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- M. ANDREONI LOPEZ, A. Lobato, D. Mattos, I. Alvarenga, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle : “Um Algoritmo Não Supervisionado e Rápido para Seleção de Características em Classificação de Tráfego”, [ANDREONI LOPEZ 2017a]
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- A. Azzouni, G. Pujolle : “A Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Framework for Network Traffic Matrix Prediction”, [Azzouni 2017a]
- A. Azzouni, R. Boutaba, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle : “sOFTDP: Secure and Efficient Topology Discovery Protocol for SDN”, [Azzouni 2017c]
- W. Badreddine, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “Peak Transmission Rate Resilient Crosslayer Broadcast for Body Area Networks”, 15 - 15 pages [Badreddine 2017a]
- J. Berthomieu, J.‑Ch. Faugère : “In-depth comparison of the Berlekamp – Massey – Sakata and the Scalar-FGLM algorithms: the non adaptive variants”, [Berthomieu 2017b]
- B. Bonnard, O. Cots, J.‑Ch. Faugère, A. Jacquemard, J. Rouot, M. Safey El Din, Th. Verron : “Algebraic-geometric techniques for the feedback classification and robustness of the optimal control of a pair of Bloch equations with application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, [Bonnard 2017]
- G. Bosilca, A. Bouteiller, A. Guermouche, Th. Hérault, Y. Robert, P. Sens, J. Dongarra : “A Failure Detector for HPC Platforms”, [Bosilca 2017b]
- J.‑P. Briot, F. Pachet : “Music Generation by Deep Learning - Challenges and Directions”, [Briot 2017a]
- G. Bu, M. Potop‑Butucaru : “BAN-GZKP: Optimal Zero Knowledge Proof based Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks”, [Bu 2017a]
- A. Casanova, J.‑Ch. Faugère, G. Macario‑Rat, J. Patarin, L. Perret, J. Ryckeghem : “GeMSS: A Great Multivariate Short Signature”, 1-4 pages [Casanova 2017]
- O. Chakraborty, J.‑Ch. Faugère, L. Perret : “CFPKM : A Key Encapsulation Mechanism based on Solving System of non-linear multivariate Polynomials”, [Chakraborty 2017]
- J.‑Ch. Faugère, L. Perret, J. Ryckeghem : “DualModeMS: A Dual Mode for Multivariate-based Signature”, [Faugère 2017b]
- M. Gatti de Bayser, P. Cavalin, R. Souza, A. Braz, H. Candello, C. Pinhanez, J.‑P. Briot : “A Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Party Conversational Systems”, [Gatti de Bayser 2017]
- A. Heriban, X. Défago, S. Tixeuil : “Optimally Gathering Two Robots”, [Heriban 2017]
- F. Kordon : “Ada”, [Kordon 2017]
- M. Leduc, L. Letellier, A. Molinié, N. Nevejans, J.‑G. Ganascia, R. Mosseri : “COMETS AVIS 2017-34 - Réflexion éthique sur le plagiat dans la recherche scientifique”, [Leduc 2017]
- J. Marrez : “Bibliothèque Fuzzy en SageMath, Documentation”, [Marrez 2017]
- M. Mosli Bouksiaa, F. TRAHAY, A. Lescouet, G. Voron, A. Guermouche, E. Brunet, G. Thomas : “Identifying thread interference with performance variation”, 14 pages [Mosli Bouksiaa 2017]
- P. Moyal, A. Busic, J. Mairesse : “A product form and a sub-additive theorem for the general stochastic matching model”, [Moyal 2017]
- S. Nair : “Evaluation of the CEC (Correct Eventual Consistency) Tool”, 1-27 pages [Nair 2017]
- T.‑M. Pham, M. Minoux, S. Fdida, M. Pilarski : “Optimization of Content Caching in Content-Centric Network”, [Pham 2017]
- A. Sangnier, N. Sznajder, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Parameterized Verification of Algorithms for Oblivious Robots on a Ring”, [Sangnier 2017a]
- S. Secci, K. Attou, Ch. Phung, S. Scott‑Hayward, S. Vemuri, Y. Wang : “ONOS Security & Performance Analysis (Report No. 1)”, Open Networking Foundation [Secci 2017a]
- A. Singh, M. Shapiro, G. Thomas : “Persistent Memory Programming Abstractions in Context of Concurrent Applications”, [Singh 2017]
- C. Tadonki, O. Haggui, L. Lacassagne : “Harris Corner Detection on a NUMA Manycore”, [Tadonki 2017]
- J. Tierny : “Introduction to Topological Data Analysis”, [Tierny 2017a]
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- W. Zheng, A. Bellet, P. Gallinari : “A Distributed Frank-Wolfe Framework for Learning Low-Rank Matrices with the Trace Norm”, 1-19 pages [Zheng 2017]