PhD graduated
Team : REGAL
Departure date : 10/31/2012

Supervision : Pierre SENS

Co-supervision : MONNET Sébastien

Exploiting player behavior in distributed architectures for online games

Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are a very popular class of distributed systems with more than 20 millions of active users worldwide. MMOG have strong applicative requirements in terms of data consistency, persistence, responsiveness and scalability. Shaped by the behavior of the players in-game, MMOG workloads are data-intensive and hardly predictable. Despite extensive research in the area, none of the currently existing architectures is able to fully satisfy all the requirements in presence of such complex workloads.

Defence : 10/25/2012

Jury members :

Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Directrice de Recherche, INRIA Rennes [rapporteur]
Pascal Felber, Professeur, Université de Neuchâtel [rapporteur]
Anne Doucet, Professeur, LIP6
Ant Rowstron, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Ernst Biersack, Professeur, Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis
Sébastien Monnet, Maître de Conferences, LIP6
Pierre Sens, Professeur, LIP6

Departure date : 10/31/2012

2009-2012 Publications