- L. Arantes, M. Potop‑Butucaru, P. Sens, M. Valero : “Efficient filtering for massively distributed video games”, 19 pages [Arantes 2009c]
- L. Arantes, P. Sens, G. Thomas, D. Conan, L. Lim : “Partition Participant Detector with Dynamic Paths in MANETs”, 18 pages [Arantes 2009d]
- Ph. Aubry, A. Valibouze : “Calcul algébrique efficace de résolvantes relatives”, [Aubry 2009]
- O. Barrière, E. Lutton, P.‑H. Wuillemin, C. Baudrit, M. Sicard, B. Pinaud, N. Perrot : “Modeling an agrifood industrial process using cooperative coevolution Algorithms”, 51 pages [Barrière 2009b]
- D. Béréziat, I. Herlin : “Solving ill-posed Image Processing problems using Data Assimilation”, 33 pages [Béréziat 2009a]
- L. Blin, M. Gradinariu Potop‑Butucaru, S. Rovedakis, S. Tixeuil : “A New Self-Stabilizing Minimum Spanning Tree Construction with Loop-free Property”, [Blin 2009d]
- O. Bodini, A. Jacquot : “Boltzmann Samplers for v-balanced Colored Necklaces”, [Bodini 2009a]
- O. Bodini, Th. Fernique, D. Regnault : “Quasicrystallization by stochastic flips”, [Bodini 2009d]
- M. Bouillaguet, L. Arantes, P. Sens : “A Timer-Free Fault Tolerant K -Mutual Exclusion Algorithm”, [Bouillaguet 2009a]
- D. Boullier, A. Lohard, A. Visonneau, L. Léger, N. Fouquereau, F. Levillain, Ch. Tijus, S. Genvo, S. Bourchardon, M. Damez, N. Labroche, M.‑J. Lesot : “Lutin Game Lab: Rapport final du projet ANR 2006-2008 (annexes scientifiques)”, [Boullier 2009]
- Z. Bouzid, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Byzantine Convergence in Robots Networks: The Price of Asynchrony”, 22 pages [Bouzid 2009d]
- Z. Bouzid, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Optimal Byzantine Resilient Convergence in Asynchronous Robot Networks”, 15 pages [Bouzid 2009e]
- Z. Bouzid, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Optimal byzantine resilient convergence in oblivious robot networks”, 15 pages [Bouzid 2009f]
- C. Constantin, J. Creus, C. Du Mouza, R. Horincar, N. Travers : “D2.1 State-of-the art of XML data stream models, Livrable 2.1 ANR RoSeS”, [Constantin 2009]
- A. Cournier, S. Dubois, V. Villain : “Two snap-stabilizing point-to-point communication protocols in message-switched networks”, [Cournier 2009c]
- S. Devismes, F. Petit, S. Tixeuil : “Optimal Probabilistic Ring Exploration by Asynchronous Oblivious Robots”, 29 pages [Devismes 2009b]
- M. Dias De Amorim, S. Fdida, N. Mitton, L. Schmidt, D. Simplot‑Ryl : “Distributed Planetary Object Name Service: Issues and Design Principles”, [Dias De Amorim 2009]
- Y. Dieudonné, F. Petit, V. Villain : “Leader Election Problem Versus Pattern Formation Problem”, [Dieudonné 2009a]
- S. Dubois, M. Gradinariu Potop‑Butucaru, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil : “Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Asynchronous Unison”, 15 pages [Dubois 2009a]
- S. Dubois, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Dynamic FTSS in Asynchronous Systems: the Case of Unison”, 34 pages [Dubois 2009c]
- N. Geoffray, G. Thomas, Ch. Clément, B. Folliot, G. Muller : “VMKit: a Substrate for Virtual Machines”, 25 pages [Geoffray 2009a]
- N. Geoffray, G. Thomas, G. Muller, P. Parrend, S. Frénot, B. Folliot : “I-JVM: a Java Virtual Machine for Component Isolation in OSGi”, 21 pages [Geoffray 2009b]
- É. Jaeger, Th. Hardin : “Yet Another Deep Embedding of B:Extending de Bruijn Notations”, [Jaeger 2009]
- A. Jean‑Marie, E. Hyon : “Scheduling in a queuing system with impatience and setup costs”, [Jean-Marie 2009]
- P.‑V. Koseleff, D. Pecker : “Chebyshev diagrams for rational knots”, [Koseleff 2009]
- A. Lamani, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Optimal deterministic ring exploration with oblivious asynchronous robots”, 23 pages [Lamani 2009]
- S. Legtchenko, S. Monnet, G. Thomas : “Blue Banana: resilience to avatar mobility in distributed MMOGs”, 22 pages [Legtchenko 2009b]
- S. Legtchenko, S. Monnet, P. Sens, G. Muller : “Churn-resilient replication strategy for peer-to-peer distributed hash-tables”, 21 pages [Legtchenko 2009c]
- M. Leția, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “CRDTs: Consistency without concurrency control”, 16 pages [Leția 2009]
- W. Maldonado, P. Marlier, P. Felber, J. Lawall, G. Muller : “Transaction Activation scheduling Support for Transactional Memory”, 28 pages pages [Maldonado 2009]
- T. Masuzawa, S. Tixeuil : “Stabilizing Maximal Independent Set in Unidirectional Networks is Hard”, 21 pages [Masuzawa 2009b]
- M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil : “Ideal Stabilization”, 15 pages [Nesterenko 2009b]
- N. Palix, J. Lawall, G. Muller : “Herodotos: A Tool to Expose Bugs' Lives”, 16 pages [Palix 2009]
- Ch. Queinnec : “Mechanised grading: the next step”, [Queinnec 2009]
- M. Rehmani, A. Viana, H. Khalife, S. Fdida : “Toward Reliable Contention-aware Data Dissemination in Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks”, [Rehmani 2009b]
- L. Tran : “Etat de l'art sur les modèles dits "de workflow"”, [Tran 2009]
- A. Valibouze : “Idéaux galoisiens : Base de données”, [Valibouze 2009a]
- A. Valibouze : “Résolvantes, groupe de Galois et Idéaux galoisiens”, [Valibouze 2009b]
- D. Vodislav, B. Amann, J. Creus, N. Travers : “Modèle et Algèbre ROSES. Livrable D2.2 ANR RoSeS”, [Vodislav 2009]