Sorry, many of these videos are in French ;-). Vidos are divided in the following sections
- Student projects,
- Courses,
- Around Teaching,
Student projects
- 2016 : Student project during the 1st year of the master. The objective was to elaborate an iOS application
to let a dancer insert a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) in a choreography by directing it from his moves
captured by the terminal.
- 2015 : Student project (course «Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles»).
The objective was to elaborate and operate a domain specific language (DSL) for artists willing to
drive drones in performances.
- 2014 : Student project (course «Ingénierie des Systèmes Répartis»).
The objective of the project was to operate a platoon of two drones (unmanned aerial vehicle) where the second one follows a leader
driven by a pilot. The follower is driven by a server that analyses images from the drone's camera.
- 2017 (Sepember) : «Un aperçu de la discipline informatique aujourd'hui (édition 2017, full HD)».
It is available on Youtube
- 2016-2017 : «Programmation sur Plateformes Mobiles» (M2 informatique, UE 5I452).
courses are replaced by videos online: week 1,
week 2,
week 3, week 4,
week 5, week 6,
week 7,
week 8, week 9,
week 10.
- 2016-2017 : «Programmation Concurrente» (L3 informatique, UE 3I001). A large part of
the main courses have been replaced by videos online: week 1, week 2,
week 3, week 4,
week 5, week 6,
week 7,
week 8, week 9,
week 10.
- 2015-2016 : «Programmation Concurrente» (L3 informatique, UE 3I001). This is a raw recording
intended for for student who need to listen again for some part of a lecture.
- 2015 (October) : «Un aperçu de la discipline informatique aujourd'hui (édition 2015, full HD)».
It is available either on the UPMC video web site or via via iTunesU
A previous version is also available here.
Around Teaching
- 2014, July 7 : Seminar about the MOOC experience at UPMC (with Christian Queinnec).