Séminaire Phare


Cooperative Streaming on Smartphones over Hybrid Wireless Networks

Mardi 17 février 2015
Baoliu Ye (Nanjing University, China)

The significant progress in wireless communication and video techniques makes streaming services over smartphones increasingly popular. However, it is still challenging to provide large-scale mobile streaming services due to the heavy load injected into cellular networks. To offload the streaming traffic on cellular network effectively, we propose a P2P based cooperative streaming scheme over smartphones by exploring the optimized utilization of both WiFi and cellular networks. In the proposed scheme, we organize smartphones into an ad hoc network via WiFi interface and implement a multi-hop routing based streaming delivery mechanism to exploit the utility of WiFi with guaranteed QoS. In this talk, I will report our current work-in-progress on this work, including both the real system development/implementation and technical research issues.

Short-Bio: Baoliu Ye is currently an associate professor at the department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China. He received his PhD degree in computer science from Nanjing University, China in 2004, and served as the visiting researcher of the University of Aizu, Japan from March 2015 to August 2016. His current research interests include wireless network, mobile streaming, and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing. He has published over 50 technical papers in prestigious journals and conferences, including IEEE TPDS、IEEE JSAC, IEEE TVT, ACM MobiHoc. He is the regent of China Computer Federation (CCF), and a member IEEE.

stefano.secci (at) nulllip6.fr