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I am currently Full Professor at the University of La Rochelle, in the L3i. I am currently inolved in the MITIK (Mobility and contact traces from non-intrusive passive measurements) ANR project and LIMASS (Linear Algorithms for Massive Real-World Graphs) ANR JCJC project. I was also the leader of the CODDDE (COmmunity Dynamics, Diffusion and Detection of events) ANR project.
Before that, I was associate professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, in the LIP6 laboratory, Complex Networks team. I defended my "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches" in november 2012 on community detection in complex networks.
Previously I was a Postdoctoral fellowship in the Université Catholique de Louvain within the INMA research group "Large Graphs and Networks" with Vincent Blondel, where I participated in the development of the "Louvain method" for community detection in large networks. I did another post_doctoral visit within ARES INRIA project for a short duration, working on the dynamics of large scale sensor networks. I also visited France Télécom Research and Development where my researchs were dedicated to the process of diffusion of new services in communication networks.
I did a Ph.D. Thesis at LIAFA in the "Algorithm and Combinatorics" group under the supervision of Matthieu Latapy. I have defended my thesis entitled "Statistical analysis and modeling of complex networks" in December 2004. This thesis was centered on the study of complex networks, with insights in both theoretical and applied problems. You can find more details in my research themes page, in my resume and in my publication list.
If you have any remark, question, or advice to share, feel free to contact me.