DAMAMME Anastasia

PhD graduated
Team : SMA
Departure date : 12/31/2016

Supervision : Nicolas MAUDET

Co-supervision : BEYNIER Aurélie

A multiagent approach for resource sharing problems

This thesis covers distributed resources allocation setting, without money balance, where agents have limited knowledge of the system. This thesis will use local swaps, i.e. bilateral deals, where one resource is exchanged for another.
This work is divided in two parts. The first part focus the house market, with a very simple mechanism and agents don't use knowledge. The aim will to show that it has however good performances. For this, I will compare the algorithm with those of literature. I will also prove that in the single-peaked domains, this mechanism is Pareto-optimal. The second part examines a general framework. The mechanism contains three sub-protocols : contact protocol, negotiation protocols, and stop conditions. Each protocol will be described and experimented.

Defence : 12/12/2016

Jury members :

M. Lang Jérôme, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Université Paris-Dauphine, [Rapporteur]
M. Picard Gauthier, Maître de conférences HDR, École des Mines - Saint-Étienne, [Rapporteur]
Mme. Beynier Aurélie, Maître de conférences, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
M. Bouveret Sylvain, Maître de conférences, ENSIMAG
M. Maudet Nicolas, Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
M. Perny Patrice, Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Departure date : 12/31/2016

2014-2018 Publications