PhD graduated
Team : APR
Departure date : 12/25/2018

Supervision : Emmanuel CHAILLOUX

Programmation Web Réactive dans un cadre typé statiquement pour l'orchestration de contenus mutltimédia riches

The goal of this thesis is to bring new capabilities to Web programming, whose languages and frameworks don't handle all the issues raised by interactions in a Web application. Our solution is a programming language, Pendulum, taking its roots in synchronous reactive model à la Esterel. It brings safety and expressiveness, especially when handling multiple interactions. We first give our point of view on what is Web programming today, from the standard to the newest frameworks trying to fill programers needs by other approaches, like multitier programming or dataflow programming. Then, we introduce Pendulum and its statements, its interface with the host language, and what it brings to both synchronous and Web programming. After, we present the compilation method, GRC a.k.a GraphCode, that produces a control flow graph from the source code. In the first part, we insist mainly on GRC structure, the rules describing its creation and our technic to linearize parallel branches. Then, we describe the how to initialize synchronous execution environment in OCaml. To finish we show why it is a benefit to use synchronous programming in client programming and how its execution model can natively match the Web browser execution model. We use those ideas to show how synchronous programs can be fast to handle events without optimisation attempts.

Defence : 07/12/2018

Jury members :

M. Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia Antipolis [Rapporteur]
M. Peter Van Roy, Université catholique de Louvain [Rapporteur]
M. Emmanuel Chailloux - Sorbonne Université
Mme. Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Sorbonne Université
M. Jean-Ferdinand Susini, CNAM
M. Benjamin Canou, Nomadic Development

Departure date : 12/25/2018

2016-2018 Publications