset does not exist: training models from generated images”, ICASSP 2020 - 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain [Besnier 2020]
- A. Bessaad, A. Rhouni, Ph. Basset, D. Galayko : “Power Management Integrated Circuit for Electrostatic Kinetic Energy Harvesters”, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sevilla, Spain, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Bessaad 2020]
- A. Bhowmick, K. Meneni, M. Danisch, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, B. Mitra : “LouvainNE: Hierarchical Louvain Method for High Quality and Scalable Network Embedding *”, 13th ACM International WSDM Conference, WSDM '20: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Houston, Texas, United States, pp. 43-51 [Bhowmick 2020]
- P. Bisiaux, E. Blokhina, E. Koskin, T. Siriburanon, D. Galayko : “Design of a 1.5 GHz Low jitter DCO Ring in 28 nm CMOS Process”, 2020 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Bisiaux 2020]
- A. Blaise, M. Bouet, V. Conan, S. Secci : “BotFP: FingerPrints Clustering for Bot Detection”, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Budapest, Hungary, (IEEE) [Blaise 2020a]
- O. Blazy, P. Towa, D. Vergnaud : “Public-Key Generation with Verifiable Randomness”, Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2020 - 26th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Dadjeon South Korea, December 6-10, 2020. Proceedings, Part I, vol. 12491, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Daejeon / Virtual, Korea, Republic of, pp. 97-127, (Springer) [Blazy 2020]
- L. Blin, A. Durand, S. Tixeuil : “On peut tromper mille personnes mille fois, mais pas plus”, ALGOTEL 2020 - 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Lyon, France, pp. 156-165, (ACM) [Blin 2020a]
- L. Blin, S. Dubois, L. Feuilloley : “Silent MST Approximation for Tiny Memory”, SSS 2020 : The 22th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 12514, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Austin, TX / Virtual, United States, pp. 118-132, (Springer, Cham.) [Blin 2020c]
- O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, M. Naima, A. Singh : “Families of Monotonic Trees: Combinatorial Enumeration and Asymptotics”, Computer Science - Theory and Applications - 15th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2020, Yekaterinburg, Russia, June 29 – July 3, 2020, Proceedings, vol. 12159, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, pp. 155-168, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3-030-50025-2) [Bodini 2020b]
- S. Boldo, D. Gallois‑Wong, Th. Hilaire : “A Correctly-Rounded Fixed-Point-Arithmetic Dot-Product Algorithm”, ARITH 2020 - IEEE 27th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Portland, United States, pp. 9-16, (IEEE) [Boldo 2020]
- S. Bonomi, G. Farina, S. Tixeuil : “Boosting the Efficiency of Byzantine-Tolerant Reliable Communication”, Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, Austin, United States, pp. 29-44 [Bonomi 2020b]
- S. Bonomi, G. Farina, S. Tixeuil : “Une mĂ©thode efficace pour Ă©viter la propagation des fake news”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Lyon, France [Bonomi 2020c]
- J. Bossek, C. Doerr, P. Kerschke : “Initial Design Strategies and their Effects on Sequential Model-Based Optimization An Exploratory Case Study Based on BBOB”, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'20), Cancun, Mexico [Bossek 2020a]
- J. Bossek, C. Doerr, P. Kerschke, A. Neumann, F. Neumann : “Evolving Sampling Strategies for One-Shot Optimization Tasks”, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI, vol. 12269, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 111-124, (Springer) [Bossek 2020b]
- S. Bouchard, Y. DieudonnĂ©, A. Pelc : “Want to Gather? No Need to Chatter!”, PODC '20 - 39th Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Salerno / Virtual, Italy, pp. 253-262, (ACM) [Bouchard 2020b]
- S. Bouchard, Y. DieudonnĂ©, A. Pelc, F. Petit : “Almost Universal Anonymous Rendezvous in the Plane”, SPAA '20: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, Virtual Event, United States, pp. 117-127, (ACM) [Bouchard 2020d]
- N. Bourdache, P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “Bayesian preference elicitation for multiobjective combinatorial optimization”, DA2PL 2020 - From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Trento, Italy [Bourdache 2020a]
- N. Bourdache, P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “Élicitation incrĂ©mentale de prĂ©fĂ©rences par mise Ă jour BayĂ©sienne sur des zones d'optimalitĂ©”, ROADEF 2020 - 21ème congrès annuel de la sociĂ©tĂ© Française de Recherche OpĂ©rationnelle et d'Aide Ă la DĂ©cision, Montpellier, France [Bourdache 2020b]
- Q. Bramas, A. Lamani, S. Tixeuil : “Stand Up Indulgent Rendezvous”, Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 12514, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Austin, TX, United States, pp. 45-59, (Springer, Cham), (ISBN: 978-3-030-64348-5) [Bramas 2020]
- A. Broadbent, A. Bredariol Grilo : “QMA-Hardness of Consistency of Local Density Matrices with Applications to Quantum Zero-Knowledge”, IEEE 61st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), Virtual, United States, (IEEE) [Broadbent 2020]
- D. Brooks, O. Schwander, F. Barbaresco, J.‑Y. Schneider, M. Cord : “Deep Learning and Information Geometry for Drone Micro-Doppler Radar Classification”, 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), Florence, Italy, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Brooks 2020]
- O. Brunet, A. Yessad, M. Muratet, Th. Carron : “Vers un modèle de scĂ©narisation pour l'enseignement de la pensĂ©e informatique Ă l'Ă©cole primaire”, Didapro 8 – DidaSTIC, Lille, France [Brunet 2020]
- G. Bu, M. Potop‑Butucaru, M. Rabie : “Diffusion dans les rĂ©seaux sans fil en utilisant des filtres Ă mĂ©moire constante”, ALGOTEL 2020 – 22èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des TĂ©lĂ©communications, Lyon, France [Bu 2020a]
- G. Bu, R. Haouara, Th. Nguyen, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “Cross hyperledger fabric transactions”, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems, CryBlock '20, London, United Kingdom, pp. 35-40, (Association for Computing Machinery), (ISBN: 9781450380799) [Bu 2020c]
- G. Bu, W. Hana, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “E-IOTA: an efficient and fast metamorphism for IOTA”, 2020 2nd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), Paris, France, pp. 9-16, (IEEE), (ISBN: 978-1-7281-7091-6) [Bu 2020d]
- B.‑M. Bui‑Xuan, H. Hourcade, C. Miachon : “Computing Temporal Twins in Time Logarithmic in History Length”, 9th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Madrid, Spain [Bui-Xuan 2020]
- M. Buzdalov, B. Doerr, C. Doerr, D. Vinokurov : “Fixed-Target Runtime Analysis”, GECCO 2020 - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Proceedings of the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'20), Cancun, Mexico [Buzdalov 2020a]
- M. Buzdalov, C. Doerr : “Optimal Mutation Rates for the $(1+\lambda )$ EA on OneMax”, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI, vol. 12270, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 574-587, (Springer) [Buzdalov 2020b]
- A. Buzdalova, C. Doerr, A. Rodionova : “Hybridizing the 1/5-th Success Rule with Q-Learning for Controlling the Mutation Rate of an Evolutionary Algorithm”, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI, vol. 12270, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 485-499, (Springer) [Buzdalova 2020]
- M. Caillat, N. Darcel, C. Manfredotti, P. Viappiani : “Bayesian Vote Elicitation for Group Recommendations”, From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning (DA2PL 2020), Trento, Italy [Caillat 2020]
- C. Canellas : “Vers des modèles d'analytique des apprentissages avec le numĂ©rique”, 8e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH, Poitiers, France [Canellas 2020]
- J. Capco, M. Safey El Din, J. Schicho : “Robots, computer algebra and eight connected components”, ISSAC '20: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'20: Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Kalamata / Virtual, Greece, pp. 62-69, (ACM) [Capco 2020]
- A. Casals, A. Belbachir, A. El Fallah‑Seghrouchni : “Adaptive and Collaborative Agent-based Traffic Regulation Using Behavior Trees”, AAMAS '20: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1789-1791, (International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) [Casals 2020]
- U. Chabaud, T. Douce, F. Grosshans, E. Kashefi, D. Markham : “Building trust for continuous variable quantum states”, 15th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2020), vol. 158, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Riga, Latvia, pp. 3:1-3:15, (Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fĂĽr Informatik) [Chabaud 2020b]
- A. Chueshev, J. Lawall, R. Bendraou, T. Ziadi : “Expanding the Number of Reviewers in Open-Source Projects by Recommending Appropriate Developers”, ICSME 2020 - International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, AdĂ©laĂŻde / Virtual, Australia [Chueshev 2020]
- J. Clement, A. Genitrini : “Binary Decision Diagrams: from Tree Compaction to Sampling”, LATIN 2020: Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2020: Theoretical Informatics, Sao Polo, Brazil [Clement 2020]
- V. Cohen‑Addad, F. Mallmann‑Trenn, C. Mathieu : “Instance-Optimality in the Noisy Value-and Comparison-Model”, Proceedings of the 2020 {ACM-SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, {SODA} 2020, Salt Lake City, United States, pp. 2124-2143, (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) [Cohen-Addad 2020]
- G. Coletti, D. Petturiti, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “A measurement theory characterization of a class of dissimilarity measures for fuzzy description profiles”, 18th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'2020), vol. 1237, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 258-268, (Springer) [Coletti 2020b]
- D. Cordova, A. Laube, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle : “Blockgraph: A Blockchain for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, 4th Cyber Security in Networking Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland [Cordova 2020]
- L. CorrĂŞa, L. Arantes, P. Sens, M. Inostroza‑Ponta, M. Dorn : “A dynamic evolutionary multi-agent system to predict the 3D structure of proteins”, WCCI 2020 - IEEE World Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC Sessions, Glasgow / Virtual, United Kingdom, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) [CorrĂŞa 2020]
- P. Cribier‑Delande, R. Puget, V. Guigue, L. Denoyer : “Time Series Prediction using Disentangled Latent Factors”, ESANN 2020 - 28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bruges, Belgium [Cribier-Delande 2020]
- A. Dapogny, M. Cord, P. PĂ©rez : “The Missing Data Encoder: Cross-Channel Image Completion with Hide-And-Seek Adversarial Network”, AAAI-20 - Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, New York, United States [Dapogny 2020]
- J. Debure, S. Brunesseaux, C. Constantin, C. Du Mouza : “A Pattern-based Approach for an Early Detection of Popular Twitter Accounts”, ConfĂ©rence sur la Gestion de DonnĂ©es – Principes, Technologies et Applications (BDA), Paris, France [Debure 2020]
- M. DĂ©chelle, J. DonĂ , K. Plessis‑Fraissard, P. Gallinari, M. Levy : “Bridging dynamical models and deep networks to solve forward and inverse problems”, NeurIPS 2020, Paris (virtual event), France [DĂ©chelle 2020]
- X. DĂ©fago, A. Heriban, S. Tixeuil, K. Wada : “Using Model Checking to Formally Verify Rendezvous Algorithms for Robots with Lights in Euclidean Space”, 2020 International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), Shanghai, China, pp. 113-122, (IEEE) [DĂ©fago 2020]
- E.‑h. Diallo, Kh. Al Agha, O. Dib, A. Laube, H. Mohamed‑Babou : “Toward Scalable Blockchain for Data Management in VANETs”, Workshops of the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - WAINA 2020, vol. 1150, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Caserta, Italy, pp. 233-244, (Springer, Cham) [Diallo 2020]
- B. Doerr, C. Doerr, A. Neumann, F. Neumann, A. Sutton : “Optimization of Chance-Constrained Submodular Functions”, AAAI-20 Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'20), New York, United States [Doerr 2020b]
- A. Douillard, M. Cord, Ch. Ollion, Th. Robert, E. Valle : “PODNet: Pooled Outputs Distillation for Small-Tasks Incremental Learning”, ECCV 2020 - 16th European Conference on Computer Vision, vol. 12365, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp. 86-102, (Springer) [Douillard 2020]
- G. Ducamp, Ch. Gonzales, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “aGrUM/pyAgrum : a toolbox to build models and algorithms for Probabilistic Graphical Models in Python”, 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, vol. 138, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Skørping, Denmark, pp. 609-612 [Ducamp 2020a]
- G. Ducamp, Ph. Bonnard, A. Nouy, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “An Efficient Low-Rank Tensors Representation for Algorithms in Complex Probabilistic Graphical Models”, 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, vol. 138, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Skørping, Denmark, pp. 173-184 [Ducamp 2020b]
- G. Ducamp, Ph. Bonnard, Ch. De Sainte Marie, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Advanced Syntax and Compilation for Probabilistic Production Rules with PRM”, 14th International Rule Challenge, 4th Doctoral Consortium, and 6th Industry Track, vol. 2644, Proceedings of the 14th International Rule Challenge, 4th Doctoral Consortium, and 6th Industry Track, Oslo, Norway, pp. 103-110 [Ducamp 2020c]
- G. Ducamp, Ph. Bonnard, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Uncertain Reasoning in Rule-Based Systems Using PRM”, FLAIRS 33 - 33rd Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Miami, United States, pp. 617-620, (AAAI) [Ducamp 2020d]
- T. Eftimov, G. Popovski, Q. Renau, P. Korosec, C. Doerr : “Linear Matrix Factorization Embeddings for Single-objective Optimization Landscapes”, 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Canberra, Australia, pp. 775-782, (IEEE) [Eftimov 2020]
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